Movies Watched in July 2013
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Showing 22 items
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Total Movies seen this month: 22
Total First Viewing: 11
Total Rewatched: 11
Pretty damn even!
Favourite First Viewings:
G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Shoot 'Em Up, The Bourne Legacy.
Worst First Viewings:
The Five-Year Engagement, Zoom.
The last two months I've not really been keeping up with the level of movie watching I've maintained all year but I managed to sneak in a few extra this month to put me back on track.
Scored perfectly even regarding first time watches and rewatch, because I'm totally diverse like that. A lot of the rewatches this month were seen at my girlfriends, Monsters Inc and Bambi both seen on the disney channel there, Bonnie & Clyde and Rear Window because I had recommended them and then Blair Witch because she wanted to watch something 'scary'. The others I just watched randomly. All the Die Hards because I hadn't seen them in ages and I picked up the box set for a bargain!
My favourite first watches were G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Shoot 'Em Up and The Bourne Legacy, all of which I really enjoyed and would definitely watch again anytime. The Watch, The Last Stand and Super were all good, but not so good that I'd want to see them again straight away.
Wrath of the Titans and Total Recall were my let downs of the month, wanted and expected more from both of them but they didn't deliver.
On to my least favourite first viewing of the month, The Five-Year Engagement was absolute bollocks, what a waste of time it was to watch that, was so boring and not funny, as for Zoom...not even going to get started on that bullshit.
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
Watched on the 30th.
Wanted to watch this for ages, finally got round to it. It was a bit lacking to what I was expecting, which is a shame as I find Greek mythology really interesting and the first film was pretty good. Still an average film though as I enjoyed quite a lot of it and may have been harsh in my rating of only 6/10. Especially liked the bit when Zeus and Hades team up to kick some Cronus ass.

FG93's rating:

The Watch (2012)
Watched on the 28th.(Yes pretty much all day was spent watching films ;p)
I was so suprised by this film for 4 reasons;
poor rating on here and imdb,
poor reviews,
recommended by the girlfriends mum,
and I don't always find Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn
and yet I really enjoyed this film, some non serious action and jokey times soundtracked by Eazy-E, what's not to like?

FG93's rating:

Rewatch on the 28th.
Girlfriend wanted to watch a 'scary' film and a friend suggested this to her.... Having already seen this a long time ago I questioned the legitimacy of this source as I didn't remember it being 'scary' and normally anything scares me. Anyway we watched it, a film where nothing really happens and that little that does happen you can't even be sure if it really happened or not... annoying and boring.
Best bit is when that guy is laughing about how he booted the map into the river.
FG93's rating:

Watched on the 28th.
What the fuck is this shit.
Had to turn it off mid way because it was that bad. It was so bad that you could laugh...for about 5 minutes, then it just became frustrating.
Another that doesn't deserve a picture.
FG93's rating:

Total Recall (2012)
Watched on the 28th.
Was going to give this a seven out of ten, but that would of been too generous. It's a pretty action packed film and so I knew I'd enjoy it to some level however it wasn't too exciting. I still concentrated till the end of course but probably will not be watching it again any time soon.

FG93's rating:

Underworld: Evolution (2006)
Rewatch on the 27th.
Random rewatch while getting to sleep. Seen this loads of times, still enjoy it! Michael pisses me off a little bit, but all the other characters make up for him being a n annoyance. I especially like the flashback at the start of William's capture, explaining how it all came to be.
Marcus is pretty badass too...

FG93's rating:

The Last Stand (2013)
Watched on the 25th.
Another film this month that shouldn't be taken seriously and boring people need not watch this. Although it's not meant to be a comedy, it definitely has it's funny moments, with some pretty fun shoot outs too!

FG93's rating:

Super (2011)
Watched on the 24th.
This is a fun movie with some nice gory scenes. A pretty acverage movie as a whole however it has a few pretty special moments, like when he nearly kills a guy for 'butting' into the queue, good times!

FG93's rating:

Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Watched on the 22nd.
First time I'd seen this one all the way through, not as good as the first three, knew it would be so with it being PG-13 (in other words dwindling down the violence and swearing and selling to the masses)
It's still pretty decent at some points, there is a few good action scenes and stuff in there. Box set complete, now need to get my hands on number 5...

FG93's rating:

Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Rewatch on the 21st.
Just as good as the first, all the great action and even more funny, this time Samuel L. Jackson is McClane's right hand man, so much better than his previous partners.

FG93's rating:

The Bourne Legacy (2012)
Watched on the 21st.
Watched the first half ages ago, some time last month, and only just got round to watching the last half (watched it from the start again of course). Quality movie, just as good as the others in my opinion. Just as many quality action scenes and a pretty cool story to go with them.

FG93's rating:

The Five-Year Engagement (2012)
Watched on the 21st.
Girlfriends mum was watching this on TV, what a lame and not-at-all-funny film...
Seriously not funny and doesn't deserve a picture here.
FG93's rating:

Rewatch on the 20th.
The girlfriend wanted to see this, really enjoyed it as well. It's the second time I'd watched it, still as good as before.

FG93's rating:

Rewatch on the 18th.
On to part two, a little weaker than the original, but still pretty fun and action packed.

FG93's rating:

Rewatch on the 17th.
Yippee Ki Yay Mother Fucker!
Recently acquired the Die Hard quadrilogy and so will be making my way through them as I've not seen these in ages and from the parts I remember they're definitely worth a rewatch.
The first introduction to McClane and we immediately know he's a bad ass motherfucker. Alan Rickman makes a damn good villain too.

FG93's rating:

Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Watched on the 16th.
Amazing! So many crazy shootouts it's unreal, including one shootout where Clive Owen as 'Smith' helps deliver a baby while killing about 50 guys, another where he's continues to have sex with Monica Bellucci a while killing another 50 guys and one where hes falling out of a plane killing 50 guys...Epic.
Restaurant scene at the end is too good.
Oh and does anyone fancy a carrot?

FG93's rating:

G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
Watched on the 13th.
Enjoyed both this and the first one, was a little disappointed that there was no return for Christopher Eccleston, however I guess The Rock makes up for it!
This is probably the type of movie boring people would describe as 'stupid' but I enjoy action so I liked it and wouldn't mind a third installment to be honest.

FG93's rating:

Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Rewatch on the 10th.
Was the only thing on TV so switched to it as a last resort, have to admit I enjoyed it. Probably only the second time I've ever seeen it.
Mike Wazowski!

FG93's rating:

V for Vendetta (2006)
Rewatch on the 6th.
Was on TV as well, really like this movie too so couldn't be bothered to move from the sofa till it had finished. Great story, although my favourite part has to be the final showdown between V and Creedy's men at the end.

FG93's rating:

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Rewatch on the 6th.
Caught this on TV after work, quality film with some good laughs.
(Shaun's face and reaction in this scene are my favourite part of the entire movie) \/

FG93's rating:

I only saw 8 movies last month!! Absolutely disgraceful! Got a few films lined up to watch this month so I should easily break that.
To see the conclusions of my Movie Diaries for January, February, March, April, May and June of 2013, see here:
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(59 lists)list by FunnyGuy
Published 12 years ago

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