Greatest Video Games of All Time
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Super Metroid - Super famicom and SNES
Let me just say this straight off the bat Metroid is my favourite video game franchise of all time so I might come across a little biased putting it at #1 but this game has everything Great atmosphere, great gameplay, replayability, truly a timeless classic not only the best game ever in my opinion but the best SNES game of all time as well.
Scottie2K3's rating:

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Nintendo 64
Ahhh yes the greatest N64 game ever made from one of the greatest and my most favourite game franchise ever, The Legend of Zelda is just epic period!
But OOT my god this game is absolutely incredible
But OOT my god this game is absolutely incredible
Scottie2K3's rating:

Metal Gear Solid - PlayStation
The Greatest Playstation game ever made, need I say more?
Scottie2K3's rating:

Duplicate - PlayStation
My favourite of the entire Final Fantasy Franchise, I immersed myself for hours in this game even more so than I did with any of the other Final Fantasy games including VII & VIII.
Scottie2K3's rating:

Resident Evil 2 - PlayStation
The first Resident Evil game that introduced me to not only the Resident Evil franchise but to the survival horror genre as well, I was 8 years old when I first played this game and needless to say I shit my pants :P
Scottie2K3's rating:

Halo 2 - Xbox
Reach is amazing, Halo 3 is Amazing, Halo Combat evolved is amazing but Halo 2 for me takes first place as being the greatest Halo game ever for me.
Scottie2K3's rating:

Final Fantasy VII - PlayStation
Timeless game, a true classic that has stood the test of time.
Scottie2K3's rating:

The Revenge of Shinobi - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
The hours of my childhood I use to spend playing this game along with Streets of Rage on the Sega Genesis, it kinda makes me wish I was young again.
Scottie2K3's rating:

Pokemon: Blue Version - Game Boy
I might be going on 22 next year but Pokemon still holds a deep place in my heart, after all it was like the biggest factor of my childhood i'm sure any other person who was born in 1990 and growing up through the 90's would agree.
Scottie2K3's rating:

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