Top 10 Anime Closing
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Devil Hunter Yohko Complete Collection - Artist Not Provided
The sixth ending of Devil Hunter Yohko: Touch my heart
it old school i like it when i was 9 years old
Steve-Sano's rating:

Sorcerer Hunters: Perfect Collection - Artist Not Provided
The ending of Sorcerer Hunters: Mask
other old school closing theme, like the rave-like melody and rhythm...brings back the good old days
Steve-Sano's rating:

the fourth closing of Paniponi Dash: Moonlight Love
it catchy but good, like how the characters are playing card wish i can own one
Steve-Sano's rating:

the closing of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Hare Hare Yukai
damn this theme it in my head, but still it catchy and good
p.s. dance puppet dance
Steve-Sano's rating:

the closing of Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan season 2: Bokusatsu Ondo de Dokuro-chan
it hard to give a reason this one, but i like it and its catchy
Steve-Sano's rating:

the closing of Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings: Break and Peace
the melody and rhythm of the theme rocks, i blame nobunaga for this
Steve-Sano's rating:

the second closing of Sgt. Frog: PEKOPON Shinryaku Ondo
don't have a reason why i like, i just like it
Steve-Sano's rating:

Witchblade, Vol. 1 (2007)
the first closing of Witchblade: Tomorrow's Hand
a soft melody for a kick a$$ anime but also make me little bit sad... it awesome
Steve-Sano's rating:

this one is a tie
the first closing of Moonphase: Kanashii Yokan
peaceful theme make me want to take a nap, very nice..zzzz
the closing of Queen's Blade season 2: Buddy Body
god it really catchy but i can't help it, to good. it even better if you listen the full theme with Melona, Menace & Air
... still it rocks
the first closing of Moonphase: Kanashii Yokan
peaceful theme make me want to take a nap, very nice..zzzz
the closing of Queen's Blade season 2: Buddy Body
god it really catchy but i can't help it, to good. it even better if you listen the full theme with Melona, Menace & Air
... still it rocks
Steve-Sano's rating:

the closing of Phoenix: PHOENIX
holy crap this...this is very beautiful theme i love it the melody and rhythm beautiful the anime is awesome and sad...
Ozamu Tezuka you are a truly manga god of all time
Steve-Sano's rating:

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Well other list.. and this time it anime closing, this one is tough
*note* no upper class anime, only lower or some what
i like anime series between ep 13-51
no anime series that has over 100 episodes
this is my opinion.
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