Top Albums of 2013

10. Sleeping with Sirens - Feel
The bands third full length album continues the same road the two previous albums had set. Kellin Quinn's vocals help the band to stand out in the post-hardcore genre

9. Hollywood Undead - Notes from the Underground
A huge improvement compared to their last album American Tragedy. It still contains the wide variety of lyrical matters the band is known for, from partying to more personal issues

8. Lost Society - Fast Loud Death
Simply put, the best debut album of the year, and the best debut album in a long time. Simple thrash metal, nothing too over complicated. Still, amazingly catchy. The band also produced the best live show I saw this year

7. A Day to Remember - Common Courtesy
Common Courtesy continues the same style of sound which was set on their previous album, What Separates Me from You. The album was highly anticipated, but reported issues with their record company held the release. It still contains a variety of styles, which prevents it from getting dull

6. I See Stars - New Demons
2012 release Digital Renegade really changed the band's sound, and here, they continue the same route, bringing a heavily electro-based hardcore. It contains some of the best material the band has ever put out.

5. Protest the Hero - Volition
Somehow, Protest the Hero managed to release their best work to date. And that is saying much, considering that their catalogue includes great albums like Kezia and Fortress. Everything here is done great or perfect, there is no bad songs on the album.

4. Daft Punk - Random Access Memories
Finally, Daft Punk returned, and with a killer record. The best summer album of the year, R.A.M contained some of the band's most catchy tunes.

3. Asking Alexandria - From Death to Destiny
Containing a variety of different styles, From Death to Destiny included some of the best tunes the band has ever recorded. Moving On is a stand out song, which proves, that the band is capable of writing something much more than generic metalcore, which seems to be the stigma the band carries. Sadly, From Death to Destiny is no match to their previous record Reckless & Relentless

2. Killswitch Engage - Disarm the Descent
Bloody amazing. Disarm the Descent marked the return of Jesse Leach, who had previously appeared in Alive or Just Breathing and the band's first self titled record. This album is so far the best thing the band has put out, and it also contains the band's best song to date.

1. Bring Me the Horizon - Sempiternal
Best album of the year. The band's best album to date. Sempiternal is just amazing. The sound was already set on their previous record, but now, all the potential is now used, resulting in a must listen album.
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