Got Oscar? *update 7/26/11
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Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet, the academy defiantly missed this one, at least they gave michael shannon one
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The Soloist (2009)
this movie is pretty great, and within in the first 5 minutes of jammie foxx on screen i knew by the way he was acting that he would get nominated....GUESS NOT
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Scarface (1983)
I know the academy loves pacino, but they missed this one, he really kept the accent throughout the movie and was top notch like he always is
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American Psycho (2000)
Christian Bale-I thought if you're crazy you easily get a nomination, GUESS NOT
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Brothers (2009)
Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyenhaall, and Natlie Portman were all great in this
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Manic (2002)
Don Cheadle and Joseph Gordon Levitt, Don Cheadle's freak out is awesome, and my first view of JGL in a movie and I was mesmerised
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Reservation Road (2007)
Jaqouin Phoenix, Mark Ruffalo, and Jennifer Connelly, emotion is acting right, last time i checked it was
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You forgot Christopher Lyod he was awesome in this
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The Doors (1991)
Do they hate Val Kilmer or something, playing characters is acting right
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Ethan Hawke, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman are awesome in this
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Down in the Valley (2005)
Ed Norton, Evan Rachel Wood, and David Morse were awesome in this
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Requiem for a Dream (2000)
I do believe Ellen Burtsyn deserved the nomination, but Jared Leto and Jennifer Connelly should have got nominated
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these are the actors that should have gotten an oscar nod for their performances
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