Battle Royale (2000) (Batoru Rowaiaru)
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Battle Royale (2000) Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Life is a game!
In future Japan, the government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle Royale" act.
Tatsuya Fujiwara: Shuya Nanahara - Boys #15
Aki Maeda: Noriko Nakagawa - Girls #15
Batoru rowaiaru(2004) translatin... read more
Masterful and disturbing
At its most basic level, Battle Royale is a combination of Lord of the Flies and The Running Man; utilising the time-worn concept of a group of people who are conscripted, equipped with weapons and forced to kill or be killed until only one contestant remains. It's an idea which dates back to the days of the Roman e... read more
I had this film recommended to me around a few years back, and getting a few snippets of what it was all about, I can't exactly say I was in a great deal of a rush to watch it, but all in good time it this turned out to be one of my favourite films I've watched so far. I can't really say I was ever that fussed with al... read more

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" Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル, Batoru Rowaiaru) is a 2000 Japanese action-thriller film directed by Kinji Fukasaku, and written by his son Kenta Fukasaku, based on the controversial 1999 novel by Koushun Takami. Starring Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda, Tarō Yamamoto, and Takeshi Kitano, the film follows a group of junior-high-school students forced to fight to the death by the Japanese totalitarian government. The film drew controversy and was banned or excluded from distributio"

"Reason for the future sucking: Students are forced to kill each other, for survival and if they try to escape they receive an electroshock or possibly something even worse. Year it takes place: Unknownish"

"23.2. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Hienosti säilyttää Battle Royale vieläkin paukkunsa, vaikka aika monta kertaa on nähty silloin joskus. Satiirina hauska, melodraamana toimiva ja väkivaltaviihteenä mahtava. Kaikki (muutkin) puolet huomioiden ihastuttavan absurdi ja varmasti tulee seuraavan kerran katseltua vähän lyhyemmällä tauolla, kuin sen karkealla arviolla 18 vuotta, mikä edelsi. Takeshi Kitano on kova ja tämän traagisen välinpitämättömäksi, mutta kumman inhimmilliseksi lopu"

" "You just have to fight for yourself; no one's going to save you. That's just life, right?" Directed by Kinji Fukasaku Written by Kinji Fukasaku Music by Masamichi Amano Cinematography by Katsumi Yanagijima Editing by Hirohide Abe "

"2000 Runners Up: Gladiator, Unbreakable, O Brother Where Art Thou?"