Not so Villainous Villains
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While they can be quite ruthless with the dinosaurs, the human villains try to save the protagonists' lives. In fact, it is the so-called heroes who cause every death in the movie. When a Tyrannosaurus rex attacks the hunters, the leader tries to shoot it, but then realizes that one of the "heroes" has stolen the bullets from his gun. In a deleted scene, one of the dinosaur hunters defends a waitress from a bunch of drunken idiots who try to sexually harass her. In fact, he doesn't do anything evil in the movie, aside from wanting to hunt a T-Rex.
Vincent the bear spends the entire summer gathering food so that he can survive the winter. But then, RJ tries to steal it. Vincent and RJ come to an agreement: RJ will attempt to replace all the food he lost, or Vincent will eat him. Long story short, Vincent is seen as the bad guy just because he is trying to survive, just like every other animal in the movie. Granted, Vincent says that he got where he is by stealing, betraying and murdering all of his formers friends, but beyond that, he is no villain at all.
Sid is only the bad guy because he tortures toys but he has no idea that they are actual sentient beings. Outside that, the only remotely evil thing he does is picking on his sister.
Christmas with the Kranks (2004)
The Kranks are seen as the bad guys by the whole neighborhood simply because they refuse to celebrate Christmas for at least one year.
Maid in Manhattan (2002)
The movie is basically a modern retelling of Cinderella. Marisa is Cinderella, Christopher is the Prince and Caroline is one of the Ugly Stepsisters. Caroline is utterly unaware that Christopher does not harbor feeligns for her, but other than that, she is not evil. In fact, the worst thing she does is file a complaint when she discovers Marisa has been wearing her clothes, a perfectly legitimate gripe.
Leader Vladimir's rating:

Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009)
The bad guy of the movie is a land-developer who wants to pave an empty field to build a mall. Todd in the Shadows has said that a mall would have improved the town's economy and attracted more tourists. Let's not also mention that he wants to pave an empty field that has no real use. But we're supposed to believe this guy is evil simply because he is a land-developer in a children's movie.
Leader Vladimir's rating:

Stargate: Atlantis (2004)
Bates, Kavanaugh and Ellis have legitimate complaints, but they are seen in the wrong just because these are against the main cast. To emphasize: Bates sees Teyla as a security risk, Kavanaugh complains that Weir degraded him in public and Ellis wants McKay to cut the exposition and get to the point. There is also the fact that Kavanaugh is portrayed as a wimpy coward even though he is sometimes placed in situations where his fears are perfectly understandable.
Lex Luthor commits many selfless and noble acts throughout the earlier seasons, such as risking his life to save Clark's class from a hostage situation or saving his semi-abusive father from a tornado. But everytime, he is accused of having ulterior motives. The later seasons see him becoming an actual villain.
Meanwhile, Clark is no villain. But when it comes to his relationship with Lana, he is always seen in the wrong. Clark feels uncomfortable with sharing his secret with Lana? He is an awful boyfriend. Lana is a bitch towards Clark? She has understandable reasons.
Meanwhile, Clark is no villain. But when it comes to his relationship with Lana, he is always seen in the wrong. Clark feels uncomfortable with sharing his secret with Lana? He is an awful boyfriend. Lana is a bitch towards Clark? She has understandable reasons.
Leader Vladimir's rating:

Ed, Edd n Eddy (1999)
The Eds are all punished and attacked at the end of the episode, even when Eddy is the only one who did something wrong. Even when they attempt to launch legitimate business ventures, the Eds invariably fail. Meanwhile, the other kids of the neighborhood gets away with being unsufferable little assholes towards the Eds with little to no provocation. Fortunately, the Eds finally get the respect they deserve in the movie.
The Office (2005)
Charles Miner is hired as buffer between Michael Scott and upper management, which is a valid action given Michael's previous antics. When Michael quits, Charles takes his place and cuts several activities in the office so that the workers can sit down and do some actual work. Apparently, fiscal responsibility is a big crime in the world of TV.
SpongeBob SquarePants (1999)
In the recent seasons, Plankton's status as a villain decreases so much that one cannot help but feel sorry but him. The episodes where he acts like an actual villain become less and less frequent.
Meanwhile, Squidward is seen as a bad guy just because he doesn't want to put up with SpongeBob, even though SpongeBob has proven himself to be the worst neighbor in the world.
There is also Mrs. Puff. Before she attempted to murder SpongeBob, the worst thing she did was not wanting to deal with SpongeBob's bad driving.
Meanwhile, Squidward is seen as a bad guy just because he doesn't want to put up with SpongeBob, even though SpongeBob has proven himself to be the worst neighbor in the world.
There is also Mrs. Puff. Before she attempted to murder SpongeBob, the worst thing she did was not wanting to deal with SpongeBob's bad driving.
Leader Vladimir's rating:

Have you ever watched a movie or a TV show where a character is described as a villain but he/she never does anything to justify his status as a bad guy? Well, I have.
This is a list about characters who are not as villainous if you think about it.
This is a list about characters who are not as villainous if you think about it.
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