Random TV shit I've watched this year (2013)
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Watching Now
The Walking Dead (2010)
Season 4
First episode was amazing so I have high hopes for this season, hoping it will match season 3!
Started: 14th October
Finished: -
Season 3 (Part 2)
Currently my second favourite show on TV (After GoT) and is definitely up there in my imaginary table of favourite shows.
Watched it as soon as it was available online after the Sunday night airing in America (screw waiting till Friday to watch it on TV here).
Started: 11th February
Finished: 1st April
Now I can't wait for season 4 in October!

My lists:
The Walking Dead Gifs
My thoughts on The Walking Dead's characters
FG93's rating:

Waiting to watch
Vikings (2013)
Season 1
A guy in my corridor at uni hasn't stopped going on about this show since he discovered it in April, then when I go home my brothers talking about it as well.... So I guess I'll have to watch it eventually to get them off my back, plan to do so some time over Summer.
Started: -
Finished: -

Season 1
Only seen 2 episodes and missed the pilot, didn't think much after the first, but watched another straight after and now I sort of want to know what happens next...
My girlfriends mum had them on the DVR thing so hopefully she recorded more too.
Started: 23rd May
Finished: -
Turns out she didn't and to be honest, it wasn't all that great, so not sure if I'll be seeing any more of this...

FG93's rating:

The Occasional Episode
The Big Bang Theory (2006)
Now I've seen every single episode of this, still think it's funny and want to see more, I actually think I've seen every episode at least 3 times and always seem to catch an episode now and then on TV.
*Season 6*
Finished: 20th May

FG93's rating:

Family Guy (1999)

FG93's rating:

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990)

FG93's rating:

How I Met Your Mother (2005)
No idea which season the few episodes I've seen were from ;o

FG93's rating:

Season 1
My brother recommended this to me and gave me them all to watch, however I'm probably going to wait till after my last exam in May to start watching them.
Started: 18th August
Finished: 21st August
Finally started it! It seems pretty good so far, definitely got me hooked!

Season 2, 3 and 4
Had to start this straight after I finished season 1 so I watched the first episode after the last on season 1.
Started: 21st August
Finished: 30th August
Watched them all so fast don't even remember when the seasons ended and began, all I remember was every episode was amazing!
Season 5
Started: 3rd September
Finished: 30th September
Too good for descriptions!

FG93's rating:

Game of Thrones (2011)
Season 3
My favourite show at the minute, watch it as soon as it's available online, just like with TWD.
Everything about this show is amazing, the characters the scenery, the stories, everything!
Episode 9 in Season 3 killed me a little inside!
However episode 10 regained the epic!
Started: 1st April
Finished: 10th June
I also watched Seasons 1 and 2 in preperation fo season 3 ;D
(1st of March - 6th March)

My lists:
Game Of Thrones Gifs
My Top 15 Game of Thrones Characters
Game of Thrones characters I want to cut in half
The 10 Hottest Girls from A Game of Thrones
The Enchanting Emilia Clarke
Game Of Thrones pick up lines and funny stuff
I might be a little obsessed with this show...
FG93's rating:

Sherlock (2010)
Season 1
Got this series ages ago but only just gave it a chance, the first episode was really good and the next two just as interesting. The cast are pretty cool, Benedict Cumberbatch is sort of reminding me of David Tennant as the Doctor at times, with his crazy and hyped ways.
Started: 24th May
Finished: 30th May
Really enjoyed season one, can't believe I waited this long to give this show a try. It's a little anoying that it's only 3 episodes long, but it's the quality that counts I guess!
I can't wait to start season 2!
Season 2
The last episode in season 1 ended on a bit of a cliffhanger so I need to start watching this season asap.
Started: 30th May
Finished: 5th June
So I watched the first episode straight after the last of season 1, then episode two the next day and the last episode a few days later. A truly amazing show that was one of the most entertaining things I've seen (from TV) nearly matching Game of Thrones.
Can't wait for season 3 which is airing this year!

FG93's rating:

Season 1
Found this in That's Entertainment for ยฃ1.30 so why not ;p
12 contestants are competing for their dream restaurant, only one can win, the rest will be verbally shat on by Gordon Ramsay.
Started: 2nd May
Finished: 15th May
Also completed:
Season 9
Another Gordon Ramsay show like Kitchen Nightmares but this one is a competition where 18 chefs are competing to become the head chef at BLT Steak in New York City (specific prize for season 9), it's just as funny, and it's pretty good to watch to see the contestants develop and see who wins.
Started: 15th April
Finished: 29th April

FG93's rating:

The Simpsons (1989)
Season 1
Borrowed this season on DVD and pretty much watched it all in a few days. Brought back loads of great memories, seeing the classic episodes after so long.
Started: 28th January
Finished: 31st January

FG93's rating:

My Wife and Kids (2001)
Season 1
Purchased for 58p so why not ;p
Started: 14th September
Finished: 17th September
I had only seen odd episodes of this before so it was interesting to actually commit to watching an entire season. Have to say this has improved my view of the show a lot, I'll probably look into finding season 2 somewhere soon.
FG93's rating:

Season 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
A friend of mine who loves Gordon Ramsay had all these, I plan to burned through all of them as I find this guy and his show, so hilarious and plus there was only 4 real episodes to each series.
Started: March
Finished: April

FG93's rating:

Kitchen Nightmares (US) (2007)
Seasons 1 & 2
The same case as the UK version, except I only got 2 seasons worth of this one, still just as funny even in the US!
Started: March
Finished: 2nd April

FG93's rating:

Walking with Dinosaurs (1999)
Started: 15th February
Finished: 17th February
It's actually really interesting if you like dinosaurs and stuff!

FG93's rating:

South Park (1997)
Season 13, 14, 15 and 16
Watched a lot of these during the Christmas holiday, definitely prefer South Park after season 10.

FG93's rating:

Quiz shows etc..
FG93's rating:

TV Series I've seen...
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