Powerful Scenes [SPOILERS!]
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Edward Scissorhands (1990)

2. Goodbye scene
The whole movie was so beautiful but damn sad. One of the most important movies in my life. I've seen this movie about million times and it still gives me the chills at the end.
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Fight Club (1999)

When "Where is my mind?" started, I got the chills. I get them everytime at the very end of the movie. The song and the scene fit together just perfect.
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Stand by Me (1986)

I can honestly admit that this scene was so touching, I might have gotten some tears in my eyes....
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A really heartbreaking moment.
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Funny Games (1997)

2. The ending look

Based on these two looks... You just know, they are never going to stop.
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City of God (2002)

2. The Story of Li'l Ze
The whole movie is a very powerful experience.
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Rear Window (1954) (1954)

Another very creepy and actually scary Hitchcock movie moment.
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American Psycho (2000)
Insanely great scene. Funny and sick as hell.
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My heart popped into my throat when i was watching the scene. This oney guy was so high on drugs and the camera is just filming some other guy and suddenly he falls to the street in the background.
(picture not related)
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Popular Music (2004)
Now that i've read the book, seen the movie and even seen the theater version, I can say that I think this was an important scene. The best version of it I saw in the theater. I just think there is something about that scene that gives the whole story darker kind of side.
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The movie is full of powerful scenes. But I decided to pick only one of them to put here. Let the Right One In is such a great movie. It deals with important things but has that fantasy effect.
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Very beautiful and sad scene.
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Seven (1995)

One of the most brutal ending scenes ever.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Genious ending to a great movie. Very touching.
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2. Fight with O-Ren Ishii

Both of these scenes just took my breath away. Insane violence just the right way.
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Aragorn is THE MAN. Damn good scene.
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To me, the most powerful scenes i've seen in movies so far.
Powerful scene to me is a scene that has some kind of strong effect on you. It might make you really sad, or really happy. Or even confused as hell.
This is sort of a advanced version of the most influential movies
To me, the most powerful scenes i've seen in movies so far.
Powerful scene to me is a scene that has some kind of strong effect on you. It might make you really sad, or really happy. Or even confused as hell.
This is sort of a advanced version of the most influential movies
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