2010: The Year We Make Contact Reviews
An average movie

I wasn’t really sure about this flick, even before watching the damned thing. Indeed, it seemed to be a really misguided idea to make a sequel to this seminal classic, especially by Peter Hyams, a director who has only made some B features throughout his career but, on the other hand, I have to admit that I was still intrigued by this movie. Indeed, it was actually based on another novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick, even though he obviously refused to be involved, actually approved this sequel which wasn’t something I expected. Eventually, I have to admit that it was not bad, in fact, it is easily the best movie directed by Peter Hyams but, of course, it never came close to the awesomeness delivered by ‘2001’. Basically, they kept some of the same elements but they added also a lot of characters, a lot of dialogues and even some jokes but all of this was actually pretty useless. Sure, as a result, the whole thing was actually easier to swallow than ‘2001’ but also much more forgettable. Indeed, by giving so much information, they removed much of the mystic that made its predecessor so mesmerizing to behold. Still, all in all, it was a decent watch and I think it is actually worth a look.