RP: Monster World
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Our main protagonist, he is a weregrinch and monster loving scientist who is eccentric but at the same time brilliant. He and his closet monster gang dedicate their lives to fighting crime.
Our main protagonist, he is a weregrinch and monster loving scientist who is eccentric but at the same time brilliant. He and his closet monster gang dedicate their lives to fighting crime.
Monstermaster's rating:

The only member of the group who isn't a monster, he is second in command. He has a chainsaw where his left arm should be although sometimes he has a mechanical hand and his trademark weapon is a 12 gauge remmington shotgun which he refers to as his "boomstick". He has god-like powers and is a demigod.
The only member of the group who isn't a monster, he is second in command. He has a chainsaw where his left arm should be although sometimes he has a mechanical hand and his trademark weapon is a 12 gauge remmington shotgun which he refers to as his "boomstick". He has god-like powers and is a demigod.
Monstermaster's rating:

Edgar was born in Halloweentown. He is a tim burtonesque creature, he is quite mysterious and shy. Often plays poker with Beetlejuice and Jack Skellington. He is often seen playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Edward Scissorhands but sometimes loses. His tim burtonesque creature form is rarely seen but it is said to be quite menacing.
Edgar was born in Halloweentown. He is a tim burtonesque creature, he is quite mysterious and shy. Often plays poker with Beetlejuice and Jack Skellington. He is often seen playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Edward Scissorhands but sometimes loses. His tim burtonesque creature form is rarely seen but it is said to be quite menacing.
Monstermaster's rating:

Jeff is a human/fly hybrid much like Brundlefly except he's much better looking and he has wings. He is kind of shy but loves comics especially Spiderman. He is a good friend of Sam Raimi and Stan Lee, despite his generally geeky behavior at times he is actually super strong.
Jeff is a human/fly hybrid much like Brundlefly except he's much better looking and he has wings. He is kind of shy but loves comics especially Spiderman. He is a good friend of Sam Raimi and Stan Lee, despite his generally geeky behavior at times he is actually super strong.
Monstermaster's rating:

If Jason was a nice guy instead of a killer, you would have Jasey. Jasey never talks much, he is mostly silent but communicates via sign language. He and Ted argue constantly.
If Jason was a nice guy instead of a killer, you would have Jasey. Jasey never talks much, he is mostly silent but communicates via sign language. He and Ted argue constantly.
Monstermaster's rating:

Sebastian is a devilishly charming demon who appears in the form of a handsome well dressed gentleman. He is very witty and quite intelligent. He is also an attorney.
Sebastian is a devilishly charming demon who appears in the form of a handsome well dressed gentleman. He is very witty and quite intelligent. He is also an attorney.
Monstermaster's rating:

What happens if Freddy Krueger becomes good? Well you get Ted, he and Jasey are best of friends even though they argue constantly.
What happens if Freddy Krueger becomes good? Well you get Ted, he and Jasey are best of friends even though they argue constantly.
Monstermaster's rating:

Poor Zombo, he is always falling apart. He is a super intelligent zombie who objects to stereotypical zombie behavior and is always full of jokes and wise-cracks.
Poor Zombo, he is always falling apart. He is a super intelligent zombie who objects to stereotypical zombie behavior and is always full of jokes and wise-cracks.
Monstermaster's rating:

Inspired by the Corpse Bride, she is an undead bride type character who is also Zombo's girlfriend.
Inspired by the Corpse Bride, she is an undead bride type character who is also Zombo's girlfriend.
Monstermaster's rating:

Presto is a dark blue skinned phasm with brown hair and a goatee, he has magical powers and is the one in charge of the closet monster gang.
Presto is a dark blue skinned phasm with brown hair and a goatee, he has magical powers and is the one in charge of the closet monster gang.
Monstermaster's rating:

Mitchell: A fellow spellcaster, he has a number of supernatural powers including the ability to possess people by flying into them, he is often seen with an army of ghosts from the past. He can also turn into the Superghoul from the video - he can also possess people and turn them into a creature like that one as well.
Monstermaster's rating:

