TV Characters I Love
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asafçlkjasdsa feels, lots of feels.
I just love you so much that I feel like you're my pal, my buddy, my bff. And yes, I sometimes talk as if you were an actual person.
I just love you so much that I feel like you're my pal, my buddy, my bff. And yes, I sometimes talk as if you were an actual person.
As Ten in Doctor Who.
Ten is my Doctor, I just can't explain my love for him okay. But yeah, Ten is like the light of my day, he is a bit crazy and hyper sometimes but when he gets real he gets deep and it touches your very core. TEN IS AMAZING AND AWESOME AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Ten is my Doctor, I just can't explain my love for him okay. But yeah, Ten is like the light of my day, he is a bit crazy and hyper sometimes but when he gets real he gets deep and it touches your very core. TEN IS AMAZING AND AWESOME AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
becks's rating:

As Eleven in Doctor Who.
It took me a while to get used to Eleven, but I just love the way he's both crazy and calm at the same time. And now I truly understand why he is the way he is. I just love Eleven okay??
It took me a while to get used to Eleven, but I just love the way he's both crazy and calm at the same time. And now I truly understand why he is the way he is. I just love Eleven okay??
becks's rating:

As Amy Pond in Doctor Who.
At first sight I wasn't so sure about Amy, I thought that she was going to be another Martha, but boy was I wrong. Amy is one of my favourite characters of all time.
At first sight I wasn't so sure about Amy, I thought that she was going to be another Martha, but boy was I wrong. Amy is one of my favourite characters of all time.
becks's rating:

As Rory Williams in Doctor Who.
Rory is like the perfect man, I'm serious. The way he's in love with Amy is just amazing, and he is a bad-ass. WHY CAN'T I FIND MY OWN RORY, GODDAMMIT? Sorry, feels.
Rory is like the perfect man, I'm serious. The way he's in love with Amy is just amazing, and he is a bad-ass. WHY CAN'T I FIND MY OWN RORY, GODDAMMIT? Sorry, feels.
becks's rating:

As Donna Noble in Doctor Who.
Donna is my favourite companion. Not only she's a bamf, she also takes nothing from the Doctor. Donna is awesome and nobody can say otherwise.
Donna is my favourite companion. Not only she's a bamf, she also takes nothing from the Doctor. Donna is awesome and nobody can say otherwise.
As Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock (BBC).
I mean, other than being the best consulting detective EVER, it's Benedict Cumberbatch...
The deducting skills got me, and they got me real hard.
I mean, other than being the best consulting detective EVER, it's Benedict Cumberbatch...
The deducting skills got me, and they got me real hard.
becks's rating:

As Dr. John Watson in Sherlock (BBC).
Watson is just amazing. That's it. He doesn't even need more description.
Okay he does, his life is pretty much screwed up but he's not that type of character to sit and cry in a corner. He actually gets up and does stuff.
Watson is just amazing. That's it. He doesn't even need more description.
Okay he does, his life is pretty much screwed up but he's not that type of character to sit and cry in a corner. He actually gets up and does stuff.
becks's rating:

As James Moriarty in Sherlock (BBC).
Okay he might be a little psychopathic, but HEY WHO ISN'T RIGHT? Just kidding, but really Moriarty is one of my favourite characters (and villain) because he is so complex, you know?
Okay he might be a little psychopathic, but HEY WHO ISN'T RIGHT? Just kidding, but really Moriarty is one of my favourite characters (and villain) because he is so complex, you know?
becks's rating:

As Merlin in Merlin.
How can you not love him???? I mean, he is a wizard and has those blue eyes and YOU KNOW???? I wish I had a friend like Merlin, for real. He is the best friend a person could ask for.
How can you not love him???? I mean, he is a wizard and has those blue eyes and YOU KNOW???? I wish I had a friend like Merlin, for real. He is the best friend a person could ask for.
becks's rating:

As Gwaine in Merlin.
Gwaine is beautiful, amazing and he can use a sword, so... He is just a bad-ass, he can kill pretty much every enemy he encounters and he has flawless hair.
Gwaine is beautiful, amazing and he can use a sword, so... He is just a bad-ass, he can kill pretty much every enemy he encounters and he has flawless hair.
becks's rating:

