Good Looking
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charming, funny, and good looking. Though this list mostly isn't in any particular order, he is hands down my number one. you should watch the unauthorized documentary, it's really great.

heres a link to the first unauthorized episode on youtube:
cairparavel's rating:

Dev Patel, you can make any movie amazing. I will seriously see a movie multiple times just cause he is in it

cairparavel's rating:

It seems Aaron Johnson does not get enough credit for his work or good looks. I am so excited for Nowhere Boy, even though Paul Mccartney is my favorite Beatle.

preview for Nowhere Boy:
cairparavel's rating:

Speaking of Paul Mccartney, he is my favorite Beatle. He always seems like he is having so much fun. I like that he shakes his head when he sings. He always looks suprised too, which I like a lot.

cairparavel's rating:

The lead singer of The Killers. His solo album Flamingo will be out September 14th in the United States. He is really creative and not to mention a wonderful singer/songwriter.

Crossfire; a song from his new album, Flamingo:
cairparavel's rating:

"Bob Dylan was never good looking and he couldn't hold a tune"
-My Grandmother on what she thought of young Dylan
I couldn't disagree more.

cairparavel's rating:

He can do the most annoying things in movies, I don't care, it's Justin Long. I don't know how to put it into words with him.

cairparavel's rating:

I don't think I've ever been as sad as I was after realizing he was dead while watching Stand by Me.

cairparavel's rating:

He is funny, super funny. I watch his show whenever it's on, and i would have hated Taking Woodstock if it wasn't for him.

cairparavel's rating:

cairparavel's rating:

The first real-life person I'd ever loved.
(though Pokemon's Ash Ketchum was my first crush)
He is just so wonderful in Mary Poppins.

cairparavel's rating:

I think you are good looking.
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