Marcello Dudovich' Ads_6

Holidays - La Rinascente (1955).
Marcello Dudovich collaborated with La Rinascente (The Resurgent) department stores (clothing, household and beauty products) from 1921 to 1955.
Marcello Dudovich collaborated with La Rinascente (The Resurgent) department stores (clothing, household and beauty products) from 1921 to 1955.

Textile Industry and Autarkic Clothing Exposition - Venice - Ca' Giustinian - 20th August-7th September 1941 - 6th-7th September: High Fashion Shows Under the Auspices of the National Fashion Agency.

Marcello Dudovich
Selected ads conceived and designed by Italian graphic and painter Marcello Dudovich.

Marcello Dudovich with his wife Elisa Bucchi in Venice in 1910.

Marcello Dudovich in 1955.
See also:

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