As Dr. Spencer Reid in Criminal Minds.
The amount of love that I have for Reid is inexplicable. Because of his character I got interested in criminology and stuff like that. His character is so complex, and I love everything about him. I think he is one of the characters that I truly wish were real, and I sometimes talk about him like he exists in real life. Okay I'll stop writing otherwise this will turn into an essay entitled "how much I love Reid".
The amount of love that I have for Reid is inexplicable. Because of his character I got interested in criminology and stuff like that. His character is so complex, and I love everything about him. I think he is one of the characters that I truly wish were real, and I sometimes talk about him like he exists in real life. Okay I'll stop writing otherwise this will turn into an essay entitled "how much I love Reid".
becks's rating:

As Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead.
Daryl was pretty much what made me continue to watch this show. If you don't agree that he is the best character there then... It's ok, I didn't like him in season 1. But now, everything has changed, Daryl became such an amazing person throughout the seasons and ugh I just love him.
Daryl was pretty much what made me continue to watch this show. If you don't agree that he is the best character there then... It's ok, I didn't like him in season 1. But now, everything has changed, Daryl became such an amazing person throughout the seasons and ugh I just love him.
becks's rating:

As Will Graham in Hannibal.
I wasn't really excited about Will Graham at first, but then it hit me like a rock. Will is just a beautiful snowflake. There's also the fact that Hugh Dancy's acting is just superb.
I wasn't really excited about Will Graham at first, but then it hit me like a rock. Will is just a beautiful snowflake. There's also the fact that Hugh Dancy's acting is just superb.
becks's rating:

As Stiles Stilinski in Teen Wolf.
What's not to love about Stiles? I mean, he is the most hilarious person ever. But he's not just a funny guy, he is a pretty deep person too, he's also a pretty loyal friend (and lover...)
What's not to love about Stiles? I mean, he is the most hilarious person ever. But he's not just a funny guy, he is a pretty deep person too, he's also a pretty loyal friend (and lover...)
becks's rating:

As Isaac Lahey in Teen Wolf.
Isaac has daddy issues; he's a broken kid, but still he manages to be one bad-ass werewolf, and a pretty funny guy as well.
Isaac has daddy issues; he's a broken kid, but still he manages to be one bad-ass werewolf, and a pretty funny guy as well.
becks's rating:

As Lydia Martin in Teen Wolf.
I didn't like Lydia that much in season 1, but oh my dear lord in season 3 she is just amazing and perfect and flawless and amazing hair and she's witty and a banshee but anyway
I didn't like Lydia that much in season 1, but oh my dear lord in season 3 she is just amazing and perfect and flawless and amazing hair and she's witty and a banshee but anyway
As Sylar in Heroes.
I get it, he's like a serial killer that steals your powers but... I just love Sylar so much.
I'm sorry there's nothing I can say that'll ease the thing that he takes people's powers FROM THEIR BRAIN.
I get it, he's like a serial killer that steals your powers but... I just love Sylar so much.
I'm sorry there's nothing I can say that'll ease the thing that he takes people's powers FROM THEIR BRAIN.
becks's rating:

As Dean Winchester in Supernatural.
Dean is a bamf, like he kills supernatural beings, it can get any "bamfier". And he's also one of the most protective people I've ever seen. Yeah, he has lots of feels too.
Dean is a bamf, like he kills supernatural beings, it can get any "bamfier". And he's also one of the most protective people I've ever seen. Yeah, he has lots of feels too.
becks's rating:

As Sam Winchester in Supernatural.
Sam, like his brother is a bamf... But with deeper [psychological] problems.
Note: I seem really shallow on why I like Sam, but I love the dynamic between Sam and Dean.
Sam, like his brother is a bamf... But with deeper [psychological] problems.
Note: I seem really shallow on why I like Sam, but I love the dynamic between Sam and Dean.
becks's rating:

As Castiel in Supernatural.
He's an angel.... No, but really, Cas is one of the weirdest and most amazing characters I've ever encountered during my tv life, you just never know what he might do. He is just flawless with his absence of knowledge of earth things and references.
He's an angel.... No, but really, Cas is one of the weirdest and most amazing characters I've ever encountered during my tv life, you just never know what he might do. He is just flawless with his absence of knowledge of earth things and references.
As Robb Stark in Game of Thrones.
I literally have nothing to say; other than KING OF THE NORTH.
I literally have nothing to say; other than KING OF THE NORTH.
becks's rating:

