Moive Diary November 2012
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This was a much needed vampire movie. One in which the vampires are actually the villans.
Lydia's rating:

The Darwin Awards (2006)
I just really want to know how many(if any) of the stories in this movie are true. I had heard one of them before, and now I am curious.
Lydia's rating:

Overnight (2012)
You have to look at this movie as a bit of a spoof on relationships. An entire relationship is born and lived out in a few hours on a plane. I enjoyed it. Plus there are other side stories that captured my attention.
Lydia's rating:

This was a terrible movie. It was simply a cheaply made, poorly acted copy-cat of literally any other racing movie ever.
Lydia's rating:

He Was a Quiet Man (2007)
Cut out the last 5 minutes and you have a WONDERFUL movie. But, alas, again with frustrating endings.
Lydia's rating:

Brave (2012)
This honestly wasn't my favorite Disney/Piar movie. It wasn't bad, of course, but I felt like it was basically a mashup of Shrek and Mulan.
What I DID like was that it didn't revolve around a corny love storyline, like most princesses movies. Rather it focused on the bond between a mother and daughter, as well as alliances between countries.
Altogether, good, just not my favorite.
What I DID like was that it didn't revolve around a corny love storyline, like most princesses movies. Rather it focused on the bond between a mother and daughter, as well as alliances between countries.
Altogether, good, just not my favorite.
Lydia's rating:

The Extra Man (2011)
I loved this. It was so unique and quirky- which are the kind of movies that I am into right now (I watch everything, but go on genere kicks)
Lydia's rating:

Offensive? Yes.
Random? Yes.
Biblically Accurate? No.
Good to watch late at night when bored for a few laughs? YES.
Random? Yes.
Biblically Accurate? No.
Good to watch late at night when bored for a few laughs? YES.
Lydia's rating:

Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
Like any fourth installment of a movie, this lacked in some ways, but I was actually pleasently surprised. The quality of the jokes weren't up to par, but the animation was wonderful.
My favorite part was Sid the Sloth, and the bits about Scrat, as usual. :]
My favorite part was Sid the Sloth, and the bits about Scrat, as usual. :]
Lydia's rating:

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