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Added by the giraffe on 1 Jun 2012 06:34
693 Views 8 Comments

the giraffe's Movie Exchange Program in review

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Round 1: jaytoast's films

jaytoast's first round of films all focused on the mind, and all successfully managed to bring me out of my own to some degree. They were all thought-provoking (pun intended) & thus more worth my time than any mindless blockbuster would be. Also none of them were really on my radar & so I wouldn't have watched any of these without this project, which was partly the point of the project to begin with.
People who added this item 601 Average listal rating (361 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.7
First viewing - March 20th

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

A brilliant fictionalized version of the events of the Stanford Prison Experiment, and thus a thought-provoking exploration of how humans will behave under stressful conditions in close quarters. The entire cast gives perfect performances, and the various technical aspects impress as well when you're not completely submerged in the story & events. It's not often I leave my couch & move closer to the TV during a film's final moments in excitement & anticipation of what's to come.

A big thanks is due to jaytoast for including this among the films he sent, because it sure wasn't on my radar.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 734 Average listal rating (387 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 6.8
Spider (2002)
First viewing - Feb. 8th

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I decided to watch both of my selections from jaytoast's films as a double feature, and wound up spending a night with a pair of schizophrenics (which makes 4 movies in a row that deal with varying degrees of unhealthy mental states). Here we have a slow burner as Ralph Fiennes's titular character explores his past by revisiting the area he grew up in, and I was completely blown away by his performance. Fiennes really disappears into his character, and even if this isn't your kind of film he makes it worth watching.

Cronenberg effectively brings you into Spider's world by placing him in every scene & making him inescapable. You're trapped with him as he struggles to piece together the events of his childhood which shaped him forever into the shell of a man he's become. And even as it's clear from a long way off that there will be no happy endings here, it's unclear exactly what that ending will be (even Spider isn't sure).

Once the ball got rolling I really loved this film. There are a couple of scenes that left me with unanswered questions though, and the film moves very slowly at the start. Those are the only flaws I could find, and I'm not entirely sure the pacing for the opening part wasn't more appropriate than it seemed. A re-watch down the road will confirm that for me I guess, and a re-watch will definitely be worthwhile.
the giraffe's rating:
First viewing - Feb. 9th

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Much like Spider, this film is all about the lead role which is played to perfection by Peter Greene (best known as Zed in Pulp Fiction). I was mesmerized watching Greene's character figure out ways to avoid his own reflection, and some of the ways he chooses to do so wind up reflecting his mental state.

Perhaps even more impressive than Greene's performance, however, is the way sound is used in Clean, Shaven. The variety of sounds used throughout the film help us get inside the main character's head better than his facial expressions and actions do (same goes for dialogue, of which there's little).

This film isn't always comfortable to watch, and it's clear that that's the intention here. Yet I was mostly spellbound by it, which means that some of the more harrowing moments will long be embedded in my head.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 141 Average listal rating (81 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.4
Brainstorm (1983)
First viewing - March 21st

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Yet another movie that's proof that the government will ruin anything that's potentially fun for the rest of us. Also proof of the dangers of taking scientific explorations too far. It's solidly entertaining though, with a strong cast & some excellent visuals for its time. I especially enjoyed watching the robots wreak havoc in the lab.

Not a new favorite, but definitely worth checking out.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 818 Average listal rating (461 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.2
First viewing - March 27th-28th
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Rather a mixed bag here. On the one hand I was very impressed by the technical aspects of the film, even if they did try my patience over time. The opening credits should probably come with a warning for those prone to epileptic seizures, and if you're one of those who can't handle first-person video games due to a tendency toward motion sickness this film may not be for you either. Fortunately I fall into neither category, so I was mostly OK with the way the film is shot.

