My Best & Worst Movies of 2013
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My Top 20 Favorite
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Total surprise for me. I didn't read the books. I only saw the first movie this year and thought it was fine but problematic. This movie took all of the ideas of the first and did them better. It was compelling, thrilling, and really turned me into a fan. I have to say I can't wait to see what happens next.
NMartucci's rating:

Bad Milo! (2013)
Not a movie for everyone, but definitely one made for me. A goofy throwback to 80s camp with more of a heart than it probably deserves. I found it immensely funny and perversely charming. I appreciated the use of practical effects, especially the Milo puppet. Also, Ken Marino, a guy I love, gives what may be my favorite performance from him yet. He totally nails it.
NMartucci's rating:

The Kings of Summer (2013)
The kind of coming of age tale I just don't think we see enough of anymore. It let's the kids be kids and face real problems. It puts them in real danger. They're also allowed to be really fun, especially Moises Arias, an actor I have never seen before and quickly fell in love with. Great cast, great story, and overall, just really beautiful to look at.
NMartucci's rating:

Nebraska (2013)
Having not yet seen Philomena yet, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this may be the easiest 2013 Oscar nominee to watch. Bittersweet yet still delightful and charming. The main cast is great. Bruce Dern earns his acting nomination. It's a movie a can see myself just popping in to relax.
NMartucci's rating:

The Sapphires (2012)
Based on a true story out of South Africa, this movie proves you can take a story that's been done to death and still make it fresh and enjoyable by writing a strong script and stacking the cast with great, mostly unknown actors. If it were a bigger movie, these people would all be stars now, and it's a shame they aren't. Chris O'Dowd, a guy I've been a fan of since The I.T. Crowd, is especially great here as the boozy manager, a kind of role I'd like to see him do more often. He just fits perfectly.
NMartucci's rating:

This came out a couple of year ago in Canada but only just got an American release this year, just in time for the American remake, "Delivery Man", a film I also enjoyed. So sincere, funny, touching, and completely non-cynical that I could forgive the somewhat absurd premise. Just a total feel-good film that just left me feeling warm.
NMartucci's rating:

This Is the End (2013)
I expected this to be fun, but I had no idea just how wonderful it would be. Some of the hardest laughs I had in the theater all year. The cast is totally committed and the special effects are far better than they even needed to be. Not only the best flat out comedy of the year, but one of the best in a long time.
NMartucci's rating:

Much Ado About Nothing (2013)
Joss Whedon takes one of my favorite Shakespeare comedies and does it right. Sure the leads may not reach the level of Kenneth Branaugh and Emma Thompson, but the cast here is just fantastic. Also, the visual humor that Joss adds here completely adds to the experience rather than distracting from it. It manages to be utterly respectful of the source material while still having its own unique voice.
NMartucci's rating:

Sure, it may have fallen a little in my mind since I first saw it, but I will still stand by my love for this movie. I went in as someone who never much liked the Superman character. I always found him a bit boring and one-note. I was completely thrilled here, just on board from the first scene. I've enjoyed Zack Snyder's previous comic book adaptations with 300 and Watchmen, but this one may be close to my favorite. The only problem here is that I'm afraid to go back to it after hearing everyone else's criticisms. I'm content with keeping the memories of my initial experience. I was just floored by this and I'd like to keep it that way.
NMartucci's rating:

Blackfish (2013)
I tend to think that a good documentary teaches you something. A great documentary changes something in you. I will say, after seeing this, I don't know that I'll ever be back to a Sea World or any park like it. Not an easy watch. At times, pretty horrific, but totally compelling, devastating, and angering.
NMartucci's rating:

Drinking Buddies (2013)
Another smaller movie that went under the radar, but one that completely surprised me. I really loved this movie. The characters are so fleshed out, these fun, flawed, totally real people. The improvisation never feels forced and instead is almost always natural. I especially love Anna Kendrick here. Everything that she's doing with here character feels so true that I could forget I was watching somebody acting and just feel for her.
NMartucci's rating:

12 Years a Slave (2013)
There are parts of this movie that will stick with me for a long time. Harrowing, bleak, and relentless. Chiwetel Ejiofor acts his heart out, though the real discovery of this film was Lupita Nyong'o. After seeing her performance here, I was ready to hand her the Oscar myself. Just absolutely heartbreaking. The only misstep this movie makes is a late in the film appearance by Brad Pitt who also co-produced the film. It's so hokey and his Inglourious Basterds-like drawl just feels totally out of place here.
NMartucci's rating:

What could have been a weaker script is completely elevated by David O. Russell's direction and one of the best ensemble casts of the year. After years of going back and forth on him. Christian Bale convinces me once again that he is one of the best actors working today. Also, even though I don't she's as good as some of the other actors here, there are two scenes here featuring Jennifer Lawrence that are among my favorite scenes of the year.
NMartucci's rating:

The Spectacular Now (2013)
A teen romance drama that already feels like a classic. Sweet, earnest, and completely heartbreaking. I love how they handled alcoholism here and offered some real consequences without falling into melodrama. Shailene Woodley and especially Miles Teller are stars in the making here and clearly have long careers ahead of them. Also, Kyle Chandler in a bit performance does some of the best work I've ever seen from him.
NMartucci's rating:

Blue Jasmine (2013)
Sure, everyone in this cast is great. It also manages to really be a sad story without ever feeling to emotionally draining thanks in part to some fantastic dark comedy. But really, this is all about Cate Blanchett's amazing performance. She delivers a character breakdown that will go down as one of the best. Watching it, I knew I was watching the best actress of the year.
NMartucci's rating:

Perhaps not as totally draining a Thomas Vinterberg's "The Celebration", but maybe more devastating. Mads Mikkelsen gives one of the most sympathetic, heartbreaking performances of the year. It's just crushing and thought provoking. Also, the little girl here, Annika Wedderkopp is perfectly cast.
NMartucci's rating:

Joseph Gorden-Levitt's writing and directorial debut shows so much potential. It's a romantic comedy for people who are sick of romantic comedies. A surprising companion piece to Levitt's previous film, "(500) Days of Summer", another film I loved. I really just enjoyed the hell out of this movie. He's great as usual. Scarlett Johansson, an actress I used to not think much of, has completely turned around in my mind thanks to this and another one of my favorites this year, "Her". Also, Tony Danza, where have you been and where has this performance been?
NMartucci's rating:

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
A spectacular film about a spectacularly terrible human being. Equal parts totally fun and extremely infuriating. DiCaprio is as good as he's ever been and shows that he might have been hiding a knack for comedy all this time. He delivers one of the greatest pieces of physical comedy of the year. Also, though the 3 hour run time was a bit intimidating, Scorsese keeps the film moving and keep it entertaining.
NMartucci's rating:

Her (2013)
I have yet to meet a Spike Jonze movie I didn't love. One of the greatest director's working today. This is the first time he's directing his own material, and if it doesn't win an Original Screenplay Oscar, it will be a total shame. It is certainly in every sense of the word one of the most original films this year. So sweet, so sad, and so not too far from where we're headed as a society. Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson do an excellent job making you believe what could be an absolutely absurd premise. The fact that they weren't even acting off of each other makes it that much more impressive. Just a truly fantastic film.
NMartucci's rating:

Before Midnight (2013)
The "Before..." films are among my favorite of all time. The fact the Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, and Julie Delpy can deliver a film of this quality nearly 20 years after "Before Sunrise" is amazing. Never false, never pulling any punches, never taking the easy way out. This film is such a natural progression for these characters that I really can't believe they were able to pull it off. What these films, as a fan, as a film lover, as a filmmaker, and as a human has just been an absolute pleasure. I hope in nine years we get to see another chapter in the Jesse and Celine saga and that it goes against all odds and hangs on to this level of quality.
NMartucci's rating:

Honorable Mentions
Just missed my top 20

Missed Before Making This List
Movies I wanted to see but didn't get a chance to.
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