Movies I Couldn't Finish
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Serious Moonlight (2009)
Rare are the movies I stop watching halfway through, but this.. I stopped after 20 minutes (after fast forwarding through the rest). The wife is annoying, the story which could have been fun was bad, and the whole movie is just.. blah. Meg Ryan... freaking Meg Ryan. Ugh.
HollowPrince's rating:

This movie can easily take place in my "Worst of the worst" list. A movie that made me start avoiding Gus Van Sant's work. A movie that made me want to start writing, because I knew I could write better stuff than this sh*t. 1 hour of walking.. then some more walking.. then a few words! And walking..
And then.. oh right, lets kill everyone! And it isn't the first movie I've disliked of this screenwriter/director, (Paranoid Park for example, which was bad, but.. not as much as this), which is why I doubt I'll ever see any more of his movies.
This stands in my list as the worst movie I've ever seen in my life, and believe me when I say, I've seen a lot of crappy stuff. I think I quit watching it halfway through, and fast forwarded the rest.
And then.. oh right, lets kill everyone! And it isn't the first movie I've disliked of this screenwriter/director, (Paranoid Park for example, which was bad, but.. not as much as this), which is why I doubt I'll ever see any more of his movies.
This stands in my list as the worst movie I've ever seen in my life, and believe me when I say, I've seen a lot of crappy stuff. I think I quit watching it halfway through, and fast forwarded the rest.
HollowPrince's rating:

Ben X (2007)
Since on the first 2 movies I didn't describe (much) what is actually wrong with them, I'll do so here & about this movie. I've tried watching it.. 2, or 3 years ago, but I remember I gave up after halfway through.
First of all, the story imo isn't that great, I've seen better. I did fast forward & thought the ending was.. eh, lame? I get it, he is sick & is being bullied.. but there's a lot better movies on both topics. Dreamcatcher has done it a lot better (at start at least, though the movie isn't about bullying), and second - Mozart and the Whale. Though I'm sure there's even better movies out there.
The bullying, for example, I thought it was.. well, not funny, but.. I don't know. Lame, again? Mostly because of how they did it, but.. that's just me. Then again, I can't really *relate* with him in that way, because I wouldn't ever allow myself for that to happen.
As for the game, eh.. I get it, especially since I've played Mmo's for years and everything, but it didn't seem.. realistic, shall I say.
All in all the movie isn't horrible, but it's far from good, and I just don't see what's so good about it, to have a rating over 7. At most, I'd give it a 5.
First of all, the story imo isn't that great, I've seen better. I did fast forward & thought the ending was.. eh, lame? I get it, he is sick & is being bullied.. but there's a lot better movies on both topics. Dreamcatcher has done it a lot better (at start at least, though the movie isn't about bullying), and second - Mozart and the Whale. Though I'm sure there's even better movies out there.
The bullying, for example, I thought it was.. well, not funny, but.. I don't know. Lame, again? Mostly because of how they did it, but.. that's just me. Then again, I can't really *relate* with him in that way, because I wouldn't ever allow myself for that to happen.
As for the game, eh.. I get it, especially since I've played Mmo's for years and everything, but it didn't seem.. realistic, shall I say.
All in all the movie isn't horrible, but it's far from good, and I just don't see what's so good about it, to have a rating over 7. At most, I'd give it a 5.
HollowPrince's rating:

Paranormal Activity (2009)
Just remembered this :) I think it's pretty self-explanitory, I mean.. ugh. I turned it off after 15 or so minutes (after fast forwarding as well), because it looked just.. bad. Not because of the budget; I've seen a lot of low budget movies, but because, first, I don't like found-footage movies, and second, this doesn't have a 's' from scary, for me.
HollowPrince's rating:

The Road (2009) (2009)
Didn't care for the story in the first place, so maybe that's why.. I got maybe up to half the movie, and I just didn't like it. I mean, sure, it was boring, but I've seen boring movies that were good, but this.. I don't know. I guess it just isn't my thing.
Antiviral (2012)
Not horrible, but... ugh. Halfway through I started fast-forwarding and quit. The idea wasn't bad, but I really didn't like how it was done.
HollowPrince's rating:

Dead Shadows (2012)
I knew this would suck nearly from the start. I mean, at the start we see an asteroid comming through... well, who the hell knows, and you can hear it, even when it heads for the Earth. It's funny that apparently the writer/director doesn't know there isn't sound in space.
Highlight of the movie: When this man with tentacle like hands, or.. w/e, shoves one of the 'tentacles' through woman's behind, and it comes out through her mouth. Epic.
Highlight of the movie: When this man with tentacle like hands, or.. w/e, shoves one of the 'tentacles' through woman's behind, and it comes out through her mouth. Epic.
HollowPrince's rating:

Well, this is a movie I tried watching yesterday... and after suffering through first 30 minutes, I shut it off. I honestly wanted to like it, but this is more my fault, because I expected it to have comedy in it - which it doesn't seem it does. Mostly, I thought it would be more like The Wolf of the Wall Street - I'm not even sure why anymore, but it isn't. The story didn't interest me from the beginning, the actors, although generally good, I didn't really like here either, and those 30 minutes were painful to watch.
HollowPrince's rating:

Magic Magic (2013)
Well, after a while.. I stumbled onto another movie I couldn't finish. The story is about a girl who goes to visit her cousin, but that cousin leaves early on to go back and do a 'school exam', and she's stuck with her friends, or.. whatever. Most of them kinda seem like idiots, and.. well, I stopped watching after 20-something minutes. It seems like a huge mess from what I've seen, and from what I've read about it, it seems like a made a right choice.
HollowPrince's rating:

After 30 or so minutes, I began fast forwarding.. and eventually, stopped watching it. It's one of those movies that just aren't for me - something like Pulp Fiction. It was fun seeing a few actors in their younger days, the acting at times was good, but the singing at some was horrendous. It wasn't a horrible movie by no means, but I found nothing of interest here.
HollowPrince's rating:

Another movie I couldn't finish, sadly. Not because the story was bad, but the characters were unlikable and at times annoying. I did fast forward somewhat, and ended up watching a small portion of it; what I saw turned out to be much better than the first 30 minutes.
HollowPrince's rating:

Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
"I couldn't finish it" here would be an understatement. I quit watching it after 15 minutes - the start was decent with a bunch of cameos, but then the first few jokes were absolutely horrendous.
Deathgasm (2015)
I wanted to like it, which perfectly sums up what I think about it. I like horror-comedy, I like metal, so what is the issue? The issue is, it just wasn't funny for me. And that'd be fine - I've seen at least a few horror-comedies till the very end, even though I didn't find them funny. But then there's the classic 'dick' characters, the main character that was fairly unappealing from the beginning, and the addition of a hot girl the main character falls in love with. Of course, dick characters interfere, and it's something I had zero interest in seeing once again, especially in a horror-comedy.
Typical American comedy. Or at least it would be, if there wasn't some horror added to it. A fairly nice guy coupled with a not so nice friend, spend most of the movie swearing, talking about pussies (and not the cuddly kind), and saying stupid jokes. The only remotely funny thing was (slight spoiler) them singing a song with a zombie. But that's it.
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