Early on you're told where the film is headed & the film admirably accomplishes an exploration of the after-life as detailed in a book discussed by the characters. There's just enough interesting going on to keep you watching, but eventually it drags on far longer than necessary & devolves into drawn-out attempts to be subversive (or perhaps offensive, depending on your sensibilities). Much of it gets repetitive after a while too, which only helped to reinforce my conclusion that the film could be edited down by an hour & have accomplished the same thing more effectively.

Had the emotional side of the film ever managed to connect with me I might be more willing to rate this one higher, and I'd almost give it another point out of admiration of the technical side of the film. But unfortunately my growing disinterest & pleas for the film to end already speak louder to me & thus it gets a 6 rather than a 7.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 2: phillydude's films

For starters, phillydude's first picks gave me the chance to spend some time with Clint Eastwood, an actor whose films I had largely avoided for no good reasons. I don't know that I'd go so far as to say I'm a fan of his now, but I will say that he has starred in some good/great movies that I'm happy I have finally seen. I probably would have gotten around to watching his critically-acclaimed westerns at some point, but this gave me the push to check them out sooner rather than later which was good. Quick Change had been on my want-to-watch list for a long time so I'm glad he included it too, and so the other two films here were ones I probably wouldn't have watched otherwise.
People who added this item 2096 Average listal rating (1376 ratings) 8 IMDB Rating 8.2
Unforgiven (1992)
First viewing - April 30th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts - N/A

A stellar western with a lot on its mind. Clearly Eastwood is looking deeply at his career and the films that made him a star, which results in a very personal movie but not one that's impossible to enjoy. The cast is amazing, the characters well developed, and I was captivated by the story from start to finish. It fell just short of earning a perfect score from me, but I could see it earning one from others.
the giraffe's rating:
First viewing - April 24th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Two powerful lead performances and a smart script peppered with clever touches make this one well worth watching. I enjoyed it so much I'm willing to forgive its few flaws somewhat. There's a romantic subplot that didn't fully work for me (though it did present one of the film's most entertaining moments), and some cliche elements (as noted in PvtCaboose91's review). Still, it's definitely one of Eastwood's better films, and one I wouldn't have checked out were it not thanks to our film exchange.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 206 Average listal rating (141 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.8
Quick Change (1990)
First viewing - May 7th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

See also: New Cult Canon article on the A.V. Club site

I link to the above article because it puts this film perfectly in perspective & echoes my thoughts on it. I loved the beginning third of the film, but the rest of it didn't quite hold up as well. A lot of the major plot points were pretty predictable, but I found myself entertained & engrossed regardless. The various characters & faces of NYC helped enliven the film as it proceeded, and so I think I got more enjoyment out of the smaller roles than I did any of the main roles other than Bill Murray's.

So in the end I found it underrated & worth a look.

Oh yeah, and had I known what I was getting into with this film I totally would have paired it with The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. They complement each other nicely I think.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 1472 Average listal rating (810 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.7
First viewing - May 28th-29th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

A visual beauty expertly directed & wonderfully acted. And yet for some reason I never connected with it emotionally & was never all that excited by it. Probably I just wasn't in the mood for it, and so your results may differ.
the giraffe's rating:
First viewing - April 18th-19th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I suppose I'll catch some hell for this, but I find this movie a bit overrated. The film starts out great & ends up the same way, but the long road between the two points wound up taxing my patience to the point I eventually begged the film to end already & even started to fall asleep at one point. The run-time is supposedly 2 hours & 57 minutes, but it felt like about 6 hours to me. So unlike the previous films I can't say I was consistently entertained by this one, nor that I'd be too quick to revisit it (though that's not to say I never will). Perhaps my expectations were too high?

Oh yeah, the soundtrack is killer.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 3: Xanadon't's films

Xanadon't's first round of films all shared a common use of black & white (even though Lady Vengeance is technically in color), and of them one I'd seen before, another I had seen half of before & meant to finish, and the rest weren't on my radar (or at least not before I started paying attention to Xanadon't's movie tastes, however long ago that was).
People who added this item 1994 Average listal rating (1129 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.3
Pi (1998)
First viewing - July 10th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

Actually I'd watched part of this a few years back at a friend's house. It was late though & we both wound up going to sleep instead of finishing the movie, and I didn't get a chance to finish it before I came home.

