Top 5 Rangers That Should Have Been Genderbent
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Power Rangers S.P.D.

Because fuck tradition. Executive Producer, Greg Aronowitz wanted to make Red a girl from the start but was shot down by the powers that be. Yeah, we ended up getting Charlie, who is awesome, but you know what would have been more awesome? If Jack's character was a girl.
And you can't even pull that "but she doesn't have a skirt" thing because no one has skirts this season!
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers Jungle Fury

The Jungle Fury team was a total sausage fest with one girl out of eight total Rangers. But the Spirit Rangers were original creations made just for Power Rangers. So why couldn't Master Swoop be a girl? There is absolutely no reason why all three of the first group of masters had to be men.
And before you say what about Elephant Ranger, think about the big picture for a second. If Elephant Ranger was a girl that means that both of Lily's masters are girls, and therefore segregates them.
Power Rangers Time Force

I still feel like Katie would have made a better Blue Ranger, but the higher ups already had a streak in place of gender swapping Yellow. And no, just because Green was tiny does not mean that he should have been the one made female.
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers Dino Charge
(2015 - 2016)

Yeah, he's the "hotshot" but I swear his pose is so graceful that it looks more feminine than even the girls! Not that guys can't be graceful, but it's a much better transition than "big, strong guy" and "expert swordsman." Also, girls can be "hotshots" too.
Plus, Pink is already an extremely rough fighter within the core team, so making Blue or Green girls would then give us two female melee fighters. This would give us one girl adept in hand-to-hand and one female long-range fighter.
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Power Rangers had a history of changing the gender of characters when the female ratio was low in the original Japanese footage.
But the last time they did this with a hero was 2002, and there are still characters that I feel would have been better as the other gender. These are those characters.
But the last time they did this with a hero was 2002, and there are still characters that I feel would have been better as the other gender. These are those characters.
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