"that was surprisingly good"
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American Gangster (2007)
I probably watched this just beacause of Denzel but after watching it, this turned out to be a great movie anyways.

drugs's rating:

American Splendor (2003)
Sometimes Paul Giamatti can get really annoying, so i was sceptical about watching American Splendor. I'm glad I did watch this. Since I also am sort of a hardcore pessimist, this was just my kind of movie.

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Bad Taste (1987)
I was suppose to watch Bad Taste almost a year ago but I never had the will to watch it. I was veeeeeeeeeeery skeptical but I finally watched this just before my trip to America. When the film ended, I was just amazed by the sickness of the film. And I loved it.

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Barton Fink (1991)
Barton Fink was also one of the films that was on my 'must see' list but once again I was lazy and didn't have the will to watch it. When i finally watched it, it was awesome! And it had one of the best movie characters ever.

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Blade Runner (1982)
I have to admit that the first time I was watching this, I actually fell asleep. I hated myself for it so I had to watch it again. I'm glad I did because it was awesome.

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The Boat That Rocked (2009)
It was probably my mom who wanted to watch The Boat That Rocked and so I watched it with her. And fell in love. Greatgreatgreat movie!

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City of God (2002)
My brother had this on DVD and he told me I should watch it. I took my time and finally checked it out. What an excellent movie it turned out to be.

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Crank (2006)
Crank pretty much got me speechless. Srsly... Crank has all the cliches I thought I hated but I found myself enjoying them very much. It just dares to be what it is. Crank is a bit of guilty pleasure and who wouldn't enjoy watching Jason Statham run around like a crazy person.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid seemed like a pretty random movie. I just watched it in an airplane. It turned out to be a cute little movie. Very adorable and good.

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I just randomly watched this on TV. Turned out to be actually very interesting movie. Mostly because of the great actors but the idea was nice too.

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I didn't really pay any attention to this even though it seemed to be very praised movie. So one day I just rented the DVD and watched it. And it was so intensive and a great movie. Fucking great movie actually.

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God on Trial (2008)
I usually don't have any interest in watching TV movies. Because of the interesting topic I decided to watch God on Trial. It was very simplified movie,'cause the main part of the film was pretty much filmed in the same room. But it turned out to be very good and interesting movie.

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Into the Wild (2007)
I'm not that keen on movies that last 3 hours. So I'm surprised that I even decided to watch this. And there is princess of BORING Stewart in the movie. Turned out to be very beautiful movie. Emile Hirsch is awesome.

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While watching this the first time, I once again fell asleep. So the next day I had to see this again. And it was freaking awesome! GREAT movie.

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I was suppose to hate this. Tom Cruise and some sci-fi stuff, not a good combination for me. But I liked it. There wasn't a moment in the movie that I was bored. I really enjoyed watching Minority Report.

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My Own Private Idaho (1991)
I'm not that keen on Keanu Reeves. But because of River I decided to check this out. Turned out to be a very good movie. Not THAT great but better than expected.

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What a fucking great movie. Also this had one character that went straight to my favorite movie character list.

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Poetic Justice (1993)
I was very skeptical about Poetic Justice. Seemed like a bad movie. It turned out to be and OK movie. Tupac & Janet Jackson could actually work in a movie

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Well I'm not that into this sort of adventure movies. But the movie and even the character Indiana Jones were great.

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Shaun of the Dead (2004)
It somehow never even crossed my mind that Shaun of the Dead is a horror comedy. So I was very surprised, in a good way though.

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Shutter Island (2010)
I was pretty damn tired when I decided to check this out. I was sure it was just a overrated Scorsese/Dicaprio film. I didn't even fall asleep even though I was VERY tired. It wasn't THAT good but very nice.

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Stand by Me (1986)
Stand By Me turned out to be the best film of 2010 for me. It went straight to my top 10. I never thought it could be that good.

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I was once again skeptical about watching this because of the length. But I decided to watch it since it seemed pretty interesting. And it was a fucking great movie. The dialog was amazing. VERY good movie.

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I just randomly watched this on TV. I didn't know it was such a praised finnish film. But it was a really great movie.

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Zombieland (2009)
I thought this was another stupid useless parody of some great movie or movies. But it turned out to be one of my favorite horror comedies.

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This is a 2010 edition, hah. I'm sorry for my boring and too simple comments that repeat themselves. I hope you can still, besides that, appreciate this list :D
Year 2011
Here are the movies which I've watched this year and, which have been surprisingly good.
Year 2011
Here are the movies which I've watched this year and, which have been surprisingly good.
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