Pi is interesting on many levels...sonically, visually, thematically, performance-wise. I found myself very engaged with it & am mildly surprised as I look around & see a lot of confusion as far as what the film is trying to say (maybe you should watch it again). I got a lot out of it, I just didn't fall in love with it enough to give it a perfect score.
the giraffe's rating:
First viewing - June 24th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies in general, but Roman Holiday is among the better ones I've seen. My only complaint is that it was obvious where the film was headed, but fortunately it's not so obvious how it will get there. I felt it ran a little long too, but that may have had more to do with the late hour I watched it. Still, it's entertaining thanks largely to the performances of the couple at its center whose chemistry works so well throughout, as well as a mostly believable story.

Once again I have to thank Xanadon't, as I would likely have skipped this one too.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 196 Average listal rating (113 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.7
First viewing - June 10th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

A thoughtful exploration of sex and love, Scorsese's first film worked better for me than some of his later ones. That's due largely to the simplicity of it and the strong performances of Keitel & Bethune. Their chemistry is perfect, and I thoroughly enjoyed their conversations about movies through which Scorsese displays his love of cinema (a discussion of Lee Marvin made me wonder if this character grew up to be Mr. White in Reservoir Dogs). Once sex enters into the picture though things get complicated & we're given food for thought regarding past social beliefs & the factors that influence them (religion, upbringing, tradition, personal experiences). A fitting subject, given the year the film was made & the sexual revolution that was getting going.

On the other hand it's never entirely clear what's going on with the young men in the film (do they work? are they gangsters?), and there are some technical aspects that don't work so well. The ending is a little weak too. But as we know over time Scorsese's technique would improve, and there are many signs here of what would come. As a debut though, I thought it was very good.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 1074 Average listal rating (616 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.5
Re-watch - July 31st

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

I first watched Sympathy for Lady Vengeance a few years ago & struggled with it. I kept falling asleep at the time, and given how much of it was familiar to me on my second viewing I missed even more of it than I'd thought. This time it was also putting me to sleep, but I did a far better job of staying awake & not missing anything. Probably I just shouldn't watch this film late at night haha.

Anyway, I thought the film was Amazing visually, the story is really good, and the performances are mostly excellent. My problem with it though is that it's far too long & drawn out for its own good. I felt like if it were 15 to 30 minutes shorter it'd be much better. All the lingering shots and long silences wore out their welcome for me. Still, it's well worth a look & better than I'd originally thought.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 1080 Average listal rating (661 ratings) 7.9 IMDB Rating 8
Notorious (1946)
First viewing - June 24th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

Also watched while hanging out with our daughter, since we knew there wouldn't be anything here objectionable for young viewers. Personally I wasn't at all impressed by it. Didn't connect with it, found the story to be rather dull, didn't believe in the romantic aspects of the plot, and was only mildly entertained as a result. Which is sad, as I usually dig Hitchcock's work. Also I was a little annoyed that so many scenes have obvious starts & ends to them rather than flowing naturally together...it looked like each scene had been shot separately & pieced back together afterwards. Aside from the clunky transitions though the film looks great, and most of the performances are solid. But the suspense I've come to expect from a Hitchcock film doesn't show up until a pair of scenes toward the end, by which time it was too little too late. Bummer.

Looking at the ratings for Notorious it appears the film works better for others than it did for me, so your results may well vary greatly from mine.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 4: My films

I sent these out for the rest of the group to watch the first time around, and wanted to see how I felt about them now while comparing my impressions to theirs. So I re-watched all of them in August, while also watching the 2nd batch of films from jaytoast (see below).
People who added this item 1350 Average listal rating (941 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.7
Re-watch - Aug. 18th/19th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Yep, I still absolutely love this movie. I love the way it incorporates some animation sequences that recall Looney Tunes, the comic gags, the way the film is shot & framed, the soundtrack (which seems to go unmentioned among the aspects praised), the characters, and the overall sense of FUN it both basks in & passes along to me. Plus the more times I watch it the more I notice the nods to various films which undoubtedly influenced this one.

