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Added by AVPGuyver21 on 3 Jun 2019 06:11
544 Views 2 Comments

Movies I watched in June 2019

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People who added this item 29 Average listal rating (21 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 5.8
Hagazussa (2017)

Date: 6/1/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime (Rental)
First Viewing

Note: I never heard of this movie until yesterday. I went into the movie knowing about it and I end up really liking it. The movie has a slow start, but it does pick up as time goes on. I do like how the movie has very little dialogue and uses symbolism to tell a story. The atmosphere is fantastic and it really did give me goosebumps when watching the film. I also love the cinematography because everything in this movie is wonderful to look at. This movie is not for everyone, but I do recommended it if you are into art house or slow burn movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 5286 Average listal rating (3637 ratings) 8.1 IMDB Rating 8.3

Date: 6/2/2019
Viewed: Hulu

Note: My favorite Quentin Tarantino movie next to Pulp Fiction. The characters, acting, and story are still top-notch. All of the characters are memorable and all of the action scenes are fantastic. Not to mention, the soundtrack is still very fun to listen too. If you haven't seen this movie, do it now!!
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 115 Average listal rating (87 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 6.9

Date: 6/3/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray (Red Box Rental)
First viewing

Note: S. Craig Zahler has become one of my new favorite directors and I have looked forward to this movie when it was first announced. I do think it is his weakest movie so far, but still a solid movie nevertheless. The writing and characters could have been better, but I did think all the actors did a great job on their roles. What I love about the movie the most is the dark, gritty and realistic atmosphere. The movie did a great job on capturing the mood that this movie was going for. This movie felt like something that could happen in real life. It's also great to see Michael Jai White in a good movie for once (He is underrated in my opinion). My biggest issue with the movie is way too long.

This movie didn't need to be 2 hours and 39 minutes. The movie really stars to drag during the last act of the movie. I still highly recommended to check out this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 27 Average listal rating (12 ratings) 4.1 IMDB Rating 4

Date: 6/4/2019
Viewed: Tubi TV
First viewing

Note: I remember when this movie came out, but I never saw it until today. The premise behind this movie is really cool, but the execution is pretty bad. We barely know anything about these characters and the world that they live in. We also don't think else about the main villain of this movie and why he wants the superheroes dead. I also think the acting is bad and the dialogue is not very good.

Despite the movie's flaws, I still had fun watching this movie. I like that this movie is a super low-budget film because it makes the movie feel unique from other superhero movies. Superhero movies are always big budget with flashy special effects while this one has an exploitation horror movie feeling to it. The movie is only 78 minutes, I didn't feel like that I lost my time on watching it for free on Tubi.

Overall, if you like superhero movies or low-budget movies then check out this movie. I give it a 3/5 because I feel like that they did try to make something cool and effort was put into the movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 23 Average listal rating (12 ratings) 6.2 IMDB Rating 6.2

Date: 6/5/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing

Note: I kept hearing some interesting things about this movie and decided to check it out on Amazon Prime. I know nothing about this movie and went into it blind. I really like this movie a lot and I'm glad that I went into it without knowing anything about it. The story is simple, but the movie has a very good subtext. The movie deals with greed and the role of the artist in society. There is even a deeper message about the nature of supernatural good and evil.

I also love how colorful this movie because the movie has a very trippy and retro 70s feeling to it. The movie has an atmosphere to it that remind me a lot from Dario Argento and Alejandro Jodorowsky. My only issue with this movie was that it did felt rather slow at times.

Overall, I really love this movie and I want to check the other movies from Hรฉlรจne Cattet and Bruno Forzani. Not everyone will like this movie, but fans of art house movies and acid westerns will probably enjoy it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 223 Average listal rating (177 ratings) 6.4 IMDB Rating 8.1

Date: 6/6/2019
Viewed: Netflix
First viewing

Note: I have waited to watch this movie for a while now after hearing great things about it over 2 years ago. I really like this movie a lot from start to finish. I never read the manga that it was based on, so I will be judging the movie as its own thing. This movie made me feel sadness, anger, happiness and laughs because I really like the main cast of characters. The movie did a great job on able to sympathize and relate to Shลko (I'm not deaf, but I know what it is like to be bullied). It did take me a while to like Shoya, but they did a great job on developing him over time. The biggest flaw for the movie for me is that they could have handed the side characters better and I'm not super crazy about the art style.

