The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre) (1974)
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Videos
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Overrated much?
I just don't get what's so great about this, there is no story to it, just a bunch of kids in a deserted place and they pretty much all get kil... read more
Not The Kind Of Guy You'd Lend Your Tools To
As someone whom is often very frustrated with most horror flicks, I was very pleased that this movie's plotline came off as very genuine. While most horrors tend to want the viewer say things to the screen like "Idiot! Run outside, not to the upstairs!" or "Don't go in there, you moron!", this movie actually made the situation of the onscreen victims seem logistically believable. Therefor,... read more
A classic

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" Jedidiah "Jed" Sawyer, Bubba Swayer, Thomas Brown Hewitt, Kenneth Slaughter, and Junior Sawyer Played by: Gunnar Hansen, Bill Johnson, R. A. Mihailoff, Robert Jacks, Andrew Bryniarski, Dan Yeager, Sam Strike, and Mark Burnham From The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise Powers and weapons used: While he is not the sharpest chainsaw out there, he does have stamina, considerable strength, his family, and his chainsaw. The Poulan 245a. The Poulan 245a is iconically know for being leatherface's"

"20.10. Teatteri Uusintakatselu. Jestas, että mä rakastan tätä. Varmasti kauhee ylläri."
Yet another classic of the horror genre
“There has been a time that I wasn't really that fond of horror films, finding some had cheap excessive gore, bad acting and scripting and a lack of genuine thrills and suspense. I couldn't have been more wrong, some of the best of the genres are anything but these. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the best, it screams horror classic from the character Leatherface to the many times it's been imitated/parodied but never equalled. I think the use of the documentary-style realism is masterful, and the fact it is low-budget makes no difference to me, in fact to me this adds to the gritty, harsh and creepy tone this film conveys. The gore is not at all excessive, in fact its count is quite low, and when it is used, it never feels cheap or gimmicky. The script is razor sharp, the story is co” read more

" 5 confirmed deaths 4 men 1 woman Running time: 83 mins Number of deaths: 5 Kills per minute: 16.6 mins Favourite death? Franklin Hardesty, his death if anything was memorable. Coolest death: Kirk, who gets Sledgehammered! Lamest death: Jerry, given that whole death by meathook was done already. Survivors: Sally Hardesty, Drayton Sawyer, unknown truck drivers, and Bubba “Leatherface” Sawyer Note: The film despite it’s title, is decidedly pretty unviolent with many of the kills ei"

" 2020: 999 2019: 999 2018: 1000 2017: 999 2016: 994 2015: 972 2014: 956 2013: 934 2012: 904 2011: 867 2010: 831 "

" The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (arguably the most hyperanalyzed horror film ever made) has often been interpreted as a sly anti-capitalist statement—a nightmare vision of rural America lashing out at the industrial society that rendered it obsolete. This movie is not just violence for its own sake. Rather, it uses violence to make us think more deeply about animal rights and human dignity, and it challenges us to act in ways that are consistent with our moral convictions. The key to"

"Pros: Tobe Hooper The opening of the film. Cinematography by Daniel Pearl It’s a classic horror film. The atmosphere. You feel you ate there, as it happens. Which makes it ever more terrifying. It’s a restless movie, from beginning to end. Marilyn Burns, as Sally Hardesty. Leatherface and his family. Con: It’s very, very, very, very violent. And is not called The Texas Massacre for nothing. "

"Why?: The remake version of Leatherface is a combatant already. I would have picked the original."