Most anticipated movies of 2014
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Showing 1-50 of 60
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Highly Anticipating
I have seen every movie made by Richard Linklater and he is a very interesting director. The idea for this movie is great and the trailer looks amazing. I am almost 100% sure that this movie is going to be great and I will definitely see it.
Afterthoughts: Masterpiece.
Afterthoughts: Masterpiece.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Interstellar (2014)
It's Christopher Nolan! Do I need to say anything else?
Afterthoughts: Christopher Nolan does it again.
Afterthoughts: Christopher Nolan does it again.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)
The first Sin City was great, so the second one should be too. With Robert Rodriguez in charge again this should be a great sequel.
Afterthoughts: Great sequel.
Afterthoughts: Great sequel.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Noah (2014)
I'll see anything that Darren Arfonsky directed, so I'm highly anticipating this one.
moviewatcher122's rating:

A documentary about Roger Ebert? This is something I have to see.
Afterthoughts: Amazing documentary.
Afterthoughts: Amazing documentary.
moviewatcher122's rating:

I am a fan of the internet series and James Rolfe has inspired me to become a filmmaker, so I am really looking forward to seeing this. I'm hoping it will actually come out this year.
Update: Looks like it will be coming out this year after all. I probably won't be able to catch any of the screenings, but I will buy it when it comes out on DVD.
Afterthoughts: This is everything I wanted out of an AVGN movie.
Update: Looks like it will be coming out this year after all. I probably won't be able to catch any of the screenings, but I will buy it when it comes out on DVD.
Afterthoughts: This is everything I wanted out of an AVGN movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Drop (2014)
I'm already sold by this movie for the cast alone, but judging from the trailer it looks like that the late James Gandolfini couldn't have chosen a better film to be his last one.
moviewatcher122's rating:

It looks pretty damn good and all the movies I've seen from Jake Gyllenhaal so far were good, so I have a feeling that this movie will be good too.
Afterthoughts: Fantastic.
Afterthoughts: Fantastic.
moviewatcher122's rating:

While I like Nicolas Cage, he hasn't had too many great performances in his career. I can tell from the trailer that his performance in the movie is going to be awesome. It also helps that the story-telling looks very good and that the reviews in the trailer praised this movie.
Afterthoughts: Not amazing, but Nicola's Cage's performance is still great and it's still a very good movie.
Afterthoughts: Not amazing, but Nicola's Cage's performance is still great and it's still a very good movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Rise of the Planet of the Apes was great, so I'm looking forward to this sequel.
Afterthoughts: Amazing.
Afterthoughts: Amazing.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Lucy (2014)
The trailer for this movie looks awesome and the story is very intriguing. Luc Besson is writing and directing this and the majority of movies I've seen from him were very good.
Afterthoughts: It's a pretty different movie compared to how it was advertised, but I was still impressed with the direction this movie took.
Afterthoughts: It's a pretty different movie compared to how it was advertised, but I was still impressed with the direction this movie took.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Men, Women & Children (2014)
Adam Sandler gets another serious role and it's about fucking time! Grown Ups 2 was an all-time low for Adam Sandler and he's mostly been starring the same generic comedy movies that he did in the 90's except without the humor. The trailer looked promising and it's directed by Jason Reitman and he has a great track record.
22 Jump Street (2014)
The first movie was a nice surprise and I will watch this one sometime, but I can't say I'm too excited for this movie.
Update: I must've said that before there was a trailer for this movie because now I'm really excited for this movie.
Afterthoughts Even better than the first one.
Update: I must've said that before there was a trailer for this movie because now I'm really excited for this movie.
Afterthoughts Even better than the first one.
moviewatcher122's rating:

At first I wasn't sold by the idea of a western movie written and directed by Seth MacFarlane, but now that I saw the trailer I am now looking forward to seeing this movie.
Afterthoughts: It was funny, but it's not as great as Ted.
Afterthoughts: It was funny, but it's not as great as Ted.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Godzilla (2014)
I've seen the Japanese version of Godzilla and it was awesome. I haven't seen the Roland Emmerich remake, but judging from the reception and footage from The Nostalgia Critic's review, I'm not missing out on anything. Hopefully this one will be good if not great.
Afterthoughts: We finally get the Godzilla remake that we deserve.
Afterthoughts: We finally get the Godzilla remake that we deserve.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Interview (2014)
I love the comedic premise for this movie and the trailer is hilarious, so I'm looking forward to it.
Afterthoughts: Terribly unfunny and it's one of Seth Rogen's worst movies.
Afterthoughts: Terribly unfunny and it's one of Seth Rogen's worst movies.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
When I first heard of it I thought the idea of this movie sounded weird and just saw it as a sign that Marvel is running out of movie ideas. However when I saw the trailer I was impressed at how self-aware the movie looked. It looks like it's going to be a really fun movie.
Afterthoughts: Awesome movie.
Afterthoughts: Awesome movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Jason Reitman is one of the best directors of our time and the premise for this movie sounds very interesting. I will be seeing this in theatres if it's showing in my local area which I'm not sure if it will happen since there's only two theatres there.
I can tell just by watching the trailer that Jude Law is going to deliver an awesome performance in this movie. I also thought the trailer for this movie looked insane. I will definitely be seeing this movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

