The Best Adapated Movies
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Gone with the Wind (1939)
Screenplay by: Sidney Howard, Oliver H.P. Garret, Ben Hecht, Jo Swerling, and John Van Druten
Adapted from: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Adapted from: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

Ariel Maria's rating:

Ariel Maria's rating:

Ariel Maria's rating:

Ariel Maria's rating:

Wuthering Heights (1939)
Screenplay by: Charles MacArthur, Ben Hecht, John Huston
Adapted from: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Adapted from: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Ariel Maria's rating:

Ariel Maria's rating:

Camille (1936)
Screenplay by: Zoe Akins, Frances Marion, James Hilton
Adapted from: Camille by Alexandre Dumas fils
Adapted from: Camille by Alexandre Dumas fils

Ariel Maria's rating:

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