Battle Royale (2000) update feed

" Directed by: Kinji Fukasaku Produced by: Masao Sato, Masumi Okada, Teruo Kamaya, and Tetsu Kayama Written by: Kenta Fukasaku Based on the manga/novel by: Koushun Takami Cinematography: Katsumi Yanagishima Edited by: Hirohide Abe Music by: Masamichi Amano Distributed by: Toei Company"

"The recycling apparently goes back even further. There was an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie called the Running Man, which was based on a Stephen King novel. Battle Royale did remind me of the Running Man when I watched it. "

"This was still as good as I remembered, I think I last saw this almost ten years ago."

"It may be set in Japan, but I could easily imagine this happening in the future in some U.S. states, such as Texas and my schizophrenic home state of Arizona. "

""Their Game, No Rules, No Prisoners." "Could you kill your best friend?" "One Dead. 41 To Go." "42 Students, Three Days, One Survivor, No Rules." "Today, I killed my best friend." "Have you ever killed your best friend?"

" In the not too distant future, an entire grade level of high school students are planted on a remote island and forced to either kill each other or defend themselves. A class subject in which the only way to get a passing grade is to be the only one left standing. Battle Royale is a system of discipline that demonstrates how to respect authority and a method of teaching that could prove to be more efficient than making the kids stay after school, cleaning erasers or detention. But, in the"

" Directed by: Kinji Fukasaku Produced by: Masao Sato, Masumi Okada, Teruo Kamaya, and Tetsu Kayama Written by: Kenta Fukasaku Based on the manga/novel by: Koushun Takami Cinematography: Katsumi Yanagishima Edited by: Hirohide Abe Music by: Masamichi Amano Distributed by: Toei Company"

"Vähän tuli nälkä tätä peliä katsoessa. Kitanon naama on hapan ja halvaantunut, mutta silti hänellä on aikaa jumpata. Teinit tappavat toisiaan ja musavalinnat ovat klassisen hyviä. Yhteiskuntatutkistelu toimii vielä useammankin katselukerran jälkeen. DC-versio ei tuo tarinaan juurikaan mitään lisää, jonka takia katsoin ihan tavallisen teatteriversion tällä kertaa."