Rest in peace, Liz Taylor
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Doctor Faustus (1967)

as Helen of Troy
"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of Illium? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss!"

as Martha
"Look, sweetheart, I can drink you under any goddamn table you want, so don't worry about me.
Cleopatra (1963)
Butterfield 8 (1960)

as Gloria Wandrous
"Command performances leave me quite cold. I've had more fun in the back seat of a '39 Ford than I could ever have in the vault of the Chase Manhattan Bank."
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)

as Helen Ellswirth
"I'm sick to death of death. I want to enjoy things, have fun, live every day like it's the last day. Wouldn't that be nice, a lifetime full of last days?"
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