Side note: I recently came across an interview with Bill Murray who called Kung Fu Hustle "the supreme achievement of the modern age in terms of comedy," and said, "There should have been a day of mourning for American comedy the day that movie came out."
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 44 Average listal rating (31 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.9
Re-watch - Aug. 31st

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I'll concede the points of both jaytoast & Xanadon't with regard to the narration. Indeed it's the weakest aspect of this documentary, though I feel like there are a few times where it's justified. Did some digging & found that this was originally filmed for British TV & edited for the theatrical release, so perhaps that's partly why the narrator has such a strong presence. That said however, I don't feel like the narration hurts the film in any way, just that it could be better without it (or at least with it toned down).

Otherwise I still love everything about the documentary, especially the life-affirming nature of the film & the elderly people it spends time with. The music videos serve as both showcases of the group's talents and solid transitional pieces throughout the run time, and I get a kick out of watching elderly people perform modern rock songs. Hell, I even like the rendition here of a Coldplay song & I hate that fucking band. If that's not worth full marks, I don't know what is.

And on a final note, I still want to join the chorus when I'm old enough provided it's still active then.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 830 Average listal rating (511 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.9
Re-watch - Aug. 28th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

First I have to say that I love Samuel L. Jackson and it is always a delight when he isn't in a film where he is screaming obscenities for 15min and playing a crazy man. It is just old at this point.

I really liked the film and the I think it managed to capture some really dark characters with a great deal of respect. The world isn't a pretty place. There are many people who have never known respect, dignity or hope. Still, for as dark as things get... there is still a shred of something human in us all.

I think the film managed to capture the pain of the soul and how that pain can bring us together. Even if our pain is rooted in different causes.
--jaytoast from his July movie journal

I'd add to the above that the entire cast is excellent, especially Christina Ricci who gives one of her best performances here. Also I had a personal geek-out moment last night when I realized Ariel Winters was played by the same actress that played Reba the mail lady on Pee-wee's Playhouse (which I've watched recently, else I still wouldn't have noticed). Anyway, still a movie I thoroughly enjoy & would recommend others check out.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 882 Average listal rating (640 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 7.3
Re-watch - Aug. 18th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

The rest of the Movie Exchange Program group all mentioned that this is a film they would never have watched without our project. So I feel I should mention that I probably wouldn't have watched it either were it not for the same movie-buff friend mentioned in my comments above for Versus. Then again, I watched Kung Fu Hustle based on the trailers, so it's possible that film would have led me to check this one out eventually.

Here we've got a unique idea (kung fu applied to soccer) that's well executed, and well-done originality scores extra points with me from the start. Add to that the ways it pays tribute to Bruce Lee (see the image above for one example) and it earns more love from me. The romantic side plot never takes anything away from the film, which is typically tough to pull off in action movies, and there's a heaping helping of comedy which I enjoy (not to mention a brief dance number that's clearly borrowed from & paying tribute to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video). And so as a whole I'm entertained by the film from start to finish.

Yet something holds me back from calling this film perfect. Not entirely sure what it is, but something here isn't working as well as it potentially could. Fortunately whatever it is it doesn't detract from my enjoyment too much.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 226 Average listal rating (124 ratings) 6.7 IMDB Rating 6.4
Versus (2002)
Re-watch - Aug. 11th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I figured I'd start by watching the least well-received film from the ones I shared. I'd originally seen Versus about 10 years ago at the house of a fellow movie-buff friend, in one of those "dude, you've got to see this film" moments. And I loved it that first time, enough to insist a couple other people watch it with me since...but it had been a while since I last sat down with it, and I found that my high opinion of it had changed a little.