As Jon Snow in Game of Thrones.
Does anyone actually need a reason to like Jon Snow other than he is Jon Snow?? [spoiler]AND GUESS WHAT???? WE REALLY CAN'T LOVE ANYBODY IN GOT BECAUSE THEY FREAKING DIE i'm so done with this show[/spoiler]
Does anyone actually need a reason to like Jon Snow other than he is Jon Snow?? [spoiler]AND GUESS WHAT???? WE REALLY CAN'T LOVE ANYBODY IN GOT BECAUSE THEY FREAKING DIE i'm so done with this show[/spoiler]
becks's rating:

As Klaus Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals.
Let me get this straight, I HATED, I mean H A T E D Klaus when he first appeared. I thought he was weird and bad and wanted to kill everybody (which he kinda does). However, at the end of Season 3 I was in love with Klaus.
He is a bad guy sometimes, but now I can see that he is not all bad, and that he's actually one of the most sensitive and deep characters on that show. I know it sounds like I'm just trying to numb down the bad stuff he did by saying he had an excuse but no I'm not doing that.
Let me get this straight, I HATED, I mean H A T E D Klaus when he first appeared. I thought he was weird and bad and wanted to kill everybody (which he kinda does). However, at the end of Season 3 I was in love with Klaus.
He is a bad guy sometimes, but now I can see that he is not all bad, and that he's actually one of the most sensitive and deep characters on that show. I know it sounds like I'm just trying to numb down the bad stuff he did by saying he had an excuse but no I'm not doing that.
becks's rating:

As Eric Northman in True Blood.
Eric is one of those characters that everybody (more like every girl tho) loves. Despise him being all crazy murderer sometimes (which reminds me why I started liking Klaus from TVD) he is also really sweet when he wants to.
I love his relationship with Godric and with Pam.
And never forget those days when EricxSookie was a thing.
Eric is one of those characters that everybody (more like every girl tho) loves. Despise him being all crazy murderer sometimes (which reminds me why I started liking Klaus from TVD) he is also really sweet when he wants to.
I love his relationship with Godric and with Pam.
And never forget those days when EricxSookie was a thing.
becks's rating:

As Pam de Beaufort in True Blood.
Pam is the epitome of bad ass. She takes no shit from nobody.
Pam is the epitome of bad ass. She takes no shit from nobody.
As Godric in True Blood.
Although Godric only appeared in 10 episodes, he's still one of my favourites. His love and passion towards the human race was something really beautiful to see. His relationship with Eric was also a *~~~beautiful~~~* thing.
Although Godric only appeared in 10 episodes, he's still one of my favourites. His love and passion towards the human race was something really beautiful to see. His relationship with Eric was also a *~~~beautiful~~~* thing.
As Captain Hook/Killian Jones in Once Upon a Time.
(I am sensing a pattern here) He sometimes is the bad guy, buuuuuuut yeah you guessed it right, he has a sensitive side... But really, Hook is actually trying to be a better guy FOR EMMA BECAUSE HE LOVES HER and is succeeding. He's also very flirty.
(I am sensing a pattern here) He sometimes is the bad guy, buuuuuuut yeah you guessed it right, he has a sensitive side... But really, Hook is actually trying to be a better guy FOR EMMA BECAUSE HE LOVES HER and is succeeding. He's also very flirty.
As Matty McKibben in Awkward.
Matty is simply your guy next door. He is sweet and funny and everything that I look for in a boyfriend. Ahem, that is until S3 BECAUSE HOLY FUCK WAS HE A SHITTY GUY.
And that fact makes me sad because he's not real.
Matty is simply your guy next door. He is sweet and funny and everything that I look for in a boyfriend. Ahem, that is until S3 BECAUSE HOLY FUCK WAS HE A SHITTY GUY.
And that fact makes me sad because he's not real.
becks's rating:

As Nathan in Misfits.
Nathan is hilarious. He always made me laugh, but he was also a very interesting character, mysterious even.
Nathan is hilarious. He always made me laugh, but he was also a very interesting character, mysterious even.
As Tate Langdon in American Horror Story.
Okay, Tate was pretty much the favourite character of every friend of mine on Season 1. Why is that, you ask?
Because the way Tate treated Violet was so cute and full of passion that there was no way you wouldn't fall for him. Too bad he killed a lot of people in high school. Oh, and he's a ghost...
Okay, Tate was pretty much the favourite character of every friend of mine on Season 1. Why is that, you ask?
Because the way Tate treated Violet was so cute and full of passion that there was no way you wouldn't fall for him. Too bad he killed a lot of people in high school. Oh, and he's a ghost...
becks's rating:

