GTA Grand Theft Auto series
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Grand Theft Auto - PC Games

The original version was developed for DOS, with a Windows, PlayStation and Game Boy Color version following shortly. A Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo 64 port of this game were both shelved.

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Grand Theft Auto - PlayStation
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 - PC Games

Grand Theft Auto: Director's Cut - PC Games
GTA: Director's Cut was a re-release of the original Grand Theft Auto, with the London 1969 Mission Pack built-in.
Grand Theft Auto: Director's Cut - PlayStation
Includes full version of Grand Theft Auto as well as it's London, 1969 mission pack.
Grand Theft Auto - Game Boy Color

Grand Theft Auto 2 - PC Games

The PC version is the better version as it offers uncensored language (rated M, while PS version is rated T) as well as noon and dusk modes, allowing the player to either drive around in daylight, or at night with dynamic lighting effects - PS version only had daytime.
On Christmas 2004, Rockstar announced they will be releasing GTA & GTA2 for free from their website:
Grand Theft Auto 2 - PlayStation
As mentioned above, the PlayStation version had the game's language and gore were censored to give it a T rating, and didn't have the 'dusk' option to drive around at night-time.
Grand Theft Auto 2 - Sega Dreamcast
Unlike the PS version, GTA2 for Dreamcast was rated M, just like the PC version, as it wasn't censored.
Grand Theft Auto 2 - Game Boy Color
Just like the first one, GTA 2 was ported to the Game Boy Color platform.
Grand Theft Auto III - PlayStation 2

GTA III enjoyed positive reception upon its release; it quickly became 2001's top selling video game and is cited as a landmark for its far-reaching influence within the gaming industry. Its success was a significant factor in the series' subsequent popularity; as of 2008, five GTA prequels set before events in GTA III have been released. The game's violent and sexual content has also been the source of moral panic and controversy.
Grand Theft Auto III - PC Games

However, the PC version supports higher screen resolutions, has more detailed textures, a customizable player skin, and a custom option for MP3s playback in cars, none of which are found in the original PS2 release.
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PlayStation 2

In contrast to the gritty urbanism feel of GTA III, Vice City (mostly) depicts a clean and upscale city (loosely based on Miami) with palm trees, golden beaches, and colourful sunsets. The plot and settings also borrow heavily from Scarface and Carlito's Way, as well as the TV Show Miami Vice.
Vice City is based on the GTA III engine, with mostly cosmetic and gameplay tweaks and enhancements. And just like its predecessor, this title also had its fair share of controversy, not only for its violent and sexual themes, but its racist elements towards Cubans and Haitians.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PC Games

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Grand Theft Auto Collector's Edition - PlayStation
This classic re-releease on PlayStation includes the original GTA, GTA: London 1969, and GTA2.

This release has earned a slang name on the net: GTA: DP
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Grand Theft Auto - Game Boy Advance
GTA Advance's story is actually a prequel to GTA III, taking place one year prior to the events in GTA III. As it takes place in GTA III's Liberty City, familiar landmarks re-appear and the overall street layout is the same.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PlayStation 2

Unlike Vice City and GTA III, which needed loading screens when traveling between different districts of the city, San Andreas has no load times when the player is in transit (which is notable, given how much larger this game is compared to the other two). There is a lot more vehicles as well, over 200, compared the 85 vehicles found in GTA III.
The game was very well received, and to date, has sold over 21 million copies (PS2, Xbox and PC versions combined).

The Xbox version also has 480p support, but when enabled, causes aliasing to get out of whack, resulting in excessive and distracting blurriness. In standard resolution, the graphics are similar to the PS2.
List-All's rating:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PC Games
The PC and Xbox versions of GTA: San Andreas were released at the same time, in early June 2005. This version included extra radio stations and additions of custom MP3 tracks, as well as increased resolutions over the console versions.
Controversy brewed up once more for the series when just a few weeks after its PC launch, a Dutch programmer discovered hidden code within the game, called 'Hot Coffee'. A patch was soon circulating around the net, followed by Action Replay codes for both the Xbox and PS2 versions, which allowed full access to sex mini-games that were always present in the game's code. The backlash gained so much publicity that ESRB issued an Adults-Only rating to game, resulting in most retailers from pulling the game off their shelves. As a result, Rockstar had to re-issue the game as ver 2.0 with the 'Hot Coffee' code completely removed.

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Duplicate - PlayStation 2
This Special Edition re-release for the PS2 includes 'The Introduction', a 26-minute movie on a seperate DVD which chronicles the events leading up to the events in San Andreas and provides insight on the development of the characters of the game, to the point when Carl learns of his mother's death in a phone call from Sweet and returns to Los Santos.
The Introduction, Part 1
The Introduction, Part 2

The Introduction, Part 2
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - PlayStation Portable

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - PlayStation 2
Rockstar released the hit PSP game Liberty City Stories as a PS2 Port in June 2006 to gives fans of the series fresh material while they await the next-gen GTA release. The pricing of the PS2 game was less than half the typical price of a big name new release title, retailing for $19.99 in the US. The PS2 and PSP versions have gone on to sell over 8 million copies in total.
This trilogy set includes Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - PlayStation Portable

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - PlayStation 2
Released in March 2007, the PlayStation 2 version of the game is almost straight port. There was some improvements such as enhanced graphics, draw distance, and performance as expected, but also includes a few new side activities that were not in the PSP release.
Grand Theft Auto IV - Xbox 360

Prior to its release, Grand Theft Auto IV was very highly anticipated, with experts predicting record-breaking sales and revenue. Since its release, the game has received universal acclaim from video game critics, scoring many perfect 10s.
Grand Theft Auto IV - PlayStation 3

There's only minor differences between the two console versions, and both are on track to break all sales records for their respective platforms.
List-All's rating:

Grand Theft Auto IV - PC Games
The Windows version of GTA IV is set to be released on November 18th, 2008.

The controversial series published by Rockstar Games where the player follows the day-to-day of a criminal in fictional (but inspired by real) cities in the United States (along a trip to 1960's London). While all games are played in a large sandbox world where the player is free to do whatever he desires, there are missions and a plot to be followed. It inspired other games with the same components (driving and foot sequences) such as Mafia, The Getaway and Driv3r.

The series began in 1997 and currently has eight stand-alone games. Film veterans such as Michael Madsen, Burt Reynolds, Dennis Hopper, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Penn, James Woods, Joe Pantoliano, Frank Vincent, Robert Loggia and Ray Liotta have all voiced major characters in many installments in the series. The name of the series and its games are derived from "grand theft auto," a term referring to motor vehicle theft. As of March 26, 2008, the franchise has sold over 70 million copies worldwide according to Take-Two Interactive.

Grand Theft Auto: Parody City

Most Anticipated GTA title ever!
(click on image for more info)


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copyright disclaimer: many of game descriptions and info is from Wikipedia, images from Gamespot and MobyGames, and video links from YouTube
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