The Tearjerkers
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Titanic (1997)
A full fledged romantic picture that draws you right into Jack and Rose's relationship, and doesn't pull any punches in the process. 'Titanic' is a sure guarantee to make you shed some tears. If you don't feel anything after watching it, then frankly, you don't have a heart.

The Cineast's rating:

Every single time I see this, I cry immensely. Each and every scene is meaningful, Tom Hanks' character portrayal is excellent, and at times too real. You cannot follow this film with your full focus and NOT feel something very deep. I don't think any other film will have this kind of impact on me in the near future, or ever. Just the perfect tearjerker movie.

The Cineast's rating:

The events that took place on September 11, 2001 were devastating enough without this film. But, When you realize just how authentic the images portrayed in this film are, your heart just stops, and you can't help but cry. Great movie, and an even better examination of these terrible events. It's a wake up call, really.

The Cineast's rating:

Admittedly, I shed a few tears after watching the following films.
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