Best Songwriters!
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David Cook - David Cook_II
Emotional and heart aching lyrics fueled by love and loss, Cooks songwriting has evolved from great into even greater. Grandiose choruses and heart wrenching verses the lyrics remain memorable while keeping their depth.

Ariel Maria's rating:

Often claimed to be ridden with too much teen angst, they have easily outgrown that "type" by evolving their lyrics into something that is both different but still very much Linkin Park. Rhymes, emotion, and anger couple beautifully with guilt and sorrow making these songs easily relatable and ones that will always be remembered.

Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold
Anger, loss, doubt, and sorrow. Avenged Sevenfold have offered questions of faith and prominent loss in their lyrics laid over their heavily driven music.

Muse EP - Muse
3 Doors Down - 3 Doors Down
Somehow each album tells a sort of story as it leads us down a life of hurt, loss, immense love and terrible pain.

Flyleaf - Flyleaf
Spiritual awakening and realization. Hopelessness and doubt. Flyleaf give us a look into a broken soul dying to just hold on.

Queen: Greatest Hits I & II - Queen
Easily one of the greatest bands of our time Queen have emerged with unforgettable lyrics, amazing music, and completely original power, Queen hold their own no matter the year.

The Best Of - Atreyu
Dierks Bentley - Dierks Bentley
Country with a rock edge Dierks is a story teller and a soul bearer. Love, pain, and overcoming are relevant themes in each of his albums.

Thriving Ivory - Thriving Ivory
With piano and guitar driven music and lyrics as sweeping as poetry, Thriving Ivory give us the poetic side of music.

Stone Temple Pilots - Core (DVD Audio) - Stone Temple Pilots
One of the few bands to survive the grunge era their music still proves powerful. With amazing vocals and signature music their songs are always held in the highest regard.

Three Days Grace - Three Days Grace
A perfect example of angst and powerful music, Three Days Grace have perfected their genre. With pained lyrics, heavy music, and strong vocals their songs are easily some of the best of this recent decade.

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