My kind'a world: live music shows I've seen
Music as experience. My memories of some shows.
"Talking 'bout givin'
Talking 'bout sharin'
Talking 'bou livin'
Talking 'bout carin'
Talking 'bout talkin'
Talking 'bout walkin'
Talking 'bout singin'
Talking 'bout swingin'..."
Listen... ♪♪♫

Jazzisti Italiani
"Talking 'bout givin'
Talking 'bout sharin'
Talking 'bou livin'
Talking 'bout carin'
Talking 'bout talkin'
Talking 'bout walkin'
Talking 'bout singin'
Talking 'bout swingin'..."
Listen... ♪♪♫

See also:
There's something about your voice
30 Day Song Meme
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Fantastic show with Antonello Salis and Paolo Fresu. A perfect mix of jazz and world music.
FESTA GITANA: review of the show
FESTA GITANA: review of the show
The show I saw it's the same of the Kocani Orkestar, so take a look at the links above.
And maybe see Another pic
And maybe see Another pic
The greatest Brazilian music met Bollani's Italian personality, talent and sympathy. And it was love!
ÙN, DUÈ, TRÈ: SÀLTINO LE PULCI!: review of the show and some pics
ÙN, DUÈ, TRÈ: SÀLTINO LE PULCI!: review of the show and some pics
Many magazines wrote he's the number 1 trumpet player in Europe. And, yeah, I think they're so right!
BISBOSSO: review of the show
For further reviews, pics and video of his performances, see the link added in Sergio Cammariere e Flora Faja.
BISBOSSO: review of the show
For further reviews, pics and video of his performances, see the link added in Sergio Cammariere e Flora Faja.
Nicola Piovani presenting "Il demone meschino", chamber music for a trio strings inspired to Fedor Sologub's novel "The little demon".
VIDEO of the show with a little INTERVIEW
VIDEO of the show with a little INTERVIEW
A long long time ago movies were silent and music was played live in cinemas. Rita Marcotulli and Danilo Rea recreated that old atmophere.
Two pianos + one great movie (Metropolis by Fritz Lang) = an amazing show
MARCOTULLI+REA+LANG = METROPOLIS JAZZ: review and link to the pics
Two pianos + one great movie (Metropolis by Fritz Lang) = an amazing show
MARCOTULLI+REA+LANG = METROPOLIS JAZZ: review and link to the pics
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