Movie Diary April 2013
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Started the month out pretty good!
This is definitely a unique film. It was a little bit confusing for me, but I also did not read the book. The CGI was good, but I still felt that it was a rather unrealistic. But that might have been what they were going for, and in that case it was was stunning.
I also wish it had been a little bit shorter.
Overall, I would recommend it, although not as highly as most have.
This is definitely a unique film. It was a little bit confusing for me, but I also did not read the book. The CGI was good, but I still felt that it was a rather unrealistic. But that might have been what they were going for, and in that case it was was stunning.
I also wish it had been a little bit shorter.
Overall, I would recommend it, although not as highly as most have.

Lydia's rating:

I can't sit still long enough to watch a nearly 3 hour long movie in one sitting, with that being said, I watched this is segments. And I'm glad that I did. Normally I would complain about it's length, but I honestly felt like they would have been jipping us if they had cut much out! So if you watch it in more than one sitting, it's wonderful.
I absolutely LOVED this movie.

I absolutely LOVED this movie.

Lydia's rating:

The Rescuers Down Under (1990)
I watched this on Netflix last night and was hit with a wave of feel-good nostalgia.
And I realized that my dog looks like a bearded dragon :D

And I realized that my dog looks like a bearded dragon :D

Lydia's rating:

Sebastian Live (2007)
Stand up comedy. Had me laughing the entire time, so it achieved its goal.
Lydia's rating:

Looper (2012)
The ending of this movie really made it for me. I felt a little tossed all over the place through the majority of the movie, though. I need to see it again to really grasp it, I think

Lydia's rating:

Playing for Keeps (2012)
This movie was enjoyable, but very, very average. Good to put on if you're bored, but don't think that you're going to see anything new.

Lydia's rating:

This was a pretty average ghost movie. But it did have me thinking. I wouldn't say that it was a stand-out, but it's worth a watch.
Lydia's rating:

Citadel (2013)
I'm glad that I gave this one a chance. It was sufficiently creepy and had a decent, unique story line. Yes, there were some plot holes, and the acting wasn't top of the line, but definitely worth watching if you're looking for something scary, which I was!

Lydia's rating:

LOL (2012)
Thoughts prior to viewing: Why would I ever watch this? This sounds awful.
Thoughts during viewing: Why am I watching this?
Thoughts after viewing: WHY THE HELL DID I WATCH THIS?
Thoughts during viewing: Why am I watching this?
Thoughts after viewing: WHY THE HELL DID I WATCH THIS?
Lydia's rating:

The Cottage (2012)
The rating goes purely to originality (at the end).
The first hour was very predictable, and poorly acted.
The rest was, well, less predictable, but still badly acted.
The first hour was very predictable, and poorly acted.
The rest was, well, less predictable, but still badly acted.
Lydia's rating:

I was rather disappointed with this movie. I love Morgan Freeman, and he was wonderful, as usual. But the film itself just felt so incredibly dated. So much so that looked at IMDB twice just to be sure it was 2001 and not 1991. There was a good twist at the end, though. So I'll give it that.

Lydia's rating:

This Is 40 (2012)
This movie took me WAY too long to finish. If I have to watch a movie in more than 2 sittings, it's dull. And this was dull. Just not a fan.

Lydia's rating:

Elizabethtown (2005)
Since I do LIVE in Elizabthtown, I thought this deserved a re-watch. I had previously given it a (gasp) 1 out of 10 star rating. I watched it when it was released and was frankly bored out of my mind. But I was also in middle school and had better things to do.
Naturally, it really irked me that they didn't use hardly any footage shot IN Etown, and rather used made up fictional places, but it is a film and I understand that. Etown is a small town, so to me it was blatantly obvious that it was shot in a different location. I've never seen any of the houses/streets in the movie (at least not the neighborhoods. Of course the big roads and signs etc were accurate)
Naturally, it really irked me that they didn't use hardly any footage shot IN Etown, and rather used made up fictional places, but it is a film and I understand that. Etown is a small town, so to me it was blatantly obvious that it was shot in a different location. I've never seen any of the houses/streets in the movie (at least not the neighborhoods. Of course the big roads and signs etc were accurate)
Lydia's rating:

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