A Long Way Down (2014)
Judging from the trailer it looks like it has a great story and some humorous moments. Also Aaron Paul is starring in this movie which is another reason why I'm highly anticipating this movie.
Muppets Most Wanted (2014)
The new Muppets movie was my favorite movie of that year, so I'm looking forward to this.
Update: Wasn't sold by the trailer, so I moved this to mildly anticipating.
Another update: Fortunately, the newer trailer restored my faith in this movie.
Update: Wasn't sold by the trailer, so I moved this to mildly anticipating.
Another update: Fortunately, the newer trailer restored my faith in this movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Great Gilly Hopkins (2016)
I loved the book and I think it would really work as a movie. I just don't see any reason why this book shouldn't be adapted into a movie. It also has the author's son as the screenwriter, so I'm very positive this movie will be great.
The Monuments Men (2014)
The trailer looks awesome and the casting is solid. I just wish this movie didn't get delayed to 2014.
The premise sounds interesting and I am a huge fan of Johnny Depp, but I have a feeling that the premise might not be executed well.
Update: Moved to highly anticipated due to the strengths of the trailer.
Afterthoughts: It sucks that this movie flopped because it is much more than a typical sci-fi movie.
Update: Moved to highly anticipated due to the strengths of the trailer.
Afterthoughts: It sucks that this movie flopped because it is much more than a typical sci-fi movie.
moviewatcher122's rating:

I'm really interested in this movie for it's awesome premise. The new title is better than the old one which was "All you need is Kill."
moviewatcher122's rating:

I've been interested in the Jack Ryan character since I watched The Hunt for Red October, so I will be seeing this ASAP.
300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
I wasn't originally excited for this because I didn't really think it needed a sequel, but after seeing the trailer I now support the idea of a 300 sequel.
I hate how they're seperating this into parts just so they can make more money, but I am a fan of the series, so I will be seeing both of them anyways.
Afterthoughts: It was pretty good, but hopefully the second part is better.
Afterthoughts: It was pretty good, but hopefully the second part is better.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
I actually enjoyed the remake better than the original, so I'm looking forward to this sequel. I'm glad to see that Jamie Foxx and Paul Giamatti are playing the villians for this movie.
Winter's Tale (2014)
The trailer looks very good and interesting. While I'm not a huge fan of Akiva Goldsman, I'm confident that this will be a good movie.
Need for Speed (2014)
I know this is based on a video game, but how is this going to be different from The Fast and the Furious.
Update: I was pretty surprised by the trailer. It actually looks like it's going to be better than The Fast and the Furious movies. (Judging from the two I've seen, the first one and Fast & Furious.)
Update: I was pretty surprised by the trailer. It actually looks like it's going to be better than The Fast and the Furious movies. (Judging from the two I've seen, the first one and Fast & Furious.)
I, Frankenstein (2014)
The premise sounds awesome and it sounds like the kind of movie I would like.
Sabotage (2014)
It's an Arnold movie. Of course I'm interested in seeing it.
Afterthoughts: Too dark and the characters were really unlikable. Arnold's worst movie yet!
Afterthoughts: Too dark and the characters were really unlikable. Arnold's worst movie yet!
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Maze Runner (2014)
The premise is very intriguing and I am a fan of post-apocalyptic movies, so I'm already interested in seeing this one.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Mildly Anticipating
Non-Stop (2014)
While the trailer looks good, a gripe I have with it is that it's going to be The Taking of Pelham One Two Three on a plane. I will be seeing it though mainly because of Liam Neeson and because despite the similarities with that movie I mentioned, it looks like it's going to be entertaining.
Afterthoughts: Very awesome movie and it also does a great job of using the same plot of the latter movie and making it different.
Afterthoughts: Very awesome movie and it also does a great job of using the same plot of the latter movie and making it different.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Bad Words (2013)
While the trailer wasn't hilarious, it did have some moments that made me laugh out loud. I just hope the best jokes aren't already in the trailer.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
While Wes Anderson is a very good director and writer, he hasn't made anything that blew me away. I will definitely see it, but I'm not highly anticipating it.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Looks funny, but I can't say I'm highly anticipating it.
Afterthoughts: Funny at times, but most of the humor doesn't work too well.
Afterthoughts: Funny at times, but most of the humor doesn't work too well.
moviewatcher122's rating:

3 Days To Kill (2014)
I like Kevin Costner and Luc Besson's involved in this movie and I enjoyed the majority of his films, so this might be good.
Afterthoughts: Has it's moments, but it's mostly bland and forgettable.
Afterthoughts: Has it's moments, but it's mostly bland and forgettable.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Horrible Bosses 2 (2014)
Looks funny, but I'm kind of skeptical about it as sequels can be very unpredictable.
Afterthoughts: Pretty decent for a comedy sequel.
Afterthoughts: Pretty decent for a comedy sequel.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Lego Movie (2014)
This sounds like a weird concept for a movie, but it could be good. It does have a great cast and the trailer is good, but I'm just not highly anticipating it.
Afterthoughts: This was amazing. Much better than I was expecting it to be.
Afterthoughts: This was amazing. Much better than I was expecting it to be.
moviewatcher122's rating:

Robert De Niro and John Cusack is the main reason I want to see this and while the trailer does look decent, it does look kind of basic. I will see this sometime, but I won't be too surprised if it gets bad reviews.
RoboCop (2014)
I can see why this series would need a reboot, but I can understand why people are doubting this movie. The teaser doesn't look bad but I am pretty sure this is going to be a PG-13 Robocop movie and a movie in that series does not need that rating. It could still be good, but I'm not keeping my expectations too high.
Update: Trailer actually looks pretty good.
Update: Trailer actually looks pretty good.

Do I really want to see this?
I really like Steve Carell and will see anything he's in. (Even his bad ones.) It's good to see him getting a serious role, but whos idea was it to put Channing Tatum and Anthony Michael Hall in the same movie. Tatum can't act and Anthony Michael Hall was only good in The Breakfast Club. This might move to highly anticipated if the trailer is good, but it won't change my opinion on the casting.
Update: Saw the teaser trailer and I wasn't that impressed with it.
Update: Saw the teaser trailer and I wasn't that impressed with it.
Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
I loved the first one, but I am not too sure about this sequel. First of all the Farrelly Brothers haven't made a good movie in years and even if they have I would still doubt that they would remember what made the first movie funny. I still am anticipating this movie, but I just have my doubts for this one.
Update: Trailer had some funny moments, but I can tell that it's not going to live up to the first one. It's been twenty years since that one came out and it does seem too late for a sequel.
Update: Trailer had some funny moments, but I can tell that it's not going to live up to the first one. It's been twenty years since that one came out and it does seem too late for a sequel.
moviewatcher122's rating:

The Expendables 3 (2014)
Wasn't a fan of the first one, but the second one was very entertaining. I'm pretty sure this one will be good too.
Update: I just found out it's getting a PG-13 rating and now I'm not looking forward to this movie. Sylvester Stallone is making bullshit excuses like
Basically he's saying we want to make this movie PG-13, so we can get more money and because we don't care about giving the movie the fans really want to see. The Expendables 2 was going to get a PG-13 rating, but when the fans spoke negatively about it then the movie got an R rating. Now it just looks like he doesn't care about the fans anymore and it's just going to be a bunch of wasted potential especially with the cast the movie has. If this movie comes out with an unrated version on DVD or Blu-Ray then I will watch it.
More bullshit from Stallone:
Afterthoughts: Terrible action movie and they didn't even bother to add any blood in the unrated cut. Waste of fucking time!
Update: I just found out it's getting a PG-13 rating and now I'm not looking forward to this movie. Sylvester Stallone is making bullshit excuses like
We want to reach as many people as possible. It’s very close to an R, believe me, it’s right there. But I think we owe it to the next generation. We thought we’d join that club for a while.
Basically he's saying we want to make this movie PG-13, so we can get more money and because we don't care about giving the movie the fans really want to see. The Expendables 2 was going to get a PG-13 rating, but when the fans spoke negatively about it then the movie got an R rating. Now it just looks like he doesn't care about the fans anymore and it's just going to be a bunch of wasted potential especially with the cast the movie has. If this movie comes out with an unrated version on DVD or Blu-Ray then I will watch it.
More bullshit from Stallone:
Afterthoughts: Terrible action movie and they didn't even bother to add any blood in the unrated cut. Waste of fucking time!
moviewatcher122's rating:

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I decided to publish this list despite the fact that I don't have alot of movies on here yet.
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