Now I don't think it had anything to do with the less favorable opinions expressed by my fellow Listalites after they watched it. More likely it's a matter of changing tastes over time. I still think it's a fun & entertaining film, but this time I thought it went on far too long for its own good thanks to a lot of lingering shots that don't seem necessary. In fact, by the end of it I was far too tired to squeeze another movie in behind it & went straight to bed. Versus is still a neat idea, one I haven't seen before or since really, but I no longer think it's the Great film I once thought it was.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 5: jaytoast's films

From here on out I'm not sure that any of the films were especially connected (if they were I either missed it or have forgotten), but we each included a horror movie (or two in my case, both on the same disc) so we'd each have one to watch in October when we're all in a horror mood. The others were to be watched around October so those who wanted to go all-horror could do so.
People who added this item 1165 Average listal rating (693 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.3
Brick (2006)
First viewing - Aug. 27th/28th

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts (he watched it before the project, so that's an older list)

Smart, stylish, intense, and a lot of fun, Brick puts a fresh spin on the detective film by giving it an unusual setting. Can't say I didn't see the ending coming though (but fortunately it took me a while to figure it out), and at times I felt like the camerawork was displaying flaws rather than stylistic flair. Still, this is definitely my kinda film so I won't hold those things against it too much.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 396 Average listal rating (221 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 7.9
No Man's Land (2001)
First viewing - Aug. 21st

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I love going into good movies with zero expectations. So I'm not going to give anyone else any expectations with this film either. I will say I was pleasantly surprised by No Man's Land & appreciated the way all aspects were handled even if I'm not giving it full marks.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 109 Average listal rating (52 ratings) 6.1 IMDB Rating 6.3
The Rapture (1991)
First viewing - Aug. 24th

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Tough film to comment on here, which probably means I'll have a lot to say by the time I'm done here. Heh. I love the way it presents its ideas about Christianity, complete with reasonable arguments against beliefs & faith as well as ardent if sometimes less reasonable arguments in favor of it. Mimi Rogers delivers a truly Great performance in the lead role, so Great that I was surprised I couldn't think of a single other film she'd been in (a few of which I've seen, thanks IMDb for the help). Without her performance the entire film would fall flat, but she manages to ground the tale firmly in reality all the way to the end. There's a lot of food for thought here regardless of what your beliefs are, and while a few events are easily predictable none of them minimize the film's impact in the end.

And so, despite my admiration of these things, in the end I have to factor my personal taste into this equation. This is definitely not a film I would have watched had it not been delivered to me (though I'm thankful to have had the opportunity), and moments of it had me rolling my eyes. I do think it's worth a look, but I didn't enjoy it quite to the extent I'd call it a new favorite.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 534 Average listal rating (314 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.4
First viewing - Aug. 25th/26th

phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Unsure whether it was the film's fault or my own, but as it went on I was falling asleep so my opinion of it may not be as favorable as someone else's. I should probably re-watch it before commenting on it, but odds are I won't have time to so here goes....

I liked the story idea (though a similar one has been adapted into the brilliant film The Legend of Hell House) and it has moments where the terror/suspense is well handled. The performances are good across the board, but I personally found the lead character Nell to be annoying at times. Additionally I was having a difficult time taking the film seriously & had to restrain myself from mocking it. Which disappoints me, as I've seen so many good/Great things about this film & had really hoped it'd completely blow me away. Perhaps a re-watch will earn a more favorable response from me, but for now I just thought it was OK.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 6: phillydude's films

People who added this item 321 Average listal rating (205 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.6
First viewing - Sept. 8th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts - N/A

I vaguely recall hearing great things about this film as a kid, but it never seemed like the kind of film I'd want to watch. As an adult, however, it's a film I could appreciate far more than I would have even as a teenager. The acting is stellar with the chemistry between Henry Fonda & Katharine Hepburn making for the film's best moments. The characters & situations are mostly believable, and in the end it's a pleasure to watch.

