The Texas Chainsaw Massacre update feed

"Opening in utter darkness illuminated by sudden, dreadful flashes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre begins with a police report describing a violated corpse as “a grisly work of art,” a term that also applies perfectly to Tobe Hooper’s legendary grindhouse masterpiece. A rough-hewn American Gothic canvas, the film charts the trajectory of a batch of youngsters from a clammy van to the dangling hooks of an abbatoir run by a cannibalistic clan. Materializing in the middle of the horror genre’s "

"11.10. Aina on mukava huomata, että genreklassikko on maineensa veroinen. Ellei jopa parempi. Voi olla, että mieltymykseni tietynlaiseen rähjäiseen ja takapajuiseen estetiikkaan nostaa pisteitä, mutta onhan tämä nyt muutenkin ässä. Vinksahtanut huumori sopii kuvioon, eikä onneksi lähde lapasesta tai määrittele jokaista kohtausta. Tai riippuu katsojasta."

"When the Bride slams the door against Buck's head, his feet twitch in a way resembling Kirk's as he is bludgeoned by Leatherface. Referenced in the opening monologue, refering to the similair massacre in this film."

"Directed by: Tobe Hooper Five friends visiting their grandpa's old house are hunted down and terrorized by a chainsaw wielding killer and his family of grave-robbing cannibals."

"A bunch of people sat around in a room and thought that this was a good idea. I don't know."

" Notes: Since it is such a classic, I really had to watch this flick at some point and I had some rather high expectations (you can say whatever you want but it is definitely a really bad-ass title). The first time I watched it, to be honest, I was actually rather apprehensive as I thought it would be really terrifying. Eventually, I thought it was not really scary, sure, it was unsettling but not really scary. To make up my mind for good, I even saw it again later on but I still had the same f"