Pokemon: Best to Worst
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The main series
I chose one game to represent each Gen.
Pokémon Platinum - Nintendo DS

This I have so much fun playing. This Gen has a good amount of awesome Pokemon, new features like Wi-Fi battling/GTS becoming a recent standard for the series changing the community forever. While the core of the gameplay remains the same, the replay valve and the features makes it a worthwhile addition to the series.
Edit: This is now my favorite gen so far.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon Y - Nintendo 3DS

This almost became my favorite gen if it weren't for a few things. On the positives, there is TONS of Pokemon to capture, its crazy. The new features are really good with the online done really well. Pokemon Amie is fun to use and Super Training is a faster way to EV train Pokemon. It has a lot of great elements that make Pokemon good.
The negatives is that there isn't tons of replay valve when you compare this to Black/White 2. After beating the game, you capture more, and a few other post-game things. Then again, this could be due to 3DS space and maybe next game could have more content. Another thing is that there's not a lot of new Pokemon and some of the designs can be hit or miss. Thankfully this are minor and I recommend getting this.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokemon: Silver Version - Game Boy Color

From the time I played it before the battery died out like many other copies unless they changed it. I have alot of fun playing this, There's a good variety of Pokemon to chose from. Alot of features like day /night, shiny Pokemon, dark types became the standard for the series afterward. Not to mention you can go back and forth between two regions.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon Black Version - Nintendo DS
My review of it is here.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon: Yellow Version - Game Boy

The gen that started it all. It turned this into one of Nintendo's powerhouse series and for good reason. The story is not in depth as the other RPGs in the mid 90s but the gameplay made it very worthwhile. The idea to capture all Pokemon, beating everyone in your path, exploring the many points in the region, and the many famous/infamous glitches like Missingno, the Mew glitch, and Glitch city adds in a great replay value despite some things abit dated. Very worth it.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokemon: Sapphire Version - Game Boy Advance

This one changed how battles work due to double battles, each Pokemon has it own nature, adding EVs(effect value) to add a interesting touch to the gameplay. Thanks to the changes, neat areas, and the new Pokemon make this title worth your time.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon Black Version 2 - Nintendo DS

The first main series sequel breaking the predictable round of getting a third version. It does the sequel thing well since a good amount of places changed after two years in Black 1. It has a greater variety of past and current Gen Pokemon among with new features like the Pokestudios, the mall area like place, and other changes. While the story wasn't interesting as the original, it still is a solid game in the series.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon Soul Silver Version - Nintendo DS

This one a pretty neat remake on the Gold/Silver titles. This follow the original games quite well while their are changes since it on a different handheld and some to keep up with the recent title in 2010. Thankfully the changes are pretty neat like your first Pokemon in your party follows you around like in Yellow and the Pokewalker that you send one Pokemon to it and you walk around in real life while it levels up, get items, and even capturing Pokemon in a different area. I have to give them credit for the event scenes that happens when you get a certain Pokemon from a event that works really well.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon FireRed Version - Game Boy Advance

Like Soulsilver above, this one follow the main story of Red/Green/Blue/Yellow while adding the Sevii Islands to capture more of the Gen 2 Pokemon, and the recent changes from Ruby/Sapphire appearing. Overall, this is a solid remake.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Spinoffs I remember on the most part
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky... - Nintendo DS
I really had a lot of fun with this one. There are tons of dungeons plus optional ones to go through. You can get all 493 Pokemon to join you. The content is also surprising good with the post-game dungeons, quests on saving and fighting Pokemon, raising IQ for skills, and special episodes to play after reaching certain parts in the game.
Quite a fun game.
Quite a fun game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon Stadium - Nintendo 64

The first 3D Pokemon game and quite a memorable one. Seeing the 3d battles in action are awesome especially when using a N64 Transfer Pack to see you team from your Gameboy to the TV screen with other features to keep you busy. It has the elements that make Pokemon fun to play.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokemon Pinball - Game Boy Color

I played this acouple of times over a friend's house and it's a neat Pokemon version of pinball to play.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - Nintendo DS
This is a suprising fun spinoff. I had a good time with this one and I suggest getting a screen protector for this since you use the touch screen alot.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokemon Battle Revolution - Nintendo Wii

I will say that the Wi-Fi mode works well with no lag from what I remember. Theirs a good amount of customizing on your character. The single player is there but after beating most of the modes, there's not much to do other then online matches. It's a decent game overall.
LordDarkrai's rating:

My Pokémon Ranch - WiiWare
Nothing special while it does help when you running out of boxes in the game and need to clean it up and the Pokemon you get from this game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Currently playing or played this year

I need to get

To replay someday

One final note
Since I'm have the Pokeflu and the recent news on Pokemon X and Y, might as well make a Pokemon related list.
BTW here's a link if you want a amusing image in your head.
Honestly while funny, it just as idiotic as that recent CT town burning "violent video games" event.
BTW here's a link if you want a amusing image in your head.
Honestly while funny, it just as idiotic as that recent CT town burning "violent video games" event.
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