Desperate Housewives Reviews
Desperate Housewives On Comedy Central 10.0/10

Most Underrated 2000s 2010s Comedy Drama Comedy Thriller Desperate Housewives Comedy Central Shared With AXN Beyond MBC Drama MBC 4

Desperate Housewives Comedy Central

A Little bit of comedy thriller comedy drama comedy crime comedy Family comedy twins most underrated 5 out of 5 10 out of 10 Desperate Housewives on Location "Comedy Central"

Parody TV Show Funny

A little bit of Comedy thriller Comedy drama Comedy romance Comedy Crime Comedy mystery Comedy soap opera Comedy epic Comedy Family Comedy Friends comedy comedy Murder

Desperate Housewives review

one of my favorite shows, I didn't watch it when it was on first, it was about the 3rd season I believe, maybe the 4th can't really remember & I just had the tv on, I must have sat on the remote or something cause I noticed some minutes later & I was trying to figure something out & didn't want to fool with trying to see what was on & then I got distracted by it & I wanted to know everything. I remember when it was going to come on cause everyone was putting it down because of the name & since I was a housewife, I thought nope not going to watch, it's probably only about cheating anyways. It's so much more, I mean it's in there but despite that, it's so worth watching, love this show, ranked up there with Dallas! I hated that my favorite character was killed off but still a very good show. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend watching it. I own the DVD set, that's how much I love the show!

Desperate Housewives review

Marc Cherry hit it out of the park with this one. Started many careers, Eva Longoria's for example. Filming next to Universal, so it was great to take a break at the Theme Park during filming. Alexander von Roon plays a Russian Executive.

Desperate Housewives review

The latest in the seasons has just blew my mind! I've never know a more brilliantly written social situation as the one incorporated as a result of Paul's plan. The plots in this episode all effortlessness developed into a brilliant climax!