The animation is very pretty look at and the voice acting is top-notch as well. Overall, this was a fantastic movie and it is worth checking out even if you are not a fan of anime. I highly recommended this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 3 Average listal rating (2 ratings) 4.5 IMDB Rating 0
The 27 Club (2018)

Date: 6/7/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime (Rental)
First viewing

Note: I never heard of this movie until I saw an advertisement for it on DiabolikDVD over a day or two ago. So I decided to rent this movie from Amazon Prime and watch it without reading any reviews for it. I didn't think the movie was not as bad as people make it out to be. I did like the characters and the acting was decent. The story didn't make much sense, but I did like the atmosphere and some of the gory scenes. The special effects did look fake at times, and that's not always a bad thing. I can tell that the people wanted this movie to be a cheesy B movie and I take cheesy special effects over bad CGI.

The worst part about this movie was the black & white deceased celebrity monologue. They where really pointless and stupid that didn't need to be added in the movie. The ending also felt underwhelming as well. Overall, this was not a terrible movie. It was not good, but it was watchable. It's worth a rental if you are into B movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 462 Average listal rating (325 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.9
Isle of Dogs (2018)

Date: 6/9/2019
Viewed: DVD (Red Box Rental)
First viewing

Note: I'm not a Wes Anderson fan at all and I feel very indifferent toward the majority of his films. I decided to check out this movie after good things about it for over a year now. I love the stop motion and the art direction is fantastic. The dogs were quite enjoyable, but I didn't care for any of the human characters at all. They were flat and the main villain felt like another typical evil political villain in my opinion. I also felt like the movie was rather slow at time and the second act dragged on forever.

Another cool thing that I did enjoy about the movie was the cool references to Japanese pop culture like Akira Kurosawa, Godzilla, and classic anime like Astro Boy. If you like stop motion movies or Wes Anderson movies, you will probably enjoy this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 182 Average listal rating (98 ratings) 6.4 IMDB Rating 5.9
Hardware (1990)

Date: 6/10/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray

Note: I first saw this movie on TV back in the 90s when I was a little kid and I recently got the movie on Blu-Ray a while ago. This movie is still awesome and very underrated in my opinion. The movie has a very cool story and a fun cast of characters. Even if the story is not 100% original, the movie has a pretty good social commentary on the future that we are making for ourselves. The special effects are very good for a low-budget film and the gore is top-notch.

What I love about the movie the most is the atmosphere because they did a great job on making a gritty and dirty tone for the movie. The movie captures a pure dystopia future with everything feeling dark, dirty, and claustrophobic. Overall, I highly recommended this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 6/11/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime

Note: When I was younger, I never got into this movie because I found it boring. As I got older, I started to love this movie and I can see why people like it so much. The characters are great because they are so memorable and realistic. This movie is very accurate on High School in the 1970s for anyone who grew up during that time period. I also love the music in this movie because this movie has many great classic songs. This movie is also super relaxing to watch as well. I highly recommended this movie if you never seen it yet before.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 130 Average listal rating (80 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.3
Intruder (1989)

Date: 6/12/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
First viewing

Note: I never saw this movie growing up because I never had the opportunity to watch it. I remember seeing VHS copies of this movie as a kid, but it took me like two decades for me to watch this movie. This movie is awesome and I love every bit of it. The movie is nothing great with characters and writing, but this movie was never meant to be a great movie in the first place. The movie has a great atmosphere and awesome kills. This movie had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish because it was so entertaining. The gore is top-notch because the movie has great practical effects. I love all the kills in this movie and it's fun to see who will die next.

Overall, this movie is a fun gore fest and I recommended it if you are into slasher movies or 80s horror movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 48 Average listal rating (30 ratings) 5.9 IMDB Rating 6.4

Date: 6/13/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing

Note: I decided to watch this movie after one of my friends recommended it to me. I went into the movie with no knowledge of the movie and I end up enjoying it. The movie was nothing groundbreaking, but I did like the story and characters. It was a very fun movie that capture the feeling of summer time during the early 90s. I also like the cinematography, the camera work, and the soundtrack that the movie had. The acting was also very good and Tim Chalamet did a great job as the lead role. This was also Elijah Bynum's first movie that he directed, and he did a good job for his first film.

The writing is the biggest issue with the movie because the movie has too many characters, and the romance in this movie could have been better. I also feel like the main character's motivation was never explained very well on why he was selling drugs.

Overall, Hot Summer Nights is a fun and relaxing movie to watch. I hope Elijiah Bynum will make more movies because I feel like he has a good future. I recommended this movie if you are nostalgic for the 90s or enjoy coming of age stories.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 7 Average listal rating (3 ratings) 6.3 IMDB Rating 5.7

Date: 6/14/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First viewing

Note: I randomly caught this movie on a Friday night and I thought it was absolutely fantastic. This movie has a lot of going for it and I don't know where to begin. The movie has amazing colors that reminds me a lot of a classic Dario Argento movie. I was glued to my seat and didn't want to move or turn off the TV when watching the movie because the movie really sucks you in with the surreal use of colors and imagery. This movie also felt like I was watching something on a 4 a.m. graveyard slot because of the trippy and surreal content that the film uses.

