Quentin Tarantino Killer Movies
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
This is my number one, lets see you have a twisted story, some cool dancing, some wicked killer shots yeah this is my number one Quentin movie.
Susie 's rating:

Natural Born Killers (1994)
Two sick people go on a killing spree, if you like blood and guts that is all you need to know to wanna watch this movie, some people find it too violent, I actually find it a little silly at times it makes me laugh.
Susie 's rating:

True Romance (1993)
Roadkill movie there is another great couple in this movie again, blood guts another great story.
Susie 's rating:

All the women in this movie I like, and I hate it when they have to die. I wish Quentin would start a TV show about the deadly viper squad, that would be wicked.
Susie 's rating:

Reservoir Dogs (1992)
I like all the guys name ending in colors, I like the story and the violence, and that one scene yeah very cool.
Susie 's rating:

Inglourious Basterds (2009)
I thought I would hate this moive because of it being about WWII and Nazi's, but this movie is really cool. I like the story, the characters really great movie.
Susie 's rating:

Django the D is silent Hillbilly, man this film is beyond cool, I don't care what anyone says this film is cool. It is not my fav because there is not a lot of blood and guts, but the story and the characters are very good.
Susie 's rating:

Quentin is my number one Director, he is killer and is movies most of the time have everything I like most, blood violence and a killer story.
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18 votes
Great Lists - 3
(60 lists)list by siesmicforce
Published 11 years, 11 months ago
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