Saleen's Horror Hides
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The film opens aboard an Italian ocean liner, Antonia Graza, in May 1962. Dozens of wealthy passengers enjoy dancing in the ship's luxurious ballroom while a beautiful Italian woman sings "Senza Fine." Away from the party in an outer room, a gloved hand pulls a switch that unravels a thin wire cord from a hidden spool.
Suddenly, the spool snaps and the wire slices across the deck (dance floor) like a blade, bisecting the dancers. A number of them remain alive for several seconds before grasping that they have been cut in half. Only little Katie, dancing with a ship's officer (the Captain), is spared, thanks to her small stature and to the captain leaning down on her when he saw the wire snap. Seeing the fate of the other dancers, she looks up at the officer's face. He looks back at her sorrowfully, as his face splits open at mouth level and the top of his head falls off. Katie then screams, the view from the outside of the ship zooms down underwater, and the film cuts to the present day.
Suddenly, the spool snaps and the wire slices across the deck (dance floor) like a blade, bisecting the dancers. A number of them remain alive for several seconds before grasping that they have been cut in half. Only little Katie, dancing with a ship's officer (the Captain), is spared, thanks to her small stature and to the captain leaning down on her when he saw the wire snap. Seeing the fate of the other dancers, she looks up at the officer's face. He looks back at her sorrowfully, as his face splits open at mouth level and the top of his head falls off. Katie then screams, the view from the outside of the ship zooms down underwater, and the film cuts to the present day.
Lady Saleen's rating:

When Cyrus Kriticos, a very rich collector of unique things dies, he leaves it all to his nephew and his family. All including his house, his fortune, and his malicious collection of ghosts!
Bloodthirsty creatures await a pack of divers who become trapped in an underwater cave network.
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
You've seen the movie.....
Alternate ending.....
The ending in the final cut of the film was not what Romero had originally planned. According to the original screenplay, Peter was to shoot himself in the head instead of making a heroic escape and Fran would commit suicide by thrusting her head into the helicopter's propeller blades. The end credits would run over a shot of the helicopter's blades turning until the engine winds down, showing that Fran and Peter would not have had enough fuel to escape.
Alternate ending.....
The ending in the final cut of the film was not what Romero had originally planned. According to the original screenplay, Peter was to shoot himself in the head instead of making a heroic escape and Fran would commit suicide by thrusting her head into the helicopter's propeller blades. The end credits would run over a shot of the helicopter's blades turning until the engine winds down, showing that Fran and Peter would not have had enough fuel to escape.
Creep (2004)
You always have a different creepy feeling when you watch a film that the events can really Happen.
Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets.
Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets.
Deep Rising (1998)
Who knows what lurks in the depths of our wide, dark oceans...
In this suspense filled thriller, they make us believe that some squid-puss creature feeds on ocean liner passengers and that a seedy bunch of (pirates/military) men and one woman, on board a small with the captain's motto "If the cash is there, we do not care"...
In this suspense filled thriller, they make us believe that some squid-puss creature feeds on ocean liner passengers and that a seedy bunch of (pirates/military) men and one woman, on board a small with the captain's motto "If the cash is there, we do not care"...
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This is a list of the films that I (alone) feel need to be brought out into the public eye..