My only complaint is that some of the film's messages are so obviously put forth that I was occasionally put off by it. They occasionally seemed forced into the film for the benefit of the audience rather than completely organic. Still, the film is definitely worth a look & I'm glad I sat down with it.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 1411 Average listal rating (812 ratings) 7.6 IMDB Rating 8
Gandhi (1982)
First viewing - Sept. 28th/29th

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Gandhi is definitely a fascinating subject, and this film does an excellent job of showing who he was & what he fought for. Ben Kingsley gives a Great performance as he truly disappears into the role, and the rest of the cast is excellent as well. It winds up feeling like more of a documentary than a movie overall with so much care taken with the details along the way, and while I enjoyed it I'm sure others will be annoyed by how long the film is. I can only think of a couple things that might make the film even better than it is, but really it's very well done & worth watching once.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 304 Average listal rating (206 ratings) 6.3 IMDB Rating 6.6
Psycho II (1983)
First viewing - Oct. 31st

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

First off, Psycho never needed a sequel. It's a perfect film as it is & at the end of it there's nothing else left to explore. That said, this sequel is pretty good provided you can get over how unnecessary it is. The cast does an excellent job, the suspense is handled well, the story is decent, and the soundtrack is pretty good. On the downside, most of the effects aren't very well done & look cheesy as a result. Also the film frequently falls back on the original for ideas rather than forging its own path, including recreating scenes (albeit somewhat differently). Still, seeing Norman Bates returned back to the world is compelling enough to be worth watching, even if the original film is a tough (if not impossible) act to follow.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 588 Average listal rating (297 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.6
First viewing - Sept. 21st/22nd

jaytoast's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I had heard of this film a few times before, but odds are I wouldn't have watched it had it not been included among the films for this month. And while I'm glad I've finally seen it, it's not the sort of film I'd ever watch again. The acting is good (Meryl Streep's performance is definitely Oscar-worthy & thus well earned), the story is good, but I was never really swept away by it. That's not to say I wasn't engaged & entertained (I was), but I simply never felt excited about it.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 7: Xanadon't's films

People who added this item 1546 Average listal rating (958 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 7.6
25th Hour (2002)
First viewing - Nov. 10th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

Technically this was my first FULL viewing, as I'd started to watch this once before at my parents' house. As I recall, my dad sat down to watch it too at some point & I wound up changing the channel rather than watch it with him (possibly about the time Marty launches into his fuck everyone tirade).

Anyway, everything here is well done & nicely put together. The performances are mostly excellent and the story is compelling from start to finish. It works as well as a character study as it does a study of the character of post-9/11 NYC. Some of Spike Lee's visual choices don't do much for me personally, and I'm not sure I'd go out of my way to watch 25th Hour again. But I appreciate what Lee has done here & would say it's well worth watching.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 934 Average listal rating (581 ratings) 6.9 IMDB Rating 7
Martyrs (2008)
First viewing - Oct. 6th/7th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

This one starts off with an hour of pure cinematic horror bliss. Really throughout the first 2/3 of the film I was loving everything about it & had it pegged for a new favorite & easy 10/10. Then we get to the film's final 1/3 and it quit working for me. There's an unnecessary repetition of scenes that goes on far too long & the decision to make it as realistic as possible only served to make me turn further away from the film. It seems like the filmmaker wants the audience to go through a slice of the torment our protagonist goes through, so I guess it makes sense but it's definitely no fun to watch. And while the ending is thought-provoking I didn't find it entirely satisfying.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I finally watched Martyrs, but it's another film I simply can't recommend nor would I likely watch it again.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 1317 Average listal rating (778 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 7.9
Talk to Her (2002)
First viewing - Nov. 24th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts

Initially I didn't think much of this film other than that it was well shot & put together. But as it rolled along I found myself engrossed in the story, despite the fact that it seems like something plucked from a soap opera at times. The characters are well developed by the end, the acting is excellent, & I liked it overall even if some parts were easily predictable. I can't say I ever loved it, but it's definitely worth watching.
the giraffe's rating:
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Round 8: My films

