History of Horror
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Over 10 years and still going strong!
Still regularly updating it!
Thanks everyone who likes this list, and always keeps coming back to see what's new, I appreciate your support and your suggestions!
Here's for ten more years!
Here are a few films (both good and bad) that somehow helped model and/or were modeled by the horror formula throughout the years.
Anything goes: horror, suspense, thriller, mystery, gore fests, slashers, horror comedies, even spoofs and documentaries about the genre.
Ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves, mummies, aliens, killer animals, giant monsters, serial killers, you name it!
And of course, suggestions are most welcome!
Still regularly updating it!
Thanks everyone who likes this list, and always keeps coming back to see what's new, I appreciate your support and your suggestions!
Here's for ten more years!
Here are a few films (both good and bad) that somehow helped model and/or were modeled by the horror formula throughout the years.
Anything goes: horror, suspense, thriller, mystery, gore fests, slashers, horror comedies, even spoofs and documentaries about the genre.
Ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves, mummies, aliens, killer animals, giant monsters, serial killers, you name it!
And of course, suggestions are most welcome!
Some lists that helped me with mine:
·Krimi Films by Gauntlet
·Giallo Films by Hexenkult
·Italian Gothic Horror by Hexenkult
·Silent Horror Cinema by Hexenkult
·Slasher Films - 1980s by Grisly Atoms
·Eco-Terror Films - The 'Nature Hates You' List by jaytoast
·European horror 2000-2009 by propelas
·Underrated Horror Films by Hexenkult
·Horror - Cult Flicks & Trash Pics by AFIoscar
·Sci-Fi Channel Original Movies by Artemis Panthar
·Godzilla Series by Prudence
·Toho Kaiju Films (Non-Godzilla) by Pumpkinate
·Gamera by Pumpkinate
·Kaiju Search Robot Avery's Top 20 Craziest Kaiju by Pumpkinate
·Amityville Franchise by jordanwiles94
·Owned by pamela voorhees
·My Horror collection by becca85
·My Hammer films by J Luoma
·My Horror Collection by Pimbo
·Scream Queens by Hexenkult
·Top 10 Most Influential Unknown Horror Movies by dan
·Fangoria's 101 Best Horror Films You've Never Seen by 350125g0
·Classics: Horror by pele_incognita
·100 Greatest Horror Movie Performances-retroCRUSH by AFIoscar
·CFCA: 100 Scariest Movies of All-Time by Lamourhaaja
·Best in Horror: 1980's by Xanadon't
·Surprising Killers by Nonfictionguy
·Horror/Thriller/Supernatural Movies by mysticmage321
·B-Grade Horrors by Lex
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48 votes
Movie lists from other users that I serve as refer
(55 lists)list by Rath
Published 10 years, 7 months ago

13 votes
Film and TV Genres
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Published 12 years, 5 months ago
1 comment

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Published 13 years, 1 month ago

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