Is this supposed to be funny?
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Shrek the Third (2007)
I didn't care for this movie. The first two were the best.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Making this movie animated was not a good idea. If they couldn't do it right then they shouldn't have made it. I know that Stuart Little 2 bombed at the box office, but if they're able to get Geena Davis and Hugh Laurie again then it just might as well be a live-action direct-to-DVD sequel.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Home Alone 4 (2002)
Was this really necessary? I haven't seen 3 and I already know that 3 Home Alone movies is more than enough.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Semi-Pro (2008)
I only watched 20-40 minutes of this film. I stopped watching it after Jackie got punched in the stomach and threw up. Most films I watched are ones that I watched from beginning to end, but this one was so terrible then I couldn't handle watching it anymore.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Pinocchio 3000 (2003)
They butchered a classic. It was on TV, so I watched it then I changed the channel until I couldn't find anything better on TV. (Weird, huh?)
moviewatcher122's rating:

High School Musical 2 (2011)
It was on TV, so I decided to give it a chance and it was torture. The singing was horrible and the acting was bad. The only thing I liked about the movie was the part where Troy and Chad were fighting because I didn't care about ANY of the characters. I seen one HSM and I can honestly say that was enough for me.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Jump In! (2007)
This film was awful. Only watched it because my school was having a jump rope event for a good cause. What sucks is I had to watch the movie twice. (Grade 6 & 7)
moviewatcher122's rating:

Superhero Movie (2008)
This film didn't make me laugh or smile. It sucks that Leslie Nielsen had to star in this crap. The funny thing is that the first time I watched this I stopped watching after 30 minutes, but the second time I attempted to watch the whole movie I managed to finish it and it still sucked.
moviewatcher122's rating:

I found this funny when I was 11, but looking back at it now I don't know what I saw in this movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Shark Bait (2006)
A horrible film that should not be compared to Finding Nemo.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Cat in the Hat (2003)
This film was awful. It had so much adult humor. I know some good kids films and TV shows had some adult humor, but this is too much. Is it even trying to be a kids film? One of my favorite books as a kid ruined!
moviewatcher122's rating:

Drillbit Taylor (2008)
I rented this film and it was bad. I stopped watching after around 40 minutes. I think I stopped after the rap battle scene. I stopped watching because I didn't care for the characters and it lost my interest.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)
I didn't find one part of this film funny. This is the only Jim Carrey film I didn't like. Because most Jim Carrey films I watched, I gave 8 stars. Some people will think 1 star is harsh but I didn't find it funny and I found it boring.
moviewatcher122's rating:

I really didn't know why this film got positive reviews. I don't see how groin-touching and getting hit in the groin is funny. The only parts I found funny was Will Ferrell's character on the treadmill singing my humps and the part where he gets drunk at grublets on ice.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Nacho Libre (2006)
I didn't see how this film was funny. I think this is one of the worst things Nickelodeon has created, not Good Burger.
moviewatcher122's rating:

This is not a movie, but this internet series is annoying. How is some 12 year old screaming funny?
moviewatcher122's rating:

Probably my least favorite Adam Sandler film.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Shallow Hal (2001)
It's not really awful compared to most of the movies on this list, but I just found it kind of painful to watch.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Ricky 1 (1986)
This movie was awful! I watched this movie on YouTube knowing it was going to be bad and it was. Every joke fails to be funny. This is worse than Superhero Movie. I haven't seen the Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer spoofs and I'm not going to unless I want to torture myself some more.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Bio-Dome (1996)
Most of the time it's just Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin acting like idiots. It has so many forced jokes and pretty much all of them aren't funny. It has more forced jokes than Ricky 1. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
moviewatcher122's rating:

Just a list of unfunny movies that claim to be a comedy.
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