I miss The WB!
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Moved on to The CW
These first 7 shows survived the transition to The CW.
One of my favorites from back in the day. Pulled in over 8 million viewers when it debuted. Can you imagine?

cal331's rating:

Was a little more "monster-of-the-week" when it debuted, but still had that mixture of intense drama, hilarity and sickening gore.
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Beauty and the Geek (2005)
One of the few reality shows I actually liked. It seemed to have more charm and heart than Survivor and shows like it.
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Reba (2001)
Eh. It had some good moments, and I thought Reba and Joanna Garcia did a good job.
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7th Heaven (1996)
Bleh. Read my review. Part of me hates this show because legend has it that it was chosen to move to The CW over my beloved Everwood because of the ratings it got for the final episode. It was pretty crappy at that point, while Everwood was always awesome. No forgiveness.
cal331's rating:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)
A great show. Even the weaker episodes were still good enough for me.
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Angel (1999)
I may have liked Angel more than Buffy. It had some mind-warping episodes, was funny and even made me cry.
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Felicity (1998)
I'm virtually alone in this, but I don't care that she cut her hair and I loved the time travel season.
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Dawson's Creek (1998)
Not my fave teen drama, but it was well-done, and gave us Joshua Jackson.
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Jack & Bobby (2004)
Very good. I liked this a lot. It got a full-season pickup after the first episode, but stumbled in the ratings after that and was doomed.
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Popular (1999)
So the last scene in the show's final episode is a car driving very fast straight at one of the main characters. We never find out what happens...unfair!
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Roswell (1999)
Actually, I didn't really get into this show. But I think I would like to watch it again to give it another chance. I'm a sci-fi junkie...maybe it's better than I remember.
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This show was very funny, and Penn Badgely had a much better character here than he does in Gossip Girl.
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Summerland (2004)
Generic soap opera stuff, but it had Johnathan Slavin from Andy Richter Controls the Universe & Better Off Ted! Love him.
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What I Like About You (2002)
This was an okay sitcom. Pretty pedestrian, but there were certainly worse ones out there.
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I am embarrassed to say I liked this show. It was created by Eric Kripke, who did the world a favor when he dreamed up "Supernatural."
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Jack & Jill (1999)
SHE was Jack and HE was Jill!! Madness. I don't remember much about the show; most of the actors have gone on to better roles.
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Had Selma Blair and Michael Rosenbaum, and it wasn't half bad. (Nor was it ALL bad, in case you are wondering.) But it's no "Grosse Pointe."
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Young Americans (2000)
I can't remember much about this Dawson's Creek spinoff, except that I think one plot involved a guy dating his sister. Ew.
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Poppy Montgomery and Emily Van Camp played sisters in this atmospheric mystery tale that got cancelled after only a handful of episodes.
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The first WB show that featured the unpleasant acting of Oliver Hudson.
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The second WB show that featured the unpleasant acting of Oliver Hudson. There was a lot of bad in this show, which featured a slumming Mitch Pileggi and Barbara Hershey. But I really like Penn Badgely and he was good in this show. (Much better than in Gossip Girl.)
cal331's rating:

More Penn Badgely, which should have been a good thing, but this show was pretty awful.
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Birds of Prey (2002)
Confession: All I know about Batman (and related characters) I learned on the '60s TV show*. So the mythology of Batgirl and all Nightwing was kind of wasted on me. Still, I don't think this show was so badly done.
(*I was really surprised to find out that there was more than one Robin! Really?!?)
(*I was really surprised to find out that there was more than one Robin! Really?!?)
cal331's rating:

??? Don't remember much, but it should have been a slam dunk as a companion to '7th Heaven.' It wasn't.
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The Surreal Life (2003)
This show was mildly amusing during the WB years. Got a little raunchy, later though.
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I don't watch American Idol (don't care for it) but strangely, I found the first season of this show really watchable. Nicole S. went on to find a little bit more fame afterwards; the other Eden's Crushers, not so much.
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Animaniacs (1993)
One of the best cartoons of all time. You could learn all the parts of the brain, all the countries of the world AND all the presidents. Awesome.
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Pinky and the Brain (1995)
"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world."
Kickass 'toon.
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world."
Kickass 'toon.
cal331's rating:

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Once upon a time there was a fledgling network, or netlet, if you will. It ran urban sitcoms, family dramas, shows about vampires, and the girl who both loved and slew them, and dramas set around creeks. That network was The WB, and I miss it. Sure, we have The CW now, which is sort of like what The WB used to be, without all the success (relatively speaking, but seriously, The CW today would kill for the kinds of ratings that Dawson's Creek used to pull in.)
I work in television, and in 1995 the station I work for went from being an independent station to a WB affiliate and a love affair was born. I worked during prime time and watched a lot of these shows while I was on the clock. But even though I didn't really have a choice whether to watch The WB, I found that it was no hardship. Usually - there are a few turkeys in the history of The WB. But I grew to love shows like Buffy, Felicity, Angel, even Savannah, which was a lot better than you'd think.
Here is a list, by no means exhaustive, of the shows I remember and watched. Some of them are very good, some of them had long lives, and some of them are misty memories of blink-and-you'll-miss-them duds. But I liked them. They aren't sorted chronologically, by the way.
Contact me or post a comment if you think I missed anything!
I work in television, and in 1995 the station I work for went from being an independent station to a WB affiliate and a love affair was born. I worked during prime time and watched a lot of these shows while I was on the clock. But even though I didn't really have a choice whether to watch The WB, I found that it was no hardship. Usually - there are a few turkeys in the history of The WB. But I grew to love shows like Buffy, Felicity, Angel, even Savannah, which was a lot better than you'd think.
Here is a list, by no means exhaustive, of the shows I remember and watched. Some of them are very good, some of them had long lives, and some of them are misty memories of blink-and-you'll-miss-them duds. But I liked them. They aren't sorted chronologically, by the way.
Contact me or post a comment if you think I missed anything!
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