Stars that have overcome drug addiction
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Robert Downey Jr. first tried marijuana when he was 6, and developed a serious drug problem by age 22. He battled addictions to cocaine, heroin and other drugs. Since his release from rehab in 2002, he has remained sober.
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David Bowie was hooked on cocaine in the early to mid 70s, eventually resorting to injecting the drug straight into his system. It wasn't until Bowie was given custody of his young son in the late 70s that he kicked his addiction.
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At 9, Drew was smoking cigarettes, an alcoholic by 11, smoking marijuana at 12 and a cocaine addict by 13. Since then she has managed to stay sober.

Keith Richards was a notorious drug user, but since becoming sober he has had trouble escaping from his now famous image as a hard rocker addicted to drugs.

Angelina Jolie has admitted to taking "just about every drug possible." She has listed cocaine, LSD, Ecstasy, heroin and other drugs.

Elton John fought an addiction to cocaine throughout his career, and suffered an overdose in 1975. He has been sober or 16 years and now helps celebrities to overcome their own addictions.

Ozzy Osbourne ended his 40 year addiction to drugs and alcohol because of his wife, Sharron, who offered to manage him as a solo artist.
Thank you to the giraffe!

Trent Reznor overcame his cocaine and alcohol addiction and completed rehab in 2001.

Trent Reznor overcame his cocaine and alcohol addiction and completed rehab in 2001.

Steven Tyler was addicted to heroin and stimulants in the late 70s and 80s. After he collapsed at a show in 1984, Aerosmith arranged an intervention and he was checked into rehab.
Tyler began using drugs again in the 90s, and has since kicked his long lasting drug addiction.

At the start of his career, Robin Williams was a cocaine addict, and had abused many drugs before. When fellow comedian John Belushi died of a drug overdose, Williams checked into rehab.

Oprah has admitted to doing crack cocaine while she was in her 20s, and recently a former boyfriend has claimed she was a regular user in the 80s.

Samuel L. Jackson has fought a cocaine and heroin addiction and has survived multiple overdoses. He entered rehab in 1991.
I have a lot of respect for those strong enough to overcome their battles with drugs and remain sober. This is a list of celebrities that have not only survived their addictions, but have defeated them and remained sober.
Always open to suggestions. :)
I have a lot of respect for those strong enough to overcome their battles with drugs and remain sober. This is a list of celebrities that have not only survived their addictions, but have defeated them and remained sober.
Always open to suggestions. :)
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