My 30... Horror
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Best horror movie of all time!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Tobe Hooper!
Ironically, this was one of the last of the horror movies i'd seen which are considered 'important' horror movies like Halloween, Psycho, Last House On The Left etc... and i ended up liking it even more than anything. Even though there is little or no gore, it captures the scary feeling accurately. It also instills the worst fear ever: The fear that something is gonna happen soon, but when? Ever since i saw the main villain, Leatherface, i've been obsessed in making a horror icon myself. I'm currently writing a horror novel and the main villain, Cines Damsitt, is partially based on Leatherface!
Other nominees:
Nightmare On Elm Street
Nosferatu (1922)
Best classic horror movie of all time!
Nosferatu - F.W. Murnau!
Nosferatu is the only horror film which i've been inspired, not to make a horror character, but to make a horror movie. I mean, after watching this film i went like "I can do it! I just need a scenery and some 10-11 people and viola! I will have produced a movie"... Anyways, i tried but my friends are so boring (*snicker*) When i'll learn the directorial techniques, i think i might direct Clive Barker's Damnation Game! It's filled with so much muck and flesh...
Other nominees:
Der Golem
Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari
Wizard Of Gore
Peeping Tom
Happy Vader's rating:

Worst horror movie of all time!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation - Kim Henkel!
Whatever the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre started, TCM Next Generation messed it up. Leatherface as a pizza eating transvestite? Isn't that a little too far stretched?
For more information 10 most disappointin' movies - Scroll to the very end!
Other nominees:
Psycho remake
Scream 2
TCM 2003
Rest Stop
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Aliens (1986)
Best horror heroine character!
Ellen Ripley!

Another i would choose would be Laurie Strode from Halloween!
Frankenstein (1931)
Favourite classic horror actor!
Boris Karloff!
The tall, scary Mr. Karloff did not only portray Frankenstein onscreen, but gave him life like no other at his time or this time ever could. He is cinema's first true cult actor alongside Bela Lugosi & Lon Chaney, sr.

Misery (1990)
Best scene from a horror movie!
Misery - Ankle breaker!
Other nominees:
Psycho shower scene
Alien dinner chestbuster
Exorcist head turn
Carrie ending scene
Dr. Lawrence cuts his own foot in SAW
Nightmare On Elm Street dream sequences
Happy Vader's rating:

Hellraiser (1987)
Favourite horror icon!
Pinhead a.k.a Lead Cenobite
Amist the sea of mute hulks & wise-cracking antagonists, here steps Pinhead! Stern, no nonsense, extremely sadistic and highly intimidating. Thanks to both Clive Barker for creating him and to Doug Bradley for portraying him in the most scariest way possible!

Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Badass quote from a horror movie!
"We'll tear your soul apart", is the line said in the first film by Pinhead upon meeting Kirsty Cotton!
It's so evil and badass right?
Other nominees:
"Groovy" said by Ash Williams
"Get away from her you bitch!" said by Ellen Ripley
"We all go a little mad sometimes" said by Norman Bates
"Lick my plate" said by Chop Top
"I wanna play a game" said by Jigsaw
"Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell" said by Pinhead
Psycho (1960)
Favourite final girl!
Lila Crane
She is badly overshadowed by her onscreen sister, Marion Crane (after all she did participate in the famous shower scene). Anyways, Lila's scream at the end when she finds Norma Bates (Norman's dead mother) skeleton beats Marion's scream by miles!
Plus, she is also the best final girl i've seen. All the others are too typical and predictable but not Lila.

Other nominees:
Laurie Strode from Halloween
Sally Hardesty from Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Ellen Ripley from Alien
Nancy from Nightmare On Elm Street
Happy Vader's rating:

Happy Vader's rating:

Dawn of the Dead (2004)
First horror film you saw!
I bought this movie from a local movieshop thinking it might be something else. Well, i was so wrong. It turned out to be so disgusting and violent that my father threw out the CD and from that day on, i have been experimenting with all kinds of horror!
Latest horror film you saw!
Not as better as the original but the only sequel that makes senese. It also has Dennis Hopper & Bill Moseley!
Saw (2004)
Best horror franchise!
I love each & every film from this franchise except SAW 3D!
Happy Vader's rating:

Halloween (1978)
Best horror director!
John Carpenter bought us one of the most influential horror movie of all time: Halloween, followed closely by Escape From L.A & it's sequel, John Carpenter's The Thing, They Live & the action-comedy/horror Big Trouble In Little China!
Another director i would like to name is David Cronenberg, who bought us body-horror movies like Scanners, Videodrome & The Fly
Best horror TV show!
I don't watch much TV but back in 1999, i used to watch WOH, which has multiple meanings in English like "he", "she", "that", "them" & "they" so i cannot be sure which word is accurate.
Anyways, it had a scary clown just like Pennywise but a little more scary.
To tell you the truth, i have completely forgotten what exactly happens... Sorry!
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