Least Liked Characters
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Game of Thrones (2011)
Joffrey Baratheon
Yuck. Joffrey is probably my least favorite character of all time, and the title is well earned. It's hard to have sympathy of any sort for this sick f**k who's cruelty is only surpassed by his cowardice. Die already!
Cersei Lannister
Cersei f**ked her twin brother Jaime and had an incest baby, Joffrey. That was her first mistake. Also she treats her awesome brother Tyrion 'the Imp' like sh*t, and she is generally a manipulative ho'.

Viserys Targaryen

Robin Arryn
Nasty, gross, weird little kid. His habit of drinking his mother's breast milk is disconcerting. The child actor is cute though. "I want to see the bad man fly!"
Yuck. Joffrey is probably my least favorite character of all time, and the title is well earned. It's hard to have sympathy of any sort for this sick f**k who's cruelty is only surpassed by his cowardice. Die already!

Cersei Lannister
Cersei f**ked her twin brother Jaime and had an incest baby, Joffrey. That was her first mistake. Also she treats her awesome brother Tyrion 'the Imp' like sh*t, and she is generally a manipulative ho'.

Viserys Targaryen

Robin Arryn
Nasty, gross, weird little kid. His habit of drinking his mother's breast milk is disconcerting. The child actor is cute though. "I want to see the bad man fly!"

moviebuff15's rating:

moviebuff15's rating:

moviebuff15's rating:

moviebuff15's rating:

Newlyweds (2011)
Linda (Kerry Bishe)
Obnoxious and irresponsible. If I had a sister just like her, I would movie to the other side of the world.
Obnoxious and irresponsible. If I had a sister just like her, I would movie to the other side of the world.

moviebuff15's rating:

Despicable Whoring b**ch. Beats the living crap out of her trusting mentally deficient 'boyfriend,' manipulates him when it suits her. Prostitutes and gets drunk in her spare time.
Despicable Whoring b**ch. Beats the living crap out of her trusting mentally deficient 'boyfriend,' manipulates him when it suits her. Prostitutes and gets drunk in her spare time.

moviebuff15's rating:

moviebuff15's rating:

Blitz (2011)
Brant (Jason Staitham) & Weiss (Aidan Gillen)
Brant is an uninteresting, Borderline sadistic macho man with control issues. Weiss is a psychotic twat who likes the kill cops and set police dogs on fire and put it on youtube. By the way, Staitham is merely kicking Gillen's ass in this picture, but that's not what it looks like (wink).
Brant is an uninteresting, Borderline sadistic macho man with control issues. Weiss is a psychotic twat who likes the kill cops and set police dogs on fire and put it on youtube. By the way, Staitham is merely kicking Gillen's ass in this picture, but that's not what it looks like (wink).

moviebuff15's rating:

Most annoying, detestable, and downright unlikable characters in movie and television. Not all 'villains' in the strictest sense, all these characters will anger and exasperate you in some way.
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