The best thing about this movie is the social commentary on the nature of loneliness and using social media to exploit your own desires. I wish movies like this would be the norm for once. This movie is not for everyone, but I do highly recommended it for people who love art house films or trippy surreal movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 2088 Average listal rating (1276 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.7

Date: 6/15/2019
Viewed: Sony Crackle

Note: I haven't seen this movie since 2003 on DVD and it holds up well. Adaptation is a very smart and creative movie that really makes the viewer think if whether or not the event is real in the film. I always love movies that make you think if the movie is really a merely a creation of the main character's imagination or not. The acting in this movie is fantastic and the movie can be rather funny at times. I didn't like the ending that much, but I know what they were going for. Overall, I highly recommended this movie if you never seen it before.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 44 Average listal rating (29 ratings) 6 IMDB Rating 5.7
Father's Day (2011)

Date: 6/16/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First Viewing

Note: I kept hearing some mixed things about this movie over the years, so I didn't bother to watch it for the longest time. After seeing The Void, Manborg and The Editor, I was eager to check it out now because I'm now a fan of Astron-6's work. This movie is a lot of fun to watch because the humor is great and the special effects are very good for a small budget movie. I love the large amount of blood and gore that this movie has because it feels so authentic that there was little to no CG in this movie.

The story does not make much sense, but that's the point. You don't watch Exploitation movies for the story or the acting. I also love the fun cast of characters because they all have a lot of personality to them. Another fun thing about the movie is that they put film grain and film scratches to make it feel old school. I could have easily seen this movie be release the around the same time as the original Toxic Avenger and Class of Nuke 'Em High back in the 80s.

The only thing that I didn't like about this movie was the ending because it felt underwhelming. I highly recommended this movie for anyone who likes Exploitation films.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 427 Average listal rating (284 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 6.8

Date: 6/17/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray

Note: For Lucio Fulci's birthday, I decided to watch Blue Underground's 4k Transfer. 40 years later, this movie is still amazing and watching the 4K transfer made me love this movie even more. I love the music, the atmosphere and the special effects that this movie has. The special effects are excellent for a horror movie released back in 1979. All of the zombies look so dirty and gross looking which is what I would imagine real zombies from the dead would probably look like. This movie has explicit violence and gore, and it's executed so well. Some scenes will make you want turn your head away from the screen. The special effects crew did an amazing job on creating awesome blood and gore.

The make up in this movie is also great and it was good enough to be nominated for a Saturn award back in the early 80s. The music is chilling and memorable for having a lot of great iconic music moments in the film. The atmosphere is fantastic for creating a suspenseful tone and capturing the feeling of summer time as well.

The story is pretty good, but it could have been written better at times. This movie does not have any social commentary like the George Romero Living Dead series does, but the movie's fun cast of characters makes up for it. Zombie also has great cinematography from Sergio Salvati and the underwater scenes look great.

Overall, I highly recommend this movie for anyone who loves horror movies or zombie movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 271 Average listal rating (181 ratings) 6.9 IMDB Rating 6.2

Date: 6/18/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray

Note: After re-watching Zombie, I decided to watch a Lucio Fulci movie this week from Monday-Sunday in honor of his birthday. The weakest movie in the Gates of Hell trilogy, but still a solid movie nevertheless. I personally love the dark, spooky and gothic atmosphere in the movie. The movie has you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. I also love the set designs in the movie because they look fantastic. My biggest issue with the movie is that I do feel like the characters could have been better.

It would have been cool to have more backstory on the evil Priest. I recommended this movie if you are into horror movies or zombie films.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 232 Average listal rating (158 ratings) 6.4 IMDB Rating 6.1

Date: 6/18/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime

Note: I decided to rewatch this movie on Amazon Prime since I probably haven't seen this movie since 1995 when I was a little kid. This movie is probably my second favorite movie from Tobe Hooper next to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This movie has a really cool story, and awesome special effects for a movie released back in 1985. I always love the atmosphere in this movie because it does remind me a mix between Dawn of the Dead and Alien at times.

The story may not be anything award-winning, but I do love the creative take on Vampires in this film. The idea of space vampires that suck people's life force and not blood is a very cool and creative idea.