We wrapped the project at the end of November, which worked out perfectly as I was able to watch/re-watch most of the films I'd sent out during my usual DVD focus in December.
People who added this item 298 Average listal rating (168 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 7.6
Re-watch - Dec. 10th

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

I've had a special place in my heart for this film since I first happened upon it one night on cable (TCM). And while I realize that it was on cable so I definitely wasn't the only person watching it, it still felt like a personal discovery of a hidden gem. And I still think it's excellent. The camerawork, the transformation scenes, and Fredric March's performance make this one well worth watching. I've always found it surprising that he plays both Jekyll & Hyde since he's unrecognizable under the Hyde make-up. Overall, it still feels pretty modern despite being made over 80 years ago & I still highly recommend it.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 426 Average listal rating (288 ratings) 7.2 IMDB Rating 7.4
Re-watch - Dec. 20th

jaytoast's thoughts - N/A
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

Still consistently entertaining & frequently hilarious, but I've dropped it down a star. I think my deep love for it the first time around was due to not being completely sober when I watched it (having a couple drinks beforehand will definitely make a film like this even funnier), though I do still appreciate the attention to detail throughout to not only make it look & feel like a blaxploitation flick but also keep it in the '70s era. Most spoofs these days are happy to reference something more modern regardless of when they're supposed to take place just for a laugh, whereas here the jokes remain firmly grounded in both the '70s & the events of the film. I especially love the way the ending plays out.

Still highly recommended.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 91 Average listal rating (51 ratings) 6.6 IMDB Rating 6.3
First viewing - Feb. 7th (not re-watched post-project in 2012)

jaytoast's thoughts
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

A hell of a debut from a director worth keeping an eye on. Bellflower looks like nothing else I've seen & for the most part manages to be a truly unique film. The actors fully embody their characters, which also helps it along, and the story is engrossing throughout. Then as the ending unfolded I wasn't completely satisfied with it for reasons I won't discuss. Ah, but perhaps another viewing or three will persuade me to look more favorably on it.

Still, I expect great things to come from Evan Glodell, who wrote, directed, starred in, & physically helped create some of the best aspects of this film.

Definitely NOT for everyone, but if you like your films dark and violent you should definitely give it a look.
the giraffe's rating:
People who added this item 140 Average listal rating (89 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 6.8
First viewing - Dec. 28th

jaytoast's thoughts - N/A
phillydude's thoughts
Xanadon't's thoughts

For those who don't already know, I own a DVD that has this on one side & the 1932 version on the other. I hadn't got around to watching this one yet when I shared it with the rest of the group, but figured it'd be a good excuse to finally watch it.

Turns out, it's worth watching. The acting is solid across the board, the score is excellent, and for the most part it's pretty well put together. There's an extra half hour here that's used to add some excellent dream imagery & a little more detail to a few sequences, but I couldn't help feeling like the extra time was mostly unnecessary. The 1932 film excels in part because it flows well from start to finish & hardly has a moment to lag, whereas this one I felt did lag from time to time. Also, the make-up effects weren't quite as strong I felt & I wasn't as impressed by the camerawork here. Plus in the final scene I could tell that most of Hyde's actions were done by a double instead of Spencer Tracy, which broke the spell a bit.

Perhaps I would've liked this one better had I watched it first. Ah well. Still I wouldn't talk anyone out of watching it. Now I should finally watch the silent version that's sitting in my IQ.
the giraffe's rating:

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The Movie Exchange Program was a film sharing project I participated in with fellow Listalites jaytoast, phillydude, and Xanadon't. Each of us pulled movies we owned and mailed them to the others in the group, and it lasted for all of 2012.

All thoughts courtesy of my monthly lists from 2012. Films listed in each section in the order I liked them starting with the one I liked BEST.

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the giraffe's lists for 2012 (18 lists)
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