As Caleb Turman in Pretty Little Liars.
Again, does one need a reason to love Caleb other than Caleb being Caleb?
But really, Caleb is also the boy next door type, and is also a very very very caring and loving character.
Again, does one need a reason to love Caleb other than Caleb being Caleb?
But really, Caleb is also the boy next door type, and is also a very very very caring and loving character.
As Spencer Hastings in Pretty Little Liars.
Spencer is pretty much everything I wish I was. Smart, beautiful and simply flawless.
Okay, but also I love the way Spencer deals with things. She reminds me of myself sometimes.
Spencer is pretty much everything I wish I was. Smart, beautiful and simply flawless.
Okay, but also I love the way Spencer deals with things. She reminds me of myself sometimes.
becks's rating:

As Toby Cavanaugh in Pretty Little Liars.
Well we all gotta admit that Toby in Season 1 was a very strange little kid. Turns out that strange little kid is actually one of the most loving and noble characters.
Well we all gotta admit that Toby in Season 1 was a very strange little kid. Turns out that strange little kid is actually one of the most loving and noble characters.
As Chris in Skins.
Chris used to piss me off when I first watched Skins. But when I re-watched Skins for the first time (and I was older aswell) I saw a side of Chris that I totally missed during the first watch.
Season 2 was just too much for me.
Chris used to piss me off when I first watched Skins. But when I re-watched Skins for the first time (and I was older aswell) I saw a side of Chris that I totally missed during the first watch.
Season 2 was just too much for me.
becks's rating:

As Cassie in Skins.
I see a lot of myself in Cassie, so I kind of understand her for doing what she does. I love Cassie's quirkiness and weirdness and that messed up side of her.
I see a lot of myself in Cassie, so I kind of understand her for doing what she does. I love Cassie's quirkiness and weirdness and that messed up side of her.
becks's rating:

As Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow.
He's that kind of character that you love right away, he's super smart and has an eidetic memory which is pretty cool if you ask me.
And his lack of knowledge in technology, pretty much.
He's that kind of character that you love right away, he's super smart and has an eidetic memory which is pretty cool if you ask me.
And his lack of knowledge in technology, pretty much.
As Francis in Reign.
Since the moment Francis appeared in Reign I already knew I'd love him (good lord this sounds cheeky). He sometimes does things that makes me angry and I shout at my computer screen (because that will really work), but he's still a warm-harted guy. Also, everytime he says something to Mary my heart just melts because
Since the moment Francis appeared in Reign I already knew I'd love him (good lord this sounds cheeky). He sometimes does things that makes me angry and I shout at my computer screen (because that will really work), but he's still a warm-harted guy. Also, everytime he says something to Mary my heart just melts because

I like you, A LOT
I really like you, but you sometimes get overshadowed by the character that I love (see I LOVE YOU SO MUCH). But I still talk as you were my friend, and I also have feels.
As Amy Dyer in In the Flesh.
At first I thought Amy was a weird person, but throughout the episodes I understood her and omg she is just so beautiful and amazing and the best.
At first I thought Amy was a weird person, but throughout the episodes I understood her and omg she is just so beautiful and amazing and the best.
As Finn in My Mad Fat Diary.
When we first met Finn I hated him, he sounded so full of himself and he ~sort of~ hated Rae. But towards the end of the season we begin to see his true character and boy he is a good guy.
Every girl should have a Finn in her life, like really. WHO WOULDN'T WANT SOMEONE LIKE HIM???? I just have way too many feels about Finn. Just.. Ugh. He is the sweetest, most understanding guy I've ever seen, he actually stands up for his friends and HE IS SO SWEET.
When we first met Finn I hated him, he sounded so full of himself and he ~sort of~ hated Rae. But towards the end of the season we begin to see his true character and boy he is a good guy.
Every girl should have a Finn in her life, like really. WHO WOULDN'T WANT SOMEONE LIKE HIM???? I just have way too many feels about Finn. Just.. Ugh. He is the sweetest, most understanding guy I've ever seen, he actually stands up for his friends and HE IS SO SWEET.
As The Mad Hatter in Once Upon a Time.
Being a fan of the Mad Hatter I just had to love him, it was mandatory. And I liked the way he cared about his daughter.
Oh wow I just read this summary and it is so bad omg... But yeah, I like him because he was weird and kind of the bad guy but not really ~he just was misunderstoooooooood~
Being a fan of the Mad Hatter I just had to love him, it was mandatory. And I liked the way he cared about his daughter.
Oh wow I just read this summary and it is so bad omg... But yeah, I like him because he was weird and kind of the bad guy but not really ~he just was misunderstoooooooood~
becks's rating:

As Jessica Hamby in True Blood.
Again, Jessica annoyed me in Season 1. But as her character improved, she grew on me. One of the things that I like the most about her is that she actually has feelings, like, she still wants to live a normal life.
Again, Jessica annoyed me in Season 1. But as her character improved, she grew on me. One of the things that I like the most about her is that she actually has feelings, like, she still wants to live a normal life.
becks's rating:

As Lafayette Reynolds in True Blood.
Lafayette exhales glitter and fabulousness. He's amazing and sassy and witty and funny and you should not mess with him.
Lafayette exhales glitter and fabulousness. He's amazing and sassy and witty and funny and you should not mess with him.
As Jeff Winger in Community.
Jeff's sarcastic and ironic personality is what I love the most, he can be a douche sometimes but I still like him. His jokes sometimes are a little bit harsh but oh welllll
Jeff's sarcastic and ironic personality is what I love the most, he can be a douche sometimes but I still like him. His jokes sometimes are a little bit harsh but oh welllll
As Allison Argent in Teen Wolf.
Gotta be honest here, Allison was really annoying in Season 1, but I'm really loving her in Season 3. She can kick assss with her bow and arrow.
Gotta be honest here, Allison was really annoying in Season 1, but I'm really loving her in Season 3. She can kick assss with her bow and arrow.
As Bobby Singer in Supernatural.
Hmm... Bobby was the father that Sam and Dean never had. He's also a bad ass demon hunter and basically a walking encyclopaedia about the supernatural stuff.
Hmm... Bobby was the father that Sam and Dean never had. He's also a bad ass demon hunter and basically a walking encyclopaedia about the supernatural stuff.
As Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal.
Wow just WHOAAAAH. Hannibal is one manipulative bastard and you might be surprised when you realise you've been manipulated too. I really forgot that he was supposed to be the "bad guy".
Wow just WHOAAAAH. Hannibal is one manipulative bastard and you might be surprised when you realise you've been manipulated too. I really forgot that he was supposed to be the "bad guy".
As Crowley in Supernatural.
How can he be the bad guy if everyone in the fandom loves him?? But really, Crowley is the sassiest funniest demon you'll ever encounter. I mean like how can you hate him?
How can he be the bad guy if everyone in the fandom loves him?? But really, Crowley is the sassiest funniest demon you'll ever encounter. I mean like how can you hate him?
As Glenn Rhee in The Walking Dead.
Glenn may look like a defenceless guy, but he's actually pretty good by himself at kicking asses. He's also funny and awesome and amazing.
Glenn may look like a defenceless guy, but he's actually pretty good by himself at kicking asses. He's also funny and awesome and amazing.
As Roman Godfrey in Hemlock Grove.
Roman is a little weird, like really weird sometimes. I think I'm noticing that I tend to like the weird/creepy/sensitive characters, oh well. But yeah, Roman is funny and sometimes creepy and a very complex character (I say that a lot huh?), he comes from a rich family so he's like $$$$ but he's also like WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS FUCKING TOWN JFC.
Roman is a little weird, like really weird sometimes. I think I'm noticing that I tend to like the weird/creepy/sensitive characters, oh well. But yeah, Roman is funny and sometimes creepy and a very complex character (I say that a lot huh?), he comes from a rich family so he's like $$$$ but he's also like WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS FUCKING TOWN JFC.
As Mordred in Merlin.
I really have no other reason other than I liked him because of reasons. I don't know, maybe it was because I felt compassion for him, I DONT KNOW.
I really have no other reason other than I liked him because of reasons. I don't know, maybe it was because I felt compassion for him, I DONT KNOW.
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P.S.: This list is constantly changing. Well, not that constantly but you know the drill.
My favourite tv characters from multiple shows. Like my other list (tv characters I hate) this will be divided in three categories.
I am so sorry about the descriptions that I'll give, I AM A FANGIRL, SORRY.
Actually, no I'm not sorry. (But yeah I apologize for saying badass, awesome, amazing, kick ass, and things like that so much).
My favourite tv characters from multiple shows. Like my other list (tv characters I hate) this will be divided in three categories.
I am so sorry about the descriptions that I'll give, I AM A FANGIRL, SORRY.
Actually, no I'm not sorry. (But yeah I apologize for saying badass, awesome, amazing, kick ass, and things like that so much).
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