Movie Diary 2012: April
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Hugo (2011)
I can't help but love this film. It's an epic homage to cinema and so beautiful in every aspect of the film. I'm just... in love.

drugs's rating:

The Green Mile (1999)
Considering the plot, this really didn't do it for me. And it was insanely long. BUT what really is awesome about this movie is that it has one of the greatest casts I've seen. Every character felt relevant and interesting and the cast completed those characters.

drugs's rating:

Cape Fear (1991)
This is just as brilliant as the original. And I loved all the small details like having Mitchum and Peck in minor roles. Also every little detail that DeNiro clearly did to reach the best possible performance as Cady. I mean I already thought Mitchum's performance was so chilling, so when I saw DeNiro in this role...damn. Such dedication.

drugs's rating:

This is the best Finnish movie I've seen, since The Year Of The Hare. Kukkonen is the man, "BOOZE, CIGARETTES, SEX!"

drugs's rating:

Soo here we go again. It's my birthday month and it's gonna be a hectic month. BUT I will try to watch some movies, promise.
Be sure to check my earlier monthly movie diaries.
Movie Diary 2012: March
Be sure to check my earlier monthly movie diaries.
Movie Diary 2012: March
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Drugs' Lists About Movies
(59 lists)list by drugs
Published 13 years, 1 month ago
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