The Future Looks Promising...
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The Boy's Section..

Age 28.
He is around since: 2004.
First Film: I Heart Huckabees.
Career High: Money ball.
Oscar Nomination: 1
My Favourite: Moneyball, 21 Jump Street.
Next Attraction: Django Unchained, The End of the World,The Wolf of Wall Street,21 Jump Street 2 & What not....
santanu's rating:

Age 31.
He is around since: 1997.
First Film: Frankenstein and Me .
Career High: Drive, Half Nelson.
Oscar Nomination: 1
My Favourite: Drive, The Ides of March.
Next Attraction: Gangster Squad
santanu's rating:

Age 29.
He is around since: 2007.
First Film: Boy A .
Career High: The Social Network , The Amazing Spider-Man.
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: The Social Network.
Next Attraction: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
santanu's rating:

Age 33.
He is around since: 1995.
First Film: The Near Room .
Career High: The Last King of Scotland ,Atonement , Wanted, X-Men: First Class
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: The Last King of Scotland ,Atonement, X-Men: First Class.
Next Attraction: Welcome to the Punch, X-Men: Days of Future Past
santanu's rating:

Age 31.
He is around since: 1992.
First Film: Beethoven.
Career High: 500 Days of Summer, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Brick
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: 500 Days of Summer, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Brick.
Next Attraction: Premium Rush, Looper, Lincoln
santanu's rating:

Age 28.
He is around since: 2002.
First Film: Roger Dodger .
Career High: The Social Network
Oscar Nomination: The Social Network.
My Favourite: The Social Network, Zombieland, Adventureland
Next Attraction: The Double
santanu's rating:

Age 34.
He is around since: 2001.
First Film: Black Hawk Down.
Career High: The Dark Knight Rises
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: Warrior, The Dark Knight Rises
Next Attraction: Lawless
santanu's rating:

Age 35.
He is around since: 2006.
First Film: 300 .
Career High: X-Men: First Class
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: X-Men: First Class
Next Attraction: X-Men: Days of Future Past
santanu's rating:

Age 34.
He is around since: 1999.
First Film: Never Been Kissed .
Career High: Spider-Man , Spider-Man 2 , 127 Hours
Oscar Nomination: 1.
My Favourite: 127 Hours
Next Attraction: Oz: The Great and Powerful
santanu's rating:

Age 27.
He is around since: 2002.
First Film: The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys.
Career High: Into the Wild, Milk
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: Into The Wild
Next Attraction: Lone Survivor
santanu's rating:

Age 19.
He is around since: 2003.
First Film: American Splendor .
Career High: Little Manhattan, The Hunger Games
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: Little Manhattan
Next Attraction: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
santanu's rating:

Age 29.
He is around since: 2009.
First Film: Star Trek .
Career High: Thor, The Avengers
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: None
Next Attraction: Thor: The Dark World
santanu's rating:

Age 32.
He is around since: 2002
First Film: As If
Career High: The Hurt Locker, 8 Mile, The Manchurian Candidate, The Adjustment Bureau
Oscar Nomination: Not yet
My Favourite: N/A
Next Attraction: Gangster Squad, Pain and Gain
santanu's rating:

The Girl's Section

Age 25.
She is around since: 1999.
First Film: The Long Road Home .
Career High: None Yet.
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Next Attraction: A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III
santanu's rating:

Age 27.
She is around since: 2009.
First Film: Dare .
Career High: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo .
Oscar Nomination: 1.
My Favourite: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Next Attraction: The Girl Who Played with Fire
santanu's rating:

Age 23.
She is around since: 2007.
First Film: Superbad .
Career High: Superbad, Easy A , The Amazing Spider-Man , The Help
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: Easy A
Next Attraction: Gangster Squad
santanu's rating:

Age 21.
She is around since: 2008.
First Film: Garden Party .
Career High: Winter's Bone , X-Men: First Class , The Hunger Games
Oscar Nomination: 1.
My Favourite: X-Men: First Class
Next Attraction: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, X-Men: Days of Future Past
santanu's rating:

Age 33.
She is around since: 2002.
First Film: My Name Is Tanino .
Career High: The Notebook, Sherlock Holmes
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: State of Play
Next Attraction: A Most Wanted Man
santanu's rating:

Age 30.
She is around since: 1994.
First Film: Lassie .
Career High: Brokeback Mountain , Blue Valentine , My Week with Marilyn
Oscar Nomination: 3.
My Favourite: Blue Valentine
Next Attraction: Oz: The Great and Powerful
santanu's rating:

Age 29.
She is around since: 1998.
First Film: Krippendorf's Tribe .
Career High: Forgetting Sarah Marshall , Black Swan
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet.
My Favourite: Black Swan
Next Attraction: Oz: The Great and Powerful
santanu's rating:

Age 25.
She is around since: 2002.
First Film: Marion Bridge .
Career High: Juno, Inception
Oscar Nomination: 1.
My Favourite: Juno
Next Attraction: Touchy Feely
santanu's rating:

Age 27.
She is around since: 2007.
First Film: When Did You Last See Your Father?
Career High: An Education, Drive
Oscar Nomination: 1.
My Favourite: Drive
Next Attraction: The Great Gatsby
santanu's rating:

Age 15.
She is around since: 2005.
First Film: The Amityville Horror
Career High: kick Ass, Let Me In , Hugo
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet
My Favourite: Kick Ass, 500 Days of Summer, Let Me In
Next Attraction: Kick-Ass 2: Balls to the Wall
santanu's rating:

Age 22.
She is around since: 2006.
First Film: Suburban Mayhem
Career High: Alice in Wonderland, The Kids Are All right
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet
My Favourite: Alice in Wonderland
Next Attraction: Lawless
santanu's rating:

Age 30.
She is around since: 1996.
First Film: I Love You, I Love You Not
Career High: 10 Things I Hate About You, The Bourne Series,
Oscar Nomination: Not Yet
My Favourite: 10 Things I Hate About You
Next Attraction: Between Us
santanu's rating:

It is about the promising talents who are set to rule the decade to come...
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