the giraffe's favorite zombie movies
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Zombie Strippers! (2008)

Cheesy fun throughout. It's not for everyone by any means, but personally I found it to be the zombie equivalent of Piranha 3D. Robert Englund is especially entertaining.
the giraffe's rating:

Diary of the Dead (2008)

Romero returns to the start of the zombie uprising & sets it in the present day. This time his social commentary is focused primarily on modern media, which is vastly different from what it was at the time of Night of the Living Dead. I thought it was well-done for the most part, and especially enjoyed the cameos from several actors that appeared in his earlier films in the series.
the giraffe's rating:

This one is pretty cheesy due mostly to its embracing of the 80s styles, and the decision to give the zombies dialogue renders them more comedic than frightening (at least in my book). However it's so much fun I couldn't take it too seriously & therefore forgave its flaws for the most part. Plus, any film that admits openly to being influenced by Night of the Living Dead is cool in my book.
the giraffe's rating:

Zombi 2 (aka Zombie) (1979)

As I stated in my October 2011 Horrorfest list: zombie vs. shark...where else can you see that? To see how such an epic battle would go, check this movie out. Also if you love gore and zombies, check this movie out. On the other hand, if occasionally bad acting, laughable moments, race stereotypes displayed through broken-English dialogue, and unnecessary female nudity in horror movies is something you can't allow yourself to enjoy then you might not want to check this movie out.
Despite its flaws, I loved it.
the giraffe's rating:

Land of the Dead (2005)

Romero's zombies shine their social-commentary lights on post-9/11 America & show a world that's not too difficult to imagine. Here we have the biggest names actor-wise of any of Romero's Dead series & yet it maintains the series' B-movie feel.
the giraffe's rating:

Zombieland (2009)

In which the Zombie Survival Guide gets applied successfully to a zombie movie. A lot of fun throughout, with a cameo that (if it hasn't already been spoiled for you if you haven't seen this) is both unexpected and brilliantly done.
the giraffe's rating:

Dead Alive (1992)

I miss the Peter Jackson who made this film. Over-the-top in every way & fun from start to finish, the only flaw here lies with the cast members who aren't very good actors. Still, the flaw is minor when you're watching things like the martial-artist priest or the zombie baby.
the giraffe's rating:

Day of the Dead (1985)

The last truly Great zombie film Romero made, and its brightest moments come courtesy of an experimenting doctor and his most promising guinea pig. It's a little too slow-paced for its own good unfortunately, but well worth the time spent watching it.
the giraffe's rating:

Cemetery Man (1994)

A true original in the field of zombie films, or horror films in general for that matter. Rupert Everett deadpans his way through increasingly more insane situations involving the living dead (here called "returners"), and the ending will leave you thinking about this film for days afterwards.
the giraffe's rating:

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

The best zombedy of the 00s, with its references to other zombie (and non-zombie) films sprinkled throughout, a great cast, great script, and great soundtrack. How many movies can successfully combine romance, comedy and horror with each getting an equal share of screen time? I can only think of one.
the giraffe's rating:

Romero's follow-up to Night of the Living Dead is equally as good...some would say better than, and while I won't argue with them I've always been reluctant to give Dawn of the Dead the zombie crown. The social commentary is not only perfect but remains relevant, and the acting & effects are better than its predecessor mostly due to a decade's difference. I suppose what it all boils down to is that of the two films Dawn is a little more fun, while Night succeeds more at scaring me. And theoretically that's what horror movies are supposed to do.
Oh yeah, and fuck the remake. Other than being entertaining enough to not walk out early on, it fails.
the giraffe's rating:

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

My favorite zombie film, and possibly my favorite horror film of all-time. Romero's flesh-eating ghouls (later dubbed zombies) are truly creepy in black-and-white, the cast is great for a bunch of nobodies, and the social commentary is excellent. Romero came out of nowhere with this film & raised the bar for horror films while paving the way for the genre's future by showing people getting eaten on screen for the first time.
The only misstep Romero made with this film was not copyrighting it after the title changed. As such it became public domain...otherwise dude would be sitting on millions still.
the giraffe's rating:

Zombies seem to come in various forms, so let me be clear here...if there are no reanimated corpses feasting on the living then it doesn't qualify for inclusion in this list.
For the other "zombie" movies, please see my favorite "zombie" movies list.
For the other "zombie" movies, please see my favorite "zombie" movies list.
Inspired by all the other top/best zombie movie lists on here, the final push coming courtesy of Larry Talbot's list.
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