I also like all the characters because they are fun to watch, and they have their own set of personality to them. The acting in this movie is the weakest thing about this movie because the acting is a mixed bag. Some of the actors are pretty good while the others are really bad. Overall, I highly recommended this movie if you haven't seen it already.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 1395 Average listal rating (887 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.2
Chasing Amy (1997)

Date: 6/20/2019
Viewed: Netflix

Note: Every June, I watch a LGBT movie for Pride Month and I decided to watch Chasing Amy on Netflix because it will be gone soon on Netflix. Chasing Amy is still a great movie and is easily one of Kevin Smith's best film. The movie has a great cast of characters and the movie did an amazing job on handing some really touchy subject matter. The humor is also great because this movie has many funny moments that always make me laugh. I highly recommend this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 357 Average listal rating (149 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.3

Date: 6/22/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First Viewing

Note: I never saw this movie until now after hearing about it over the years. I'm glad that I finally saw this movie because this movie is a pretty great movie. I love how dirty that this movie is because you feel and smell the dirtiness of this movie. Bubby himself and the house that he grew up in feels so gross and sleazy. I also love how the movie has a different point of view for every new place that Bubby went to because it made the movie feel very unique than most movies out there. The movie itself is a very good character study of someone who has been sheltered all of his life and how a person like him would react to the real world.

I also love how this movie will have deep and challenging questions to the viewer like the existence of God and if humans can be exploited by others. Overall, this is a great movie and I highly recommend it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 6/24/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime

Note: Another movie that I watched as a kid in the 90s, but I only remember the third segment of the movie with the killer doll. It's been so long since I have seen this movie, so I decided to re-watch it on Amazon Prime. It's not a great movie, but it is a lot of fun to watch. I thought the first story was pretty good, the second story was okay, and the last story was the best out of the three. The acting is not too bad for a 70s TV movie and I did like some of the characters. Also, the pacing was nicely done for a movie that is only 72 minutes long. It didn't go by too quickly or didn't go on for too long. Overall, this is a pretty fun movie to watch and I recommend it if you want to watch something short to watch.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 1172 Average listal rating (728 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.2
Heathers (1988)

Date: 6/25/2019
Viewed: Shudder

Note: I haven't seen this movie in the last 17 years and I decided to rewatch it because I feel like watching a comedy. This movie is still great to watch and the humor holds up well. The movie has great acting and a good cast of characters. I like all of the characters and there is not a single boring moment in this movie. What makes this movie so funny is that the movie is a satire of 80s teen movies and pokes fun at the rebellion and revenge gone wrong stories that exist in those type of movies at the time.

I can't think of anything wrong with this movie other than some of the editing could have been better. Overall, this is a great movie if you haven't seen it yet. I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 6/26/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray

Note: This movie is John Carpenter's last great classic in my opinion and the movie gets better with each viewing. I love how this movie is smart and surreal because this movie really has you questioning what is really real or not? Movies that make the viewers have their own individual interpretations and perspectives on the story are the type of movies that I really love the most. This movie also has awesome special effects and good acting as well.

I can't think anything else wrong with the movie other some of the dialogue was a bit weak at times. Overall, this movie is awesome and will make you keep asking what happened and why that happened. I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 768 Average listal rating (454 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.7

Date: 6/29/2019
Viewed: Netflix

Note: This movie is always a fun nostalgic movie from my childhood that I always like to revisit once and a while. It's not a great or amazing movie, but I always love the characters in this movie and the humor always makes me laugh. The memorable cast of characters is the best thing about the movie in my opinion.

Watching this movie makes me feel nostalgic because music stores in this movie used to exist. Now in 2019, music and video stores are nearly gone. When I was a kid, I used to go to music and video stores all the time in the 90s. This movie is now a time capsule of the pre-streaming era. I still think the movie is worth a watch if you like music or if you want to see what stores used to be like before Amazon, Netflix, Ebay and other Internet related stuff took over.
AVPGuyver21's rating:
People who added this item 95 Average listal rating (76 ratings) 5.5 IMDB Rating 6

Date: 6/30/2019
Viewed: Tubi TV

Note: I haven't seen this movie since 1997 and I still enjoy this movie. I do like the action, story and characters in this movie even though this movie is far from being great. This movie is not trying to be the next Die Hard when it comes to action movie and it is not meant to be. Mr. Smith is a cool teacher and a bad ass mercenary that knows how to kick some major ass. Even though this movie is meant to be a dumb movie, I do like that there is somewhat of a social commentary on today's youth and the dangerous school life that some parts of the United States has. Overall, The Substitute is a fun action movie from the mid 90s that is worth watching with some pop corn.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

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the giraffeNusch BAMFkathy
Movies that I watched during the month of June 2019

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