Favorite Video Games of All Time
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NieR: Automata - PlayStation 4

I waited for this for two long years. It was everything I wanted in a game. A fun combat system, excellent music, and a compelling story filled with soul. I highly recommend this game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Xenoblade Chronicles - Nintendo Wii

This is could be the best RPG I ever played in my life. A lot of the game's aspects are done really done, the story is really well done surprising considering it's a bit simple than compared to Xenogears/Xenosaga. The gameplay while not for everyone due to it's MMO/FF12 feel is still done well with so much areas to explore, quests to complete, and items to get. I would talk about the visuals, but I let the picture explain it. Thanks to this game, I got interested in more types of games and it renew my love for gaming.
LordDarkrai's rating:

NIER - PlayStation 3

Despite all of it's problem on the gameplay side, this was a experience. It was a game that did whatever the fuck it wants. It becomes a bullet hell, then switches camera perspectives, and there's text adventures involved. It's also the master of messing with the player's expectations, especially in the other endings. With a lovable cast of characters, and great music. It became a cult classic for a very good reason.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Solatorobo: Red the Hunter - Nintendo DS

There should be more games like this. This was a really pleasant game to play. True they could have work on the gameplay as it missed many good chances to customize Red's robot not only stat-wise but weapon wise if you ask me. Thankfully the gameplay felt fun for a game grabbing enemies and throwing them to damage them. The story while done before by many games, and with a generic villain at the beginning still works. It's unique due to the setting and the characters. Not the mention, the music is really neat with a awesome opening song I ever heard on a DS game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Nintendo 64

Out of all of games I played, this one left such a impact to me that it's very unforgettable. Through the story, gameplay, and concepts, it created a experience that will never die.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokémon: Diamond Version - Nintendo DS

Quoted from my Pokemon list.
"This I have so much fun playing. This Gen has a good amount of awesome Pokemon, new features like Wi-Fi battling/GTS becoming a recent standard for the series changing the community forever. While the core of the gameplay remains the same, the replay valve and the features makes it a worthwhile addition to the series."
LordDarkrai's rating:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PlayStation 2

What can I say, it's one of the best open world games I ever played. The map is huge with enough variety in the mix. Their's a lot to do ranging from building your stats using weapons, keeping in shape, taking over area, and so much more. It's a game where each time you played it, you might find something new or amusing to witness. It's a really fun game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Drakengard 3 - PlayStation 3

Yes, I know. The gamplay has a number of problems, the frame rate is bad, the story can be questionable. However, it has that crazy Yoko Taro energy where I like it as it is. It does whatever the fuck it wants, especially having that kind of final boss in the game. The characters have hidden depth that is sadly part of the $30 DLC, which is crap. Despite everything, it left a huge impression on me.
LordDarkrai's rating:

To the Moon - PC Games

I been interested in a game for a while. I finally got a copy and now having played it, I can see why. The story is one of the best I seen in a game. It really goes through a number of themes that feels really human. It has a good balance of humor and serious moments. I would so do another playthrough down the road.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Final Fantasy IX - PlayStation

It's my favorite Final Fantasy title. It has the best cast of characters in the series. Mostly everyone has a reason for their motivations. It has the best locations, which still looks great today. Music is pretty great. It's what I want in a Final Fantasy game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Super Mario 64 - Nintendo 64

Still my favorite Mario game to this day. While other Mario titles did this better, this was the one that got Mario in the 3D world and changed gaming forever back in the day.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Persona 5 - PlayStation 4 "Take Your Heart" Premium Edition... - PlayStation 4

It has the best gameplay in the Persona games. The story and characters left a impression on me. I love the themes of rebelling and it hits home with me, due to personal reasons. Also it is stylish as fuck.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Retro Game Challenge - Nintendo DS

This really captures the days of playing games as a young kid with a friend looking at game magazines to gain ways to beat the game. A majority of games on here are generally fun and captures that retro feel without feeling forced. It also has that Game Center CX feeling, which I loved.
LordDarkrai's rating:

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