All the Times I've Saved the World or Myself
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Showing 1-50 of 92
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.hack//Outbreak - Part 3 - PlayStation 2
Maybe I didn't save the digital world the second time?
Yokihana's rating:

Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!... - Nintendo DS
Saved my brain from dwelling idly,
Yokihana's rating:

Chrono Trigger - Nintendo DS
Where to begin since pretty much anything is a spoiler. You do more than just save the world, you save the lives of untold amounts of people, your friends and your family. There are also multiple endings, so how many you save is up to you...
Yokihana's rating:

Disneyโs Aladdin - Super famicom and SNES
Defeated Jafar multiple times and saved a kingdom known as agrabah.
Yokihana's rating:

Donkey Kong - Game Boy
Helped Mario save his girlfriend....or rather ex girlfriend.
Yokihana's rating:

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest - Super famicom and SNES
Stopped the evil kaptain k. Rool.
Yokihana's rating:

Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku - Game Boy Advance
I looked forward to this game because...oh right. I stopped frieza, Goku's brother and the sayians.
Yokihana's rating:

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime - Nintendo DS... - Nintendo DS
Saved the slimes!!
Yokihana's rating:

Saving the world via sword slashing.
Yokihana's rating:

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King... - PlayStation 2
Stopped a demon lord, restored a kingdom, solved a mystery and did so much more.
Yokihana's rating:

Dragon Warrior III - Game Boy Color
Killed the evil demon lord, changed the course of history.
Yokihana's rating:

Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure - Game Boy Color
Tara and Cobi come to an island with their family to begin a monster farm. On their first day there they accidently knock out the plug that keeps the island afloat. Wataru gives them a mission to journey to different worlds and recover the plug...before the island sinks!
This is one of my favorite games and it has plenty of replay value things to lots of side events.
This is one of my favorite games and it has plenty of replay value things to lots of side events.
Yokihana's rating:

Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition - PlayStation Portable
Saved the world...and saved some people in the afterlife.
Yokihana's rating:

Home Alone II - Game Boy
It took me years to figure out how to beat the second to last level. Anyways, Kevin must escape the notorious (?) wet bandits. He succeeds.
Yokihana's rating:

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