Harry potter, best to worst
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Things I loved:
1. The length of the film was perfect, it didn't feel drawn out often, and when it did, it recovered quickly.
2. The acting. The Trio really shows how much they've grown as actors, and most of the drama and depression was believable.
3. The continuity. I recognized moments from previous books and films mentioned. the additions of Kreacher and Dobby were great.
4. The tone. I loved the darkness of this film, it really set it apart from the others because you felt the dread and the uncertainty with every minute. There was a great scene where there are the voices of Fred and George on the radio, reading off names of missing witches and wizards as Ron, Harry, and Hermione walk together in solitude, it's amazing.
Things I hated:
1. The dancing scene with Harry and Hermione. It was one of few moments that felt forced and out of place.
2. The continuity. While I knew what was happening, a lot of fans who hadn't read the books had no idea. For some reason, they decided to make the last two films the most continuity-heavy, and you have to read the books to nderstand a lot of what is happening.
Hobbit's rating:

This is the movie that is most like the book it is based upon. It's very whimsical and funny, and it doesn't take itself too seriously.
Hobbit's rating:

Things I loved:
1. Cormac McGlaggen and Lavender Brown were perfectly cast.
2. The cave scene.
3. The Unbreakable Vow, the scene was well placed and very well executed.
Things I hated:
1. The tone of the film was uneven. It tried to blend comedy, romance, and drama but it failed.
2. There was nearly no focus on The Half Blood Prince. I watched this with my parents, who haven't read the books. By the time they revealed who the Half Blood Prince was, my parents forgot about the storyline and couldn't see its importance.
3. Too much focus on romance.
4. They skipped over many of the important parts of Voldemort's past. This includes Why he chose his horcruxes, his parentage, and his relationship with Dumbledore.
Hobbit's rating:

This was a near perfect adaptation, as well as a good film on it's own, but, there were times where, like the novel, it felt like filler.
Hobbit's rating:

I did not enjoy this movie. It wasn't a very faithful adaptation, but that isn't really why I didn't like it. Much of the acting felt a little forced, and the Order of the Phoenix, as a group, was disappointing, feeling more like a club than a defense system.
Hobbit's rating:

What can I say about this movie, other than that it was, bland, filled with plot holes, and poorly acted. Plus, it's a horrible adaptation of one of my favorite books in the entire series.
Hobbit's rating:

This is the one I'm going to judge as an adaptation as a whole:
1. the film was too comedic and lighthearted. I pandered to the younger audience while the novel was the point at which Harry Potter wasn't just for kid's anymore.
2. No explanation of who made the marauder's map made it seem like a prop. The novel went more into the origin of the map, who made it, and why (hint: this is important)
3. Remus was poorly cast, and looked like a pedophile.
4. No Sir Cadogen, seriously? It doesn't seem like it matters, but, he was a fan favorite, and leaving him out was like a slap in the face. Still, it's not like the movie needed more comic relief.
Hobbit's rating:

I vowed to never make this list, but, nonetheless, here it is.
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