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Added by Lex on 20 Jan 2012 03:30
2420 Views 3 Comments

Movies that made me cry...

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I bawled my eyes out when I thought "E.T" had died the first time I saw this (well, the first time I saw it was in the theaters, apparently, when I was 6 months old in a basket)... the first time I remember seeing it I was 5, and I fell in love with E.T. at the beginning of the movie. I cried so, so hard. And then, when I found out he was alive, I was up and running around in excitement, in literal circles (during the bike chase scene).

Just remembering how sad I was when I saw this the first time made me choke up. I felt like this was the coolest, most compassionate creature I had ever met (yes, I know it is a movie) and that he was gone, and died missing his planet. Oh man... grabs the tissues.

Incidentally, during this scene I was grinning like the Cheshire cat and running around in circles, cheering. (I was really tiny and the change in my mood must've been hilarious for my Mom, who was watching)...

I choked up a bit at the end, because I wanted to go with E.T. (I remember thinking that Elliot should go with E.T. and ditch his family... lmao)...

Maybe E.T. started my love of all things extra-terrestrial, I don't know. Maybe I loved E.T. at 6 months old and have no conscious memory, but every time I look up at the night sky and the stars and think about aliens... *lex pulls out her violin*....

"I will never forget you, E.T."

Oh yeah, I also got choked up at the part at the beginning when E.T. mimics Elliot's movements (when he first comes in the house, following the Reese's Pieces)... I think I had a mood disorder as a kid.
Lex's rating:
People who added this item 3272 Average listal rating (2101 ratings) 5.9 IMDB Rating 6.4
Okay, this is not a joke. I cried when I saw this, when I was like, seven. When the ant dies. "Anty" the ant. I think it gets killed by a scorpion. But I watched this movie at least 3 or 4 times and I cried every time that ant died.

(This coming from the same kid that laughed the entire way through The Exorcist)

The above is sped up, but it's the scene that made me lose it crying. Antie was just a baby. I have NO idea why this of all things made me cry (I loved horror movies by 7, I loved Stephen King's IT and I found nothing about that movie sad....)
Lex's rating:
People who added this item 77 Average listal rating (39 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.1
Do you know when I cried watching this (seriously, I have to laugh at myself sometimes)? At the END of the movie, when David finally finally meets his mother and hugs her! Out of the entire movie, that is what I found sad. Not Johan getting killed or the kid's flashbacks, nooooo, it was that part.

Lex's rating:
People who added this item 1978 Average listal rating (1226 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.6
I Am Sam (2002)
Oh, this movie made me cry. I was 18 or 19 when I saw it. just blubbered away like a moron. But especially when Lucy is taken away.

Actually, that scene still makes me upset. Certain things hit certain nerves, I guess. (Still, I laughed at the end of Titanic... so....yeah...)
Lex's rating:
People who added this item 126 Average listal rating (82 ratings) 5.7 IMDB Rating 6.2
Project X (1987)
Okay, I lost it when I was like, 6, or 8 or something. I still had baby teeth so I must've been 6 or so. When Bluebeard is killed I cried but I was also very, very angry and yelling swears at the US government (well, actually at the old console TV, but you get the idea).

Seeing Virgil (above) in that cage with his little alligator (or was it a crocodile?) plush also made me sad, but not crying-sad. Great acting by all the chimps in the movie (don't laugh, I am being serious!)

I can't believe some Spanish dude made a music video of this movie, with this song... I don't know whether to laugh or....

Lex's rating:
There were tons of sad parts in this movie, obviously, but I cried my eyes out at one part and one part only. When the old man with only one arm (I think he only had one arm?) is shot in the snow. I was about 13 or so and was watching intently until that part, then I just started wailing.

The part with the little boy in the latrine didn't make me cry, per se, but it was very haunting and the above image has stuck in my head all these years.

The part I found most sad is not on youtube, but anyone who has seen the movie probably remembers it. This movie was so heart-breaking, but for some reason that one scene with the old man ("Danka, look at the snow!"
Lex's rating:
People who added this item 5479 Average listal rating (3773 ratings) 8 IMDB Rating 8.6
There were SO many scenes in this movie (strangely, I didn't get very upset during The Shawshank Redemption even though I loved that movie, too) that I should number them.

1. When Del is told right before being executed that there is no mouse-ville (the execution itself, while horrific, didn't upset me as much as the look on his face when he realized Mr. Jingles would be alone)

2. When John Coffey is talking to Paul about being so tired and how letting him die would be a mercy, and talks about the cruel things people do to each other and feeling like a sparrow in the rain...that made me tear up.

3. When John Coffey is killed, of course (that entire last half of the movie, actually).

4. Paul talking about how sometimes the green mile seems so long and how he has outlived everyone he ever loved...his wife, his friends, his son and how he will outlive his current friend (and then you see her dead in her coffin).

More than the execution, this scene (the speech about being tired) upset me much more, because I felt like Coffey at that time (late teens) and was tired of human cruelty and felt like I knew what he was talking about regarding cruelty being like broken glass in one's head.

I really think Stephen King is a genius. His writing and his stories and his ideas...wow!

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kathyxolmisMadvalentine99Patrick BatemanMr. Saturnjaytoast
I list of movies that made me cry, at least once... oh booooy... and some of these I watched when I was really little, others just hit certain nerves, but all of them made me cry.

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