Holiday Favorites w/a Twist
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This is a great holiday movie starring Robson Green. It hits all the right 'spirit of Christmas' notes and spawned some sequel series, which I would love to see.
cal331's rating:

This is a charming, heart-warming, endearing and lovely movie, thanks to the amazing chemistry between Lenny Henry and Alan Cumming. It's the best Xmas movie out there and never fails to induce Holiday Spirit.
cal331's rating:

Blackadder's Christmas Carol (1988)
Takes the Scrooge convention and flips it on its head, with Ebenezer Blackadder learning, with the help of the spirits, that he and his future progeny would be better off if he turned into an utter bastard. Hysterically funny, and featuring new scenes from BAII, BAIII and a look at Blackadder...IN SPACE!
Best line: "Baldrick, I want you to go out and buy a turkey so large, you'd think its mother had been rogered by an omnibus."
Best line: "Baldrick, I want you to go out and buy a turkey so large, you'd think its mother had been rogered by an omnibus."
cal331's rating:

Mr. Bean (1990)
Daleks! Crackers! Turkey! Teddy! A fun and sweet Xmas adventure with Mr. Bean.
cal331's rating:

Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988)
I've seen "Santa Claus vs. the Martians" on other Christmas lists, but you have to watch this version, where Joel and the 'bots make with the wisecracks over this atrocious holiday tale. Also, Crow's original holiday tune "A Patrick Swayze Christmas" is a one-of-a-kind treat you won't want to miss.
cal331's rating:

Doctor Who (2005)
A Doctor Who Christmas special is a great present; glad we will have another one this year. My favorite one so far is "Voyage of the Damned" with the Starship Titanic.
cal331's rating:

A wonderful movie you can watch at two holidays - Christmas and Halloween!
cal331's rating:

Home Alone (1990)
A fun movie, even 20 years hence. I recently enjoyed watching this with my son for the first time.
cal331's rating:

Ok, I'm breaking my own rule with this tradtional holiday favorite, but the Grinch is a total anti-hero so I'll give myself a pass. Also, I adore the Grinch, even when his heart is several sizes too small. I love little Max as well!
cal331's rating:

The Christmas special from the creators of the wonderful Wallace and Gromit series is also very cute. You might be able to catch it on BBCAmerica this year.
cal331's rating:

Community (2009)
In anticipation of the upcoming animated Rankin-Bass style Christmas special, Community makes the list.
Their holiday special from last year was pretty good, too.
Their holiday special from last year was pretty good, too.
cal331's rating:

Olive, the Other Reindeer (1999)
I love Olive! This cartoon is so sweet, cool and funny. Kudos to Drew Barrymore, who perfectly voices the spunky and optimistic Olive, who saves Christmas. Has a great roster of guest-star voices, including Michael Stipe of REM. Very conducive to holiday happiness.
cal331's rating:

South Park (1997)
Not the Mr. Hanky episodes, because I couldn't get past the ick factor. But the first South Park episode I saw was a very funny short with Jesus taking on Santa Claus.
cal331's rating:

'On Christmas Pete' is a great episode of this terrific show. Little Pete tries to prolong Christmas, as all kids are wont to do. He just has a better plan than most.
cal331's rating:

Absolutely Fabulous (1992)
What could be more festive than Patsy and Edina drinking their way through the holidays?
cal331's rating:

These are the movies, shows and episodes that get me into the holiday spirit. Traditional favorites like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer are, like the batteries that run your Christmas presents, probably not included.
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