Young Elizabeth Taylor is the inspiration and model for Mitchell's love interest/friend Princess Cleo, she is an egpytian mummy who is also royalty. She is a fashion expert and also quite smart and a good singer.
Monstermaster's rating:

A big blue super strong koala monster who is rather intelligent and has a faux British accent. He is very intelligent and likes drinking tea, playing chess, he is also a fan of Blackadder, Monty Python, and especially Whose Line Is It Anyway. He is very sophisticated and enjoys fine art.
A big blue super strong koala monster who is rather intelligent and has a faux British accent. He is very intelligent and likes drinking tea, playing chess, he is also a fan of Blackadder, Monty Python, and especially Whose Line Is It Anyway. He is very sophisticated and enjoys fine art.
Monstermaster's rating:

A female grinch with the ability to switch between her human and grinch forms at will. She is a lot like Demona from Gargoyles in terms of personality. Fashion designer by day - and kickass she-grinch by night.
In grinch form she is quite lithe and muscular, with green fur, yellow eyes, a semi grinch-like muzzle (but a cute one), small fangs, sharp black claws and wild black hair. Her eyes often glow an eerie yellowish colour when she's mad. She's also able to turn humans into grinch-like creatures by scratching them with her claws.
A female grinch with the ability to switch between her human and grinch forms at will. She is a lot like Demona from Gargoyles in terms of personality. Fashion designer by day - and kickass she-grinch by night.
In grinch form she is quite lithe and muscular, with green fur, yellow eyes, a semi grinch-like muzzle (but a cute one), small fangs, sharp black claws and wild black hair. Her eyes often glow an eerie yellowish colour when she's mad. She's also able to turn humans into grinch-like creatures by scratching them with her claws.
Monstermaster's rating:

Scare Bear:
A possessed teddy bear. He may seem cute on the ouside but on the inside he's a cold blooded killer. He often carries around a butcher knife. He is yellow and brown, wears a blue t shirt and shorts, and a cap. He has sharp claws and fangs and tries to kill/maim anything that gets in his way.
A possessed teddy bear. He may seem cute on the ouside but on the inside he's a cold blooded killer. He often carries around a butcher knife. He is yellow and brown, wears a blue t shirt and shorts, and a cap. He has sharp claws and fangs and tries to kill/maim anything that gets in his way.
Monstermaster's rating:

Jack the Werewolf:
Jack, of course is what happens if you combine Nicholson's roles in Wolf and The Shining together.
He is a skilled hunter and is also incredibly strong and agile and has keen senses, he can also imtimidate enemies with his killer grin, and can track down bad guys with ease.
He can also switch between two different werewolf forms - one of them is similar to how Jack Nicholson looked in werewolf form in the film Wolf while the other is an American Werewolf style werewolf. He can also tell a mean joke or two.
He is a show-business werewolf, he loves the entertainment industry and is very much a real joker at times - also however..it is never wise to get on his bad side as he does tend to go insane sometimes and "wolf-out" whenever he's angry or stressed.
Jack, of course is what happens if you combine Nicholson's roles in Wolf and The Shining together.
He is a skilled hunter and is also incredibly strong and agile and has keen senses, he can also imtimidate enemies with his killer grin, and can track down bad guys with ease.
He can also switch between two different werewolf forms - one of them is similar to how Jack Nicholson looked in werewolf form in the film Wolf while the other is an American Werewolf style werewolf. He can also tell a mean joke or two.
He is a show-business werewolf, he loves the entertainment industry and is very much a real joker at times - also however..it is never wise to get on his bad side as he does tend to go insane sometimes and "wolf-out" whenever he's angry or stressed.
Monstermaster's rating:

This is a list about my Monster World stories/RPs involving both human and monster characters. This half will be talking about the closet monster gang.
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Published 